Заедно за Ваня Together for Vanya

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Заедно за Ваня Together for Vanya

1182 Доноры (дарители)
39878.39 EUR пожертвовано из 255646 EUR
Гергана Момкова
Бенефициар (Выгодоприобретатель)
Ваня Кръстева Белчинска
Крайняя дата
Конец через 77 дней
Доступная сумма
1895.23 EUR
Гергана Момкова организует кампанию для Ваня Кръстева Белчинска
Конец через 77 дней
Доступная сумма
1895.23 EUR

Здравейте, добри и мили хора,

Казвам се Гергана и търся помощ и подкрепа за моята по-малка сестра Ваня. "Ванюшка", както на галено я наричам е един изключително добър, слънчев и лъчезарен човек.

Добротата е качество, което всеки притежава изначало в себе си, но не всеки може да я съхрани и показва.Това е способност само на силните и смелите хора, защото в света, в който живеем всеки ден пред нас се изправят препятствия, които всячески се опитват да ни откажат от това да бъдем добри. Ваня е много добросърдечен човек, общува лесно с хората, умее да ги изслушва и да им дава съвети. Държи на близките и приятелите си и те търсят нейната помощ и подкрепа.

И така, как започна всичко ....

През месец септември 2023 г. Ваня започна да изпитва силни болки в гръбначния стълб. Следват четири месеца грешно лечение поради поставена грешна диагноза в резултат, на която състоянието и не само не се подобрява, а и рязко се влошава и болките стават още по-силни и нетърпими.

През месец януари 2024 г. е направен скенер и поставена диагноза:

Нискодиференциран аденокарцином на десен бял дроб с приблизителна големина 10 см.

На нормален език, без медицински термини това звучи така:

Рак на белия дроб, последен стадий с множество метастази в малкия таз.

Лекарите, както в България, така и в Турция са категорични - не могат да оперират, докато не бъде намален размера на тумора, който притиска гръбначния стълб и хранопровода, а това е причината вече половин година Ваня да изпитва силни и нетърпими болки, както и да се храни все по-трудно.

Лечението на Ваня е поетапно и първата стъпка е химиотерапия и имунотерапия, след това предстоят още, и още, и още, ежемесечни образни изследвания, множество кръвни изследвания, операция и т.н..

Състоянието и се влошава с всеки изминал ден и има нужда спешно от лечение, което е изключително скъпо и непосилно за семейството ни.

Мили хора, казвайки Ви само БЛАГОДАРЯ, никога няма да мога да Ви върна цялата Ваша доброта!

Накрая бих искала да завърша с една мисъл на Албърт Швайцер:

" Понякога собствената ни светлина угасва и бива разпалена от искрата на някой друг. Всеки от нас има причина да изпитва огромна благодарност към онези, които са ни върнали пламъка."

Не забравяйте, че щастието е в малките неща и всеки малък жест може да спаси живота на малката ми сестричка Ваня.



Hello, good and kind people,

My name is Gergana and I am looking for help and support for my younger sister Vanya.

"Vanyushka", as I affectionately call herq is a very kind, sunny and radiant person.

Kidness is a quality that everyone possesses innately, but not everyone can preserve and show it.

It is an ability only of strong and courageous people, because in this world we live in every day we face obstacles that try in every way to stop us from being good.

Vanya is very kind-hearted person, communicates easily with people, knowns how to listen them and give them advice. She cares a lot about her family and friends and they seek her help and support.

In short, how it all started .....

In September 2023, Vanya started experiencing severe pain in her spine. Four months of wrong treatment due to misdiagnosis followed, resulting in hercondition not only not improving,but also deteriorating rapidly and the pain becoming even more severe and intolerable.

In Janyary 2024, a scan was performed and a diagnosis was made: 

Low grade adenocarcinoma of right lung, approximately 10 cm in size.

In normal language, without medical terms, this sounds like:

Lung cancer, advanced stage with multiple metastases.

Doctors in Bulgaria and Turkey are adamant - they cannot operate until the size of thetumor, which is pressing on the spine and esophagus, is reduced and this is the reason why for almost half of year Vanya has been experiencing severe and intolerable pain, as well difficulty eating.

Vany's treatment is phased  and the first step is chemotherapy and immunotherapy, then there will be more, and more, and more, monthly imagine, blood tests and so on.

Her condition is getting worse by day and she needs urgent treatment which is extremely expensive and unaffordable for our family.

Dear people, just saying THANK YOU, I will never be able to repay all your kindness.

Finally, I would like to close with a thought of Albert Schweitzer:

"Sometimes our ownlight goes out and kindled by spark of someone else.Each of us has reason to feel immense gratitude to those who have returned our flame."

Remember that happiness is in the little things and every small gesture can save the life of my little sister Vanya.


Hello, good and kind people,

My name is Gergana and I am looking for help and support for my younger sister Vanya. "Vanyushka", as I affectionately call her, is a very kind, sunny and radiant person.

Kindness is a quality that everyone possesses innately, but not everyone can preserve it and show it.It is an ability of only the strong and brave people, because in the world we live in every day we face obstacles that try to stop us from being kind. Vanya is a very kind-hearted person, communicates easily with people, knows how to listen to them and give them advice. She cares about her family and friends and they seek her help and support.

So how did it all start ....

In September 2023. Vania started experiencing severe pain in her spine. What followed was four months of wrong treatment due to a misdiagnosis which resulted in her condition not only not improving, but deteriorating rapidly and the pain becoming even more severe and intolerable.

In January 2024 a scan was performed and a diagnosis made:

Low-grade adenocarcinoma of the right lung approximately 10 cm in size.

In normal language, without medical terms, it sounds like this:

Lung cancer, advanced stage with multiple metastases to the pelvis.

Doctors in Bulgaria and Turkey are adamant - they cannot operate until the size of the tumor, which is pressing on the spine and esophagus, is reduced, and this is the reason why for half a year now Vanya has been experiencing severe and intolerable pain, as well as eating more and more difficult.

Vanya's treatment is phased and the first step is chemotherapy and immunotherapy, then there is more, and more, and more, monthly imaging tests, multiple blood tests, surgery, etc.

Her condition is worsening by the day and needs urgent treatment which is extremely expensive and unaffordable for our family.

Dear people, just saying THANK YOU, I will never be able to repay all your kindness!

Finally, I would like to end with a thought of Albert Schweitzer:

" Sometimes our own light goes out and is fanned by the spark of someone else. Each of us has reason to feel immense gratitude to those who have returned our flame."

Remember, happiness is in the little things and every small gesture can save my little sister Vanya's life.


Hello, good and kind people,

My name is Gergana and I am looking for help and support for my younger sister Vanya.

"Vanyushka", as I affectionately call herq is a very kind, sunny and radiant person.

Kidness is a quality that everyone possesses innately, but not everyone can preserve and show it.

It is an ability only of strong and courageous people, because in this world we live in every day we face obstacles that try in every way to stop us from being good.

Vanya is very kind-hearted person, communicates easily with people, knows how to listen them and give them advice. She cares a lot about her family and friends and they seek her help and support.

In short, how it all started .....

In September 2023, Vanya started experiencing severe pain in her spine. Four months of wrong treatment due to misdiagnosis followed, resulting in hercondition not only not improving,but also deteriorating rapidly and the pain becoming even more severe and intolerable.

In Janyary 2024, a scan was performed and a diagnosis was made:

Low grade adenocarcinoma of right lung, approximately 10 cm in size.

In normal language, without medical terms, this sounds like:

Lung cancer, advanced stage with multiple metastases.

Doctors in Bulgaria and Turkey are adamant - they cannot operate until the size of thetumor, which is pressing on the spine and esophagus, is reduced and this is the reason why for almost half of year Vanya has been experiencing severe and intolerable pain, as well difficulty eating.

Vanya's treatment is phased and the first step is chemotherapy and immunotherapy, then there will be more, and more, and more, monthly imagine, blood tests and so on.

Her condition is getting worse by day and she needs urgent treatment which is extremely expensive and unaffordable for our family.

Dear people, just saying THANK YOU, I will never be able to repay all your kindness.

Finally, I would like to close with a thought of Albert Schweitzer:

"Sometimes our ownlight goes out and kindled by a spark of someone else.Each of us has reason to feel immense gratitude to those who have returned our flame."

Remember that happiness is in the little things and every small gesture can save the life of my little sister Vanya.


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