Дари живот на Цвети Give life to Tsveti

Leczenie, medycyna i rehabilitacja 1/5

Дари живот на Цвети Give life to Tsveti

556 Darczyńcy
18320.88 EUR ofiarowane od 150000 EUR
Цвети Шиварова
Data zakończenia
Koniec po 4 dni
Dostępna kwota
18320.88 EUR
Цвети Шиварова jest organizatorem kampanii
Koniec po 4 dni
Dostępna kwota
18320.88 EUR

Моля,помогнете на майка ни да живее! Трябва да й се направи СПЕШНА операция!

Тя се казва Цвети Шиварова. Работи повече от 30 години в Българското национално радио, програма Хоризонт. Там е автор и водещ на предаване за традиционна българска култура "Имат ли песните спиране" . В националния ефир е известна с бащината си фамилия Цвети Радева. Тя е борбен човек и благодарение на вашата помощ, ние вярваме, че ще победи болестта.

Диагностицираха майка ни с рак на гърдата през август 2024г. Направиха се много консултации и започнаха химиотерапия. Оказва се, че тази терапия действа много слабо за нейния вид тумори и това потвърди Майнтрак-тест, който направихме в германска клиника. Сменихме болницата, но и в новата казаха, че тези тестове "нямат отношение" към лечението и отново продължиха химиотерапия. След като туморите не се смаляват, както българските лекари очакват, се обърнахме към Anadolu In Affiliation with Johns Hopkins Medicine. Там направиха отново всички изследвания включително pet скенер, който в българките клиники не предложиха, защото го правели накрая.
Накратко казано, докторите в турската клиника ни дадоха увереност и сила за борба. Това, което предлагат в Турция е операция и последващи терапии.

Прогнозните средства са непосилни за семейството ни и затова търсим вашата помощ. Вярваме, че вашата помощ, помощта от познати и непознати, ще даде възможност нашата майка да продължава да бъде до нас и да имаме нейната подкрепа в годините напред.

С надежда,

Екатерина и Маргарита Шиварови



Her name is Cveti Shivarova. She has worked at the Bulgarian National Radio for over 30 years now. She is the author and broadcaster of “Songs have no end”, a radio show for traditional Bulgarian folklore culture. On air she is known as Cveti Radeva. She is a strong person and with your help we believe she will beat the illness.

Our mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2024. After numerous consultations she started chemotherapy in a hospital in Bulgaria. It was recently discovered that the chemotherapy is not as effective as expected on her type of tumour. This was confirmed by a Maintrac test carried in a German hospital. We went to a different hospital in Bulgaria where we were told that these tests were “irrelevant” to the treatment and the doctors continued with the chemotherapy. Since that the tumours are not shrinking as the Bulgarian doctors expected, we turned to Anadolu In Affiliation with John Hopkins Medicine in Istanbul. There they did all tests again including PET scan which Bulgarian hospitals offer only at the end of treatment.

In short, the doctors at the Turkish hospital gave us confidence and strength to fight the illness. What they offer there is surgery and follow-up therapies.

It is impossible for our family to secure the fee for this without your help. Please donate to give our mother the chance to live and continue to give us her strength and love for years to come.

With hope,

Ekaterina and Margarita Shivarovi

Please help our mother to live! We need to do an EMERGENCY surgery!

Her name is Tsveti Shivarova. She has been working for more than 30 years in the Bulgarian National Radio, Horizon program. There she is the author and host of a show about traditional Bulgarian culture "Do the songs have a stop" . She is known on the national air by her father's surname Tsveti Radeva. She is a fighting person and thanks to your help, we believe she will beat the disease.

Our mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2024. Many consultations were done and chemotherapy was started. It turns out that this therapy works very poorly for her type of tumors and this was confirmed by a Meintraq test we did in a German clinic. We changed hospitals, but the new one said that these tests were "irrelevant" to the treatment and continued chemotherapy again. Since the tumors did not shrink as the Bulgarian doctors expected, we turned to Anadolu In Affiliation with Johns Hopkins Medicine. There they did all the tests again including a pet scanner, which the Bulgarian clinics did not offer because they did it at the end.
In short, the doctors at the Turkish clinic gave us confidence and strength to fight. What they offer in Turkey is surgery and follow-up therapies.

The estimated cost is prohibitive for our family and that is why we are looking for your help. We trust that your help, the help of friends and strangers, will enable our mother to continue to be by our side and have her support in the years ahead.


Ekaterina and Margarita Shivarov



Her name is Cveti Shivarova. She has worked at the Bulgarian National Radio for over 30 years now. She is the author and broadcaster of "Songs have no end", a radio show for traditional Bulgarian folklore culture. On air she is known as Cveti Radeva. She is a strong person and with your help we believe she will beat the illness.

Our mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2024. After numerous consultations she started chemotherapy in a hospital in Bulgaria. It was recently discovered that the chemotherapy is not as effective as expected on her type of tumour. This was confirmed by a Maintrac test carried in a German hospital. We went to a different hospital in Bulgaria where we were told that these tests were "irrelevant" to the treatment and the doctors continued with the chemotherapy. Since that the tumours are not shrinking as the Bulgarian doctors expected, we turned to Anadolu In Affiliation with John Hopkins Medicine in Istanbul. There they did all tests again including PET scan which Bulgarian hospitals offer only at the end of treatment.

In short, the doctors at the Turkish hospital gave us confidence and strength to fight the illness. What they offer there is surgery and follow-up therapies.

It is impossible for our family to secure the fee for this without your help. Please donate to give our mother the chance to live and continue to give us her strength and love for years to come.

With hope,

Ekaterina and Margarita Shivarov

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