Fund for the Treatment of Children Abroad

192 777,69 EUR

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Subscribed donors


Supported children

Fund for the Treatment of Children Abroad

I have been a long-time donor, so I decided to create the PavelAndreev.ORG platform to try to make a greater contribution to saving human lives. I dreamed of two things - to gain the trust of Donors and together to help at least three causes a month. In a short period of time, you – the Donors, believed in me and turned my humble project into the largest platform for organizing charity fundraising campaigns. I am fully aware of the huge responsibility I have and work hard for the benefit of people, together with you.

By organizing hundreds of charity campaigns online, I noticed a couple of serious issues in the treatment of children abroad, and by investing huge trust in me, I felt obliged to solve them:
- the starting amount which is unbearable for families and which is needed to perform the primary examinations, and it sometimes may go up as much as 30,000 euros
- drop in donors’ interest to the campaign over time 
- the urgency and life-threatening situation when you need organ transplant (kidney, heart, liver)

The treatment of all diseases is conducted by physicians following certain procedures. These procedures are applied based on the initial examinations and the unambiguous detection and definition of the disease. Based on these examinations, the correct procedure is set, and stepping on it, the target amount needed for the treatment is figured out. These "preparatory" activities cost from 10,000 to 30,000 euros in case of oncological diseases. A common family cannot afford those sums. Some children cannot start treatment because they do not have the opportunity to have the primary examinations.
Campaigns for the treatment of oncological diseases, unfortunately, last for two or more years. Although, in the beginning, every campaign for a child with an oncological disease begins with a strong start, in 100% of the cases the amount donated (afterwards) turns out to be extremely insufficient.
Further, it often happens that while waiting for government funding for transplant, the beneficiary comes to a stage when he/she is not likely to survive.
Unfortunately, neither children with long-term campaigns nor those who need urgent organ transplant can wait long. But what happens to these children?

These children and their families turn into beggars for their health, they are often discharged from hospitals due to lack of funds or they cannot have transplant.

So, I have set up the Fund for the Treatment of Children Abroad and I am looking for your monthly support on a subscription basis. My ambition is huge and I dream of developing the Fund to reach an amount sufficient to provide for all children at the start of their campaign, after funds and donor support dwindle over time and in cases when urgent organ transplant is needed. Everyone who has subscribed to the Fund for the Treatment of Children Abroad will receive a detailed report on the amount and the campaign it has been allocated for on their e-mail on the first day of each month.

Thank you for subscribing! I will work for the benefit of people, together with you – the Donors, because every cause is worth it!

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The children you supported through the Fund

1. I am a donor and I would like to know how the Fund works?

The Fund for the Treatment of Children Abroad is a monthly donation by bank card or Paypal. By subscribing to the Fund, you allow the platform to withdraw a certain amount from your account. With the option of donating to an IBAN account, you support the Fund only once.

You will receive a password on the email you entered when making the donation. With the email and password, you can manage your subscription at any time from your user profile on the platform - you can correct it and you can unsubscribe.

If you have made a mistake, please contact us via our contact form.

On the page of the Fund, there is a Timeline section where all the campaigns that have been supported and the exact amount that has been transferred are visible. More, on the 1st day of the month you will receive a detailed report with the supported campaigns and the amounts transferred to them on the e-mail you have subscribed with to the Fund.

2. I am a parent of a child with a disease and I would like to know what the Fund for the Treatment of Children is?

The Fund for the Treatment of Children Abroad is an amount (monthly subscription by Donors) that is used to support children with oncological diseases or who need organ transplantation.

The conditions are the following: you should have launched a campaign for a minor who has an oncological disease and you do not have the funds for their treatment or for the primary examinations before prescribing a specific treatment.

The steps to apply to the Fund for the Treatment of Children Abroad are:

1. Launch a campaign on the platform which will be checked, verified and approved.

2. From your user profile, use the button Apply to the Fund.

To launch a campaign on the platform, click HERE.

Criteria to get support from the Fund for the Treatment of Children Abroad exclude the human factor and the Fund supports causes in the order of their application.