Заедно с ВИЛИ в борбата с рака Together with VILI in the fight against cancer

Leczenie, medycyna i rehabilitacja 0/0
593 Darczyńcy
28176.11 EUR ofiarowane od 160000 EUR
Rosica Marinkova
Величка Иванова Маринкова
Data zakończenia
Koniec po 19 dni
Dostępna kwota
6745.28 EUR
Rosica Marinkova organizuje kampanię dla Величка Иванова Маринкова
Koniec po 19 dni
Dostępna kwota
6745.28 EUR

Одобрено изплащане Одобрено изплащане

25. kwietnia 2024
Скъпи приятели и семейство, Борбата с рака продължава за Вили благодарение на всички вас. Няма човек, когото познавам, който да каже, че НЯМА приятел или роднина, който да се е преборил с тази ужасна болест. Оценяваме цялата ви подкрепа в тези трудни времена за Вили и цялото ни семейство. Благословени сме да бъдем част от такава общност, в която се държим заедно, когато някой от нас има нужда от помощ. Бихме искали да поздравим всички вас с предстоящия празничен сезон и ви благодарим още веднъж за цялата ви доброта и подкрепа. Борбата с рака ще продължи и ние всички ще бъдем победители в края на тази война! С пожелание за весели Великденски празници на Вас и Вашите семейства! Dear friends and family, The fight against cancer goes on for Villi thanks to all of you. There is no one I know who can say they DO NOT have a friend or relative who has battled this terrible illness. We do appreciate all your support during these difficult times for Villi and our whole family. We are blessed to be part of such a community where we stick together when one of us needs help. We would like to great you all with the coming holiday season and thank you once again for all your kindness and support. The fight against cancer will goes on and we are all going to be winners at the end of this war! Wishing you and your families happy Easter holidays! Dear friends and family, The fight against cancer continues for Willy thanks to all of you. There isn't a person I know who can say that NO friend or relative has fought this terrible disease. We appreciate all of your support during this difficult time for Willie and our entire family. We are blessed to be a part of such a community where we stick together when one of us needs help. We would like to congratulate all of you on the upcoming holiday season and thank you again for all of your kindness and support. The fight against cancer goes on for Villi thanks to all of you. There is no one I know who can say they DO NOT have a friend or relative who has battled this terrible disease. We do appreciate all your support during these difficult times for Villi and our whole family. We are blessed to be part of such a community where we stick together when one of us needs help. We would like to great you all with the coming holiday season and thank you once again for all your kindness and support. The fight against cancer will goes on and we are all going to be winners at the end of this war! Wishing you and your families happy Easter holidays!
15680 BGN Płatność na fakturę
40 BGN Opłata transakcyjna

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