Save Sabina's Life Save Sabina's Life

Tratament, medicină și reabilitare 0/0

Save Sabina's Life Save Sabina's Life

50 Donatori
952.68 EUR donați de la 50000 EUR
Sevara Pardamuratova
Sabina Pardamuratova
Data de încheiere
Se încheie după 1 zile
Sumă disponibilă
Sevara Pardamuratova organizează o campanie pentru Sabina Pardamuratova
Se încheie după 1 zile
Sumă disponibilă


Hello! My name is Sevara, I am asking you for help for my sister. Last August, at the Johns Hopkins Anadolu Clinic (Turkey), Sabina, born in 1996, was diagnosed with Acute monoblastic leukemia M5. Since then, she has been receiving treatment in a regular clinic. She underwent 6 chemotherapy treatments and a bone marrow transplant. After a bone marrow transplant due to an infection, Sabina suffered from sepsis and pulmonary edema. Sabina was admitted to intensive care, where she remained in a coma under a ventilator for 10 days.

Thanks to the efforts of doctors, Sabina was saved! But from that time to this day, Sabina has been undergoing treatment in the clinic, since her stay in intensive care resulted in many complications. Sabina still cannot walk, stand on her feet, or move by herself! As a result of careful treatment, Sabina developed severe sores that spread to her face, causing her left eye to be damaged and blind.

In August, more than $200,000 was spent on treatment, this is a lot of money for our family. Hospitalization continues today. At the moment, we do not have funds for Sabina’s further treatment, but she needs to be in the clinic to some, since her condition is still unstable and serious. Moreover, her immune system is still recovering and is basically dead right now.

Hence she cannot even go outside her room or the hospital. I ask you to provide her with the strongest financial assistance! Our family is struggling with all its might. But unfortunately, we are already on the verge of hopelessness, we resort to the help of people. I ask you, not to remain indifferent to our misfortune, and to provide all possible help to my sister Sabina!

Thank you in advance!


Salom! Mening ismim Sevara, men singlim uchun yordam so‘rayapman. O‘tgan avgust oyida, 1996-yilda tug‘ilgan Sabinaga Turkiyadagi Johns Hopkins Anadolu klinikasida M5 o‘tkir monoblast leykemiyasi tashxisi qo‘yildi. Shundan beri, u oddiy klinikada davolanmoqda. U 6 marta kimyoterapiya va suyak iligi transplantatsiyasini o‘tkazdi. Suyak iligi transplantatsiyasidan keyin infeksiya tufayli, Sabina sepsis va o‘pka shishidan aziyat chekdi. Sabina jonlantirish bo‘limiga yotqizildi va 10 kun davomida ventilator yordamida koma holatida qoldi.

Shifokorlar sa’y-harakatlari tufayli, Sabina qutqarildi! Lekin o‘sha paytdan to hozirgi kungacha, Sabina klinikada davolanmoqda, chunki jonlantirish bo‘limida qolishi natijasida ko‘p asoratlar yuzaga keldi. Sabina hali ham yurib, oyoqda tura olmaydi va o‘zini harakatlantira olmaydi! Ehtiyotkorlik bilan davolash natijasida, Sabinada yuziga tarqalgan og‘ir yaralar paydo bo‘ldi va uning chap ko‘ziga zarar yetdi va ko‘r bo‘ldi.

Avgust oyida davolanishga 200,000 dollardan ortiq mablag‘ sarflandi, bu bizning oilamiz uchun juda katta pul. Kasalxonada yotish davom etmoqda. Hozirda, bizda Sabinaning keyingi davolanishi uchun mablag‘ yo‘q, lekin u klinikada qolishi kerak, chunki uning ahvoli hali ham beqaror va jiddiy. Bundan tashqari, uning immun tizimi hali ham tiklanmoqda va hozirda deyarli yo‘q bo‘lib qolgan.

