Articles - Do you have an urgent financial need to support someone with a mental illness? Crowdfunding campaign is your solution.
25th June 2024

Do you have an urgent financial need to support someone with a mental illness? Crowdfunding campaign is your solution.

Mental health means that a person is in a state of good mental and emotional well-being that allows them to lead a full and active life. This includes...

Articles - 8 ideas for fundraising campaigns to support organisations working with people with generalised anxiety disorder
24th June 2024
8 ideas for fundraising campaigns to support organisations working with people with generalised anxiety disorder

All of us experience intense anxiety at certain times in our lives. This is a normal reaction to stress and can be helpful in helping us cope with the challenges of everyday life. However, how do we know when this anxiety crosses boundaries and becomes a diagnosis? Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common mental condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Living in constant anxiety not only drains a person emotionally, but can also...

Articles - Financial help for teachers: how can funds be raised to equip a music room?
21st June 2024
Financial help for teachers: how can funds be raised to equip a music room?

Music education is a key element in student development, but often faces problems such as limited school budgets and insufficient funding to update old equipment in music rooms. Investment in music rooms not only improves the quality of education, but also plays an important role in the cultural and creative development of young talent. Teachers are often faced with the need to self-finance outdated or damaged musical instruments, which is an exp...

Articles - How to raise funds for a yoga centre?
20th June 2024
How to raise funds for a yoga centre?

Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines that originated in ancient India. It is the path that leads man to know himself. It helps him to make his body healthy and strong, and also frees it from any toxins and unnecessary substances that interfere with its functioning. The ultimate goal is moksha (liberation), though its exact form depends on the philosophical or theological stream of the school concerned. The pr...

Articles - Building a Buddhist centre by collecting donations
19th June 2024

Building a Buddhist centre by collecting donations

Buddhism is a religious and philosophical system of spiritual awakening that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices. They are based on the teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, often called the Buddha. Gautama lived and preached in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent between the 6th and 4th centuries B.C. He is regarded by Buddhists as an awakened (enlightened) one, a teacher who shared his insights to help senti...

Articles - The best guide to fundraising for a retreat
18th June 2024

The best guide to fundraising for a retreat

The retreat is a way to escape the busy everyday life and indulge in a holiday in nature, where the mind and body can recover. The purpose of the retreat is to take time for yourself and your needs through various activities, thinking of nothing but yourself and your own experiences. Some of the activities can be : spa treatments, massages, healthy eating, detox programs, physical activity and more. Retreat methods and techniques are varied: medi...

Articles - How to organize a successful charity campaign for the purchase of musical instruments?
14th June 2024

How to organize a successful charity campaign for the purchase of musical instruments?

Music has the unique ability to take us to a world of beauty and harmony, where time stops and all problems disappear. Through melody and rhythm, it touches the depths of our souls. The musical instruments used by musicians are the key to this world of emotions. Every note and every performance brings with it a piece of their soul and passion. From the dense sounds of the electric guitar to the gentle nuances of the piano, each instrumental perfo...

Articles - What is Ewing's Sarcoma and what are the treatment and support options?
13th June 2024

What is Ewing's Sarcoma and what are the treatment and support options?

Ewing's sarcoma is a rare but extremely aggressive cancer. It mainly affects children and young adults. It develops rapidly and metastasizes early. Thousands of new cases are registered worldwide every year, which brings a significant social and emotional burden to the affected families. In countries such as the USA, Germany, the UK and Turkey, for example, treatment of Ewing's sarcoma is more standardised and often involves access to multidisci...

Articles - What should I do when I need financial help urgently?
11th June 2024

What should I do when I need financial help urgently?

The times we live in are very uncertain and many are faced with an urgent need for financial assistance due to sudden and unforeseen financial difficulties. Such a situation always calls for the need to take effective and concrete decisions quickly. When people face such unforeseen expenses or loss of income, it can be extremely stressful. The urgent need for financial assistance arises when situations occur that require immediate financial reso...

Articles - How to choose a crowdfunding platform to raise funds for blood cancer treatment?
10th June 2024

How to choose a crowdfunding platform to raise funds for blood cancer treatment?

Cancer is a disease that has become a symbol of the medical and social challenges of the twentieth century, so much so that it has been dubbed "the scourge of our time". Despite advances in research and the development of new therapies, cancer treatment is still not sufficiently accessible and effective. Each form of this disease requires a specific approach, as standard methods are often ineffective against the mutations and aggressiveness of th...

Articles - 12 tips on how to write a successful story for a cancer campaign
7th June 2024

12 tips on how to write a successful story for a cancer campaign

In recent years, online fundraising campaigns have completely transformed the way society supports important causes. This applies in full measure to the fight against difficult-to-treat diseases such as cancer. Cancer treatment causes enormous emotional hardship and often necessitates the need to raise significant funds, which can be beyond the means of many families. The success of any campaign depends largely on the ability of the organizers t...

Articles - How to organize a crowdfunding campaign to raise awareness about cervical cancer?
6th June 2024

How to organize a crowdfunding campaign to raise awareness about cervical cancer?

In recent years, cervical cancer has ranked among the leading cancers affecting many women worldwide. Prevention and early diagnosis can greatly increase the chances of successful treatment, yet many women struggle with this type of cancer due to lack of information and access to adequate medical services. In this fight, crowdfunding campaigns stand out as a powerful tool to mobilize resources and raise public awareness of this issue. They not o...