Моля помогнете на майка ни Мария Please help our mother Maria

Leczenie, medycyna i rehabilitacja 0/0
196 Darczyńcy
12244.74 EUR ofiarowane od 50000 EUR
Daniela Ilieva
Мария Шилигарова
Data zakończenia
Koniec po 49 dni
Dostępna kwota
91.79 EUR
Daniela Ilieva organizuje kampanię dla Мария Шилигарова
Koniec po 49 dni
Dostępna kwota
91.79 EUR

Призив за помощ да продължим с успешното лечение An appeal for help to continue with successful treatment

5. października 2024

(Read in English below) Призив за Помощ/A Plea for Help🙏!


Здравейте, мили хора-добродетели. Молим ви помагайте и споделяйте кампанията за лечение на нашата мила майка-вдовица/млада баба Мария. 


Само за три месеца в Турция тя има изчистване на над 70% от раковите клетки🙏. От понеделник (7-ми октомври) имаме новоназначени още  3 месеца и се молим да можем съберем средствата, за да продължим с лечението й🙏. Непосилно е сами да съберем нужните 51,000 евро и ще цитирам Ники Кънчев пак: “не е важно да даваме хиляди, а да сме хиляди”🙏🙏😔🙏.


Благодарим ви от сърце за подкрепата и молитвите за здраве🙏🥹❤️!


~ Илия, Даниела и Марио (6-годишното й внуче, което я чака с нетърпение да му дойде на гости отвъд океана).


Hello, dear kind people. We’re turning to you all to help and raise awareness for the donation platform of our widowed mom/ young grandma Maria 🥹. 


In just three months in Turkey over 70% of her cancer cells are gone 🙏🥹. Starting this Monday (October 7), she’s got setup another 3-months of therapies and we pray that we’d be able to continue with her treatment 🙏. Unfortunately we’re unable to pay the necessary 51,000 Euro by ourselves, and to quote Niki Kunchev, “we don’t need to give thousands but to be thousands”🙏😟🙏.


Thank you all for the prayers and for the great support.


Iliya, Daniela and Mario - her 6yo grandson who’s patiently waiting for his beloved grandma to come visit him.

(Read in English below