Shuning uchun u hatto xonasidan yoki kasalxonadan tashqariga chiqa olmaydi. Men sizdan unga eng kuchli moliyaviy yordam ko‘rsatishingizni so‘rayman! Bizning oilamiz qo‘lidan kelganicha kurashmoqda. Lekin afsuski, biz allaqachon umidsizlikka tushib qoldik, odamlar yordamiga murojaat qilmoqdamiz. Men sizdan, bizning bu musibatimizga befarq qolmasligingizni va singlim Sabinaga barcha mumkin bo‘lgan yordamni ko‘rsatishingizni so‘rayman!

Oldindan rahmat!


Здравствуйте!Меня зовут Пардамуратова Севара,Обращаюсь к Вам за помощью для моей сестры.

В августе прошлого года в клинике Анадолу имени Джона Хопкинса (Турция), Пардамуратовой Сабине Одиловне 1996года рождения поставили диагноз «Острый монобластный  лейкоз М5». С того времени, она находится на лечение в вышеуказанной клинике. Перенесла 6 химиотерапий и пересадку костного мозга . После пересадки костного мозга из-за инфекции у Сабины произошел сепсис и оттек легких, Сабина попала в реанимацию, где пробыла в коме под аппаратом ИВЛ 10дней. Благодаря усилиям врачей, Сабину удалось спасти! Но с того времени и по сегодняшний день Сабина находится на реабилитации в клинике, так как нахождение в реанимации повлекло за собой много осложнений. Сабина до сих пор не может ходить, стоять на ногах, двигаться! Из за интенсивного лечения у Сабины появились сильные болячки которые распространились по лицу, из за которых поврежден и не видит левый глаз. 

С августа месяца на лечение было потрачено более  200 000$, это очень большие деньги для нашей семьи. Госпитализация продолжается и по сей день. В данный момент у нас нет средств на дальнейшее лечение Сабины, но ей крайне необходимо  нахождение в клинике, так как её состояние до сих пор стабильно тяжелое. Прошу Вас оказать Ей посильную финансовую помощь!Наша семья борется из-за всех сил. Но к сожалению уже на грани от безвыходности, прибегаем к помощи людей🙏. Прошу Вас не остаться равнодушным к нашей беде, прошу оказать посильную помощь моей сестренке Сабине!
Заранее благодарю!


Hello! My name is Sevara, I am asking you for help for my sister. Last August, at the Johns Hopkins Anadolu Clinic (Turkey), Sabina, born in 1996, was diagnosed with Acute monoblastic leukemia M5. Since then, she has been receiving treatment in a regular clinic. She underwent 6 chemotherapy treatments and a bone marrow transplant. After a bone marrow transplant due to an infection, Sabina suffered from sepsis and pulmonary edema. Sabina was admitted to intensive care, where she remained in a coma under a ventilator for 10 days.

Thanks to the efforts of doctors, Sabina was saved! But from that time to this day, Sabina has been undergoing treatment in the clinic, since her stay in intensive care resulted in many complications. Sabina still cannot walk, stand on her feet, or move by herself! As a result of careful treatment, Sabina developed severe sores that spread to her face, causing her left eye to be damaged and blind.

In August, more than $200,000 was spent on treatment, this is a lot of money for our family. Hospitalization continues today. At the moment, we do not have funds for Sabina's further treatment, but she needs to be in the clinic to some, since her condition is still unstable and serious. Moreover, her immune system is still recovering and is basically dead right now.

Hence she cannot even go outside her room or the hospital. I ask you to provide her with the strongest financial assistance! Our family is struggling with all its might. But unfortunately, we are already on the verge of hopelessness, we resort to the help of people. I ask you, not to remain indifferent to our misfortune, and to provide all possible help to my sister Sabina!

Thank you in advance!


Salom! Mening ismim Sevara, men singlim uchun yordam so'rayapman. O'tgan avgust oyida, 1996-yilda tug'ilgan Sabinaga Turkiyadagi Johns Hopkins Anadolu klinikasida M5 o'tkir monoblast leykemiyasi tashxisi qo'yildi. Shundan beri, u oddiy klinikada davolanmoqda. U 6 marta kimyoterapiya va suyak iligi transplantatsiyasini o'tkazdi. Suyak iligi transplantatsiyasidan keyin infeksiya tufayli, Sabina sepsis va o'pka shishidan aziyat chekdi. Sabina jonlantirish bo'limiga yotqizildi va 10 kun davomida ventilator yordamida koma holatida qoldi.

