Дайте шанс на Рори за самостоятелно бъдеще! / Help Give Rori a Chance at an Independent Future! Help Give Rori a Chance at an Independent Future!!

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Дайте шанс на Рори за самостоятелно бъдеще! / Help Give Rori a Chance at an Independent Future! Help Give Rori a Chance at an Independent Future!!

204 Donatori
9553.15 EUR donați de la 41983 EUR
Această campanie s-a încheiat. Urmăriți secțiunea Știri pentru a fi la curent cu noutățile despre ea și tranzacțiile (dacă lipsesc, înseamnă că campania încă nu a fost plătită).
Галиана Петрова
Аурора Зелина Джоунс
Data de încheiere
Sumă disponibilă
2596.99 EUR
Галиана Петрова organizează o campanie pentru Аурора Зелина Джоунс
Sumă disponibilă
2596.99 EUR

*** Scroll down for English ***

Рори е едно от най-слънчевите деца, за което може да мечтае една майка. Зад крехкото шестгодишно момиченце с огромна къдрава коса и светещи очи се крие истински герой, който се бори за живота си от първата поета глътка въздух.

Появата й на този свят съвпадна с един от най-големите християнски празници – Рождество Христово. В ранното утро на 25 декември, след направено секцио по спешност, лекарите ми казаха, че Рори има едва 50% шанс за оцеляване, тъй като при раждането си тя е била цели 4 минути без кислород.

Молитвите ми бяха чути и момиченцето ми успя да се пребори! Евентуално й поставиха диагноза „атактична детска церебрална парализа“. При изписването ми казаха да очаквам забавено двигателно развитие и много отпуснати мускули, но за радост - изцяло запазен интелект.

3 години и половина след това получи първи и много тежък пристъп и бе установена „епилепсия“. Лекарите в България предлагаха лечение, придружено с кошмарни странични ефекти - липса на апетит и енергия, постоянно гадене, треперене на ръчичките, нарушен баланс и по-често падане, и чести епилептични пристъпи.

Всички специалисти твърдяха, че методът им е правилен, но майчиното ми сърце вярваше, че нещо не е наред. Благодарение на Бог успяхме да намерим двама от най-добрите лекари в Турция в областта на неврологията и ортопедията през юни 2022.

Те коренно промениха лечението на Рори и оттогава тя не е получила нито един пристъп, има страхотен апетит и много енергия.

Видимо се забелязва огромно подобрение в баланса, издръжливостта, и правилното позициониране на тялото.

Годишно лечението й се равнява на 82 112 лева. В сумата влизат посещения при невролог, лекарства, консултации с ортопед, физиотерапия, ортези, ежемесечен престой в Истанбул.

Поради липсата на каквато и да е помощ от страна на нейния баща, необходимите средства да продължим лечението й са крайно непосилни за мен!

Изправена съм пред едно от най-големите предизвикателства като майка – да знам, че има как да бъде помогнато на детето ми, но да нямам възможността да го сторя.

Затова, мили хора, се обръщам към Вас с надежда! Моля ви, подайте ни ръка, подайте ръка на Рори! Само с Ваша помощ тя ще има шанс да води нормален начин на живот и да се справя ежедневно с предизвикателствата, пред които е изправена от самото си раждане!


Rori is the most caring, brilliant, and fiercely independent kid - truly every mother's dream. Behind the sweet six-year-old girl with huge curly hair and bright eyes, there is a true hero who has been fighting for her life since the first breath she took. Her arrival into the world coincided with one of the biggest holidays - Christmas. In the early morning hours of December 25th, after an emergency C-section, the doctors told me that Rori only had a 50% chance of survival as she had been without oxygen for at least 4 minutes after her birth. My prayers were answered and my baby girl survived! When leaving the NICU, I was told to expect delayed motor development and very weak muscles, but miraculously - no cognitive impairment. She was eventually diagnosed with ataxic cerebral palsy. Three and a half years later, she had her first and very severe seizure and received another diagnosis - epilepsy. The medication prescribed for her epilepsy by doctors in Bulgaria was accompanied by nightmarish side effects - lack of appetite and energy, constant nausea, trembling hands, impaired balance and falls, and frequent seizures. All the specialists claimed that she was on the best medication for her diagnosis, but my maternal instinct screamed that something was wrong. Luckily, we were able to find two of the best doctors in Turkey in the field of neurology and orthopedics in June of 2022. They completely changed Rori's treatment and since then she has not had a single seizure, has great appetite and lots of energy. A huge improvement in balance, endurance, and body posture is also noticeable. The cost of her annual treatment comes out to BGN 82,112 (approximately $45,000). The amount includes visits to a neurologist, medications, consultations with an orthopedist, physical therapy, orthotic braces, and the accomodations in Istanbul. In the absence of financial support from her father, the funds required for her treatment are beyond my means and after a year of doing this alone my savings are depleted! I am faced with one of the biggest challenges as a mother – knowing that there is a way to help my child, but not having the resources to do so. That is why I am turning to you with hope! Please give us a hand, give Rori a hand! Only with your help will she have a chance to lead an independent life and deal with the daily challenges she has faced since birth!

*** Scroll down for English ***

Rory is one of the sunniest children a mother could dream of. Behind the fragile six-year-old girl with huge curly hair and glowing eyes is a true hero, fighting for her life from the first breath she takes.

Her appearance into this world coincided with one of the greatest Christian holidays - the Nativity of Christ. In the early morning of December 25, after an emergency section was performed, doctors told me that Rory had only a 50% chance of survival as she had been without oxygen for a full 4 minutes at birth.

My prayers were answered and my baby girl made it through! She was eventually diagnosed with atactic cerebral palsy. Upon discharge, I was told to expect delayed motor development and very flaccid muscles, but thankfully, fully retained intelligence.

3 and a half years after that I had my first and very severe seizure and was diagnosed with "epilepsy". Doctors in Bulgaria offered treatment, accompanied by nightmarish side effects - lack of appetite and energy, constant nausea, trembling of the hands, impaired balance and more frequent falls, and frequent epileptic seizures.

All the specialists claimed their method was correct, but my motherly heart believed something was wrong. Thank God we were able to find two of the best doctors in Turkey in the field of neurology and orthopedics in June 2022.

They revolutionized Rory's treatment and since then she has not had a single seizure, has a great appetite and lots of energy.

There has been tremendous improvement in balance, stamina, and proper body positioning.

Her annual treatment costs 82 112 leva. The amount includes visits to a neurologist, medications, consultations with an orthopedist, physical therapy, orthotics, and a monthly stay in Istanbul.

Due to the lack of any help from her father, the funds needed to continue her treatment are extremely prohibitive for me!

I face one of the biggest challenges as a mother - knowing that there is a way to help my child, but not having the ability to do so.

So, dear people, I turn to you with hope! Please give us a hand, give Rory a hand! Only with your help will she have a chance to lead a normal life and deal with the challenges she has faced daily since birth!


Rori is the most caring, brilliant, and fiercely independent kid - truly every mother's dream. Behind the sweet six-year-old girl with huge curly hair and bright eyes, there is a true hero who has been fighting for her life since the first breath she took. In the early morning hours of December 25th, after an emergency C-section, the doctors told me that Rori only had a 50% chance of survival as she had been without oxygen for at least 4 minutes after her birth. My prayers were answered and my baby girl survived! When leaving the NICU, I was told to expect delayed motor development and very weak muscles, but miraculously - no cognitive impairment. She was eventually diagnosed with ataxic cerebral palsy. Three and a half years later, she had her first and very severe seizure and received another diagnosis - epilepsy. The medication prescribed for her epilepsy by doctors in Bulgaria was accompanied by nightmarish side effects - lack of appetite and energy, constant nausea, trembling hands, impaired balance and falls, and frequent seizures. All the specialists claimed that she was on the best medication for her diagnosis, but my maternal instinct screamed that something was wrong. Luckily, we were able to find two of the best doctors in Turkey in the field of neurology and orthopedics in June of 2022. They completely changed Rori's treatment and since then she has not had a single seizure, has great appetite and lots of energy. The cost of her annual treatment comes out to BGN 82,112 (approximately $45,000). The amount includes visits to a neurologist, medications, consultations with an orthopedist, physical therapy, orthotic braces, and the accomodations in Istanbul. In the absence of financial support from her father, the funds required for her treatment are beyond my means and after a year of doing this alone my savings are depleted! I am faced with one of the biggest challenges as a mother - knowing that there is a way to help my child, but not having the resources to do so. That is why I am turning to you with hope! Please give us a hand, give Rori a hand! Only with your help will she have a chance to lead an independent life and deal with the daily challenges she has faced since birth!
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20 ianuarie 2025
Галиана Петрова organizează o campanie pentru Аурора Зелина Джоунс
Одобрено изплащане към Кинезио Лайф ООД Approved payment to Kinesio Life Ltd.
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357.96 EUR Plata cu factură
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Изисквам плащане за преглед при невролог и ЕЕГ I require payment for a neurological examination and EEG
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20 EUR Taxă de tranzacție
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Галиана Петрова organizează o campanie pentru Аурора Зелина Джоунс
Одобрено изплащане към Кинезио Лайф ООД Approved payment to Kinesio Life Ltd.
Изискваме плащане за рехабилитация We demand payment for rehabilitation
306.83 EUR Plata cu factură
0.75 EUR Taxă de tranzacție
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