Да помогнем на Софи / Let’s help Sofi ♪ Let's help Sofi ♪

Лечение, медицина и реабилитация 1/4

Да помогнем на Софи / Let’s help Sofi ♪ Let's help Sofi ♪

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София Пинто
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София Алмеида Пинто
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0.79 EUR
София Пинто организует кампанию для София Алмеида Пинто
Доступная сумма
0.79 EUR

BG/EN below

Скъпи приятели и добросърдечни непознати, Казвам се София и се обръщам към вас със сърдечна молба. Спешно се нуждая от бъбречна трансплантация. Тази животоспасяваща процедура е най-добрата ми надежда за по-здравословно и светло бъдеще.

Благодарение на невероятната щедрост на майка ми Александрина, която ще ми дари своя бъбрек, аз ще получа възможността за тази животоспасяваща трансплантация. Тази процедура ще ми осигури нов живот и ще ми предложи бъдеще, свободно от предизвикателствата на моето здравословно състояние. От 2015 г. живея в София, България, и работя на пълен работен ден в международна компания. От декември 2023 г. се подлагам на диализа два пъти седмично по три часа и половина на всеки сеанс. Лечението е от съществено значение, но е предизвикателство да го съчетая с ежедневните си задачи.

Напрежението, свързано с моето здравословно състояние, се отрази на всеки аспект от живота ми, но подкрепата и любовта на майка ми, семейството и приятелите ми ме поддържат. Сега, с предстоящата трансплантация, има светлина в края на тунела и аз съм изпълнена с надежда за по-здравословно и жизнено бъдеще.

Подготвяме се за трансплантацията, която ще се извърши в Турция. Това е значителна стъпка напред, но пътуването далеч не е приключило. Процесът на трансплантация включва интензивни медицински грижи, както преди, така и след операцията, за да се гарантира най-добрият възможен резултат. Разходите за трансплантацията, пътуването, настаняването, лекарствата и последващите грижи в Турция могат да бъдат непосилни.

Всеки финансов принос ще ни помогне да покрием тези разходи и да се съсредоточим върху по-бързото реализиране на операцията и нашето възстановяване. Въпреки тези пречки оставам отдадена на работата си. В свободното си време обичам да създавам изкуство с най-добрата си приятелка. Този творчески отдушник е източник на радост и терапия през този труден период. Ценя и разходките с моето куче Моли, което внася толкова много щастие в живота ми.

Благодаря ви: Дълбоко сме благодарни за невероятната подкрепа, вашата непрекъсната доброта и помощ ще изиграят решаваща роля в пътуването ни към по-здравословно бъдеще. Независимо дали става въпрос за дарения, разпространяване на информация или окуражаване, всяка частица помага и е дълбоко ценена. С искрени благодарности, София Пинто


Dear Friends and Kind-Hearted Strangers, My name is Sofia and I am reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea. I am in urgent need of a kidney transplant. This life-saving procedure is my best hope for a healthier and brighter future. Thanks to the incredible generosity of my mother Alexandrina, who is donating her kidney to me, I am set to receive a life-saving transplant. This procedure will provide me with a new lease on life, offering a future free from the challenges of my medical condition. I have been living in Sofia, Bulgaria since 2015 and I work full-time at an international company. Since December 2023, I have been undergoing dialysis twice a week for three and a half hours each session. The treatment is essential, but it has been challenging to balance with my everyday tasks. The strain of my medical condition has impacted every aspect of my life, but the support and love from my mother, family, and friends have kept me going. Now, with the upcoming transplant, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and I am filled with hope for a healthier, more vibrant future. We are preparing for the transplant, which will take place in Turkey. This is a significant step forward, but the journey is far from over. The transplant process involves extensive medical care, both pre- and post-surgery, to ensure the best possible outcome. The cost of the transplant, travel, accommodations, medications, and follow-up care in Turkey can be overwhelming. Any financial contribution will go a long way in helping us cover these expenses and focus on recovery without the added burden of financial stress. Despite these obstacles, I remain committed to my work and passionate about my hobbies. In my free time, I love creating art with my best friend. This creative outlet has been a source of joy and therapy during this difficult period. I also cherish my walks with my dog, Molly, who brings so much happiness and companionship into my life. Thank You: We are deeply grateful for the incredible support. Your continued kindness and assistance will play a crucial role in our journey towards a healthier future. Whether through donations, spreading the word, or offering your encouragement, every bit helps and is profoundly appreciated. With heartfelt thanks, Sofia Pinto

BG/EN below

Dear friends and kind-hearted strangers, My name is Sofia and I am addressing you with a heartfelt request. I urgently need a kidney transplant. This life-saving procedure is my best hope for a healthier and brighter future.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of my mother, Alexandrina, who will donate her kidney to me, I will get the opportunity for this life-saving transplant. This procedure will provide me with a new life and offer me a future free from the challenges of my medical condition. Since 2015, I have been living in Sofia, Bulgaria, and working full-time for an international company. Since December 2023, I have been undergoing dialysis twice a week for three and a half hours each session. The treatment is essential but it is a challenge to fit it in with my daily tasks.

The stresses associated with my medical condition have affected every aspect of my life, but the support and love of my mother, family and friends keep me going. Now, with the upcoming transplant, there is light at the end of the tunnel and I am filled with hope for a healthier and more vibrant future.

We are preparing for the transplant, which will take place in Turkey. This is a significant step forward, but the journey is far from over. The transplant process involves intensive medical care, both before and after surgery, to ensure the best possible outcome. The cost of the transplant, travel, accommodation, medication and aftercare in Turkey can be prohibitive.

Any financial contribution will help us cover these costs and focus on getting the surgery and our recovery done faster. Despite these obstacles, I remain committed to my work. In my spare time, I enjoy creating art with my best friend. This creative outlet is a source of joy and therapy during this difficult time. I also cherish walks with my dog Molly who brings so much happiness to my life.

Thank you: we are deeply grateful for your incredible support, your continued kindness and help will play a crucial role in our journey to a healthier future. Whether it's through donations, spreading the word, or encouragement, every bit helps and is deeply appreciated. With sincere thanks, Sofia Pinto


Dear Friends and Kind-Hearted Strangers, My name is Sofia and I am reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea. I am in urgent need of a kidney transplant. This life-saving procedure is my best hope for a healthier and brighter future. Thanks to the incredible generosity of my mother Alexandrina, who is donating her kidney to me, I am set to receive a life-saving transplant. This procedure will provide me with a new lease on life, offering a future free from the challenges of my medical condition. I have been living in Sofia, Bulgaria since 2015 and I work full-time at an international company. Since December 2023, I have been undergoing dialysis twice a week for three and a half hours each session. The treatment is essential, but it has been challenging to balance with my everyday tasks. The strain of my medical condition has impacted every aspect of my life, but the support and love from my mother, family, and friends have kept me going. Now, with the upcoming transplant, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and I am filled with hope for a healthier, more vibrant future. We are preparing for the transplant, which will take place in Turkey. This is a significant step forward, but the journey is far from over. The transplant process involves extensive medical care, both pre- and post-surgery, to ensure the best possible outcome. The cost of the transplant, travel, accommodations, medications, and follow-up care in Turkey can be overwhelming. Any financial contribution will go a long way in helping us cover these expenses and focus on recovery without the added burden of financial stress. Despite these obstacles, I remain committed to my work and passionate about my hobbies. In my free time, I love creating art with my best friend. This creative outlet has been a source of joy and therapy during this difficult period. I also cherish my walks with my dog, Molly, who brings so much happiness and companionship into my life. Thank You: We are deeply grateful for the incredible support. Whether through donations, spreading the word, or offering your encouragement, every bit helps and is profoundly appreciated. With heartfelt thanks, Sofia Pinto

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16-го августа 2024
София Пинто организует кампанию для София Алмеида Пинто
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Hello everyone, I’m doing very well and wanted to let you know that I’m requesting payment for the medication. Thanks for your support! 🤍 S... Hello everyone, I'm doing very well and wanted to let you know that I'm requesting payment for the medication. Thanks for your support! 🤍 Sofia Pi...
286.37 EUR Расходы возмещены
0.75 EUR Комиссия за транзакцию
5-го августа 2024
София Пинто организует кампанию для София Алмеида Пинто
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Hello, Attached is the invoice for the plane tickets. Thank you 🤍 Hello, Attached is the invoice for the plane tickets. Thank you 🤍
120 EUR Расходы возмещены
0.75 EUR Комиссия за транзакцию
5-го августа 2024
София Пинто организует кампанию для София Алмеида Пинто
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Hello Team, Attached is the invoice for the hotel. Thank you 🤍 Hello Team, Attached is the invoice for the hotel. Thank you 🤍
85 EUR Расходы возмещены
0.75 EUR Комиссия за транзакцию
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