Shifokorlar sa'y-harakatlari tufayli, Sabina qutqarildi! Lekin o'sha paytdan to hozirgi kungacha, Sabina klinikada davolanmoqda, chunki jonlantirish bo'limida qolishi natijasida ko'p asoratlar yuzaga keldi. Sabina hali ham yurib, oyoqda tura olmaydi va o'zini harakatlantira olmaydi! Ehtiyotkorlik bilan davolash natijasida, Sabinada yuziga tarqalgan og'ir yaralar paydo bo'ldi va uning chap ko'ziga zarar yetdi va ko'r bo'ldi.

Avgust oyida davolanishga 200,000 dollardan ortiq mablag' sarflandi, bu bizning oilamiz uchun juda katta pul. Kasalxonada yotish davom etmoqda. Hozirda, bizda Sabinaning keyingi davolanishi uchun mablag' yo'q, lekin u klinikada qolishi kerak, chunki uning uning ahvoli hali ham beqaror va jiddiy. Bundan tashqari, uning immun tizimi hali ham tiklanmoqda va hozirda deyarli yo'q bo'lib qolgan.

Shuning uchun u hatto xonasidan yoki kasalxonadan tashqariga chiqa olmaydi. Men sizdan unga eng kuchli moliyaviy yordam ko'rsatishingizni so'rayman! Bizning oilamiz qo'lidan kelganicha kurashmoqda. Lekin afsuski, biz allaqachon umidsizlikka tushib qoldik, odamlar yordamiga murojaat qilmoqdamiz. Men sizdan, bizning bu musibatimizga befarq qolmasligingizni va singlim Sabinaga barcha mumkin bo'lgan yordamni ko'rsatishingizni so'rayman!

Oldindan rahmat!


Hello! My name is Pardamuratova Sevara, I am writing to you for help for my sister.

In August last year in Anadolu Clinic named after Johns Hopkins (Turkey), Pardamuratova Sabina Odilovna born in 1996 was diagnosed with M5 acute monoblastic leukemia. Since then, she has been under treatment at the above mentioned clinic. She has undergone 6 chemotherapies and bone marrow transplantation. After the bone marrow transplantation due to infection Sabina had sepsis and pulmonary edema, Sabina was admitted to the intensive care unit, where she was in coma under ventilator for 10 days. Thanks to the doctors' efforts, Sabina was saved! But from that time until today Sabina is in rehabilitation in the clinic, as being in the intensive care unit caused many complications. Sabina is still unable to walk, stand on her feet or move! Because of the intensive treatment Sabina has severe sores that have spread over her face, because of which her left eye is damaged and cannot see.

Since August, more than $200,000 has been spent on treatment, which is a lot of money for our family. Hospitalization continues to this day. At the moment we do not have funds for further treatment of Sabina, but it is very necessary for her to stay in the clinic, as her condition is still very serious. Please help her as much as you can financially! Our family is fighting with all its might. But unfortunately already on the verge of hopelessness, we resort to the help of people🙏. Please do not remain indifferent to our misfortune, please provide as much help as possible to my little sister Sabina!
Thank you in advance!

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30 iulie 2024
Sevara Pardamuratova organizează o campanie pentru Sabina Pardamuratova
Approved repayment Approved repayment
932.68 EUR Plata cu factură
20 EUR Taxă de tranzacție
25 iulie 2024
Sevara Pardamuratova organizează o campanie pentru Sabina Pardamuratova
Состояние Сабины тяжелое Sabine's condition is grave
Да данный момент состояние Сабины также среднее тяжелое. Её беспокоят сильные головные боли, сердце, тошнота, скачки давления которые сопровождаются у... At the moment, Sabina's condition is also moderately severe. She is suffering from severe headaches, heart pain, nausea, pressure spikes accompanied b...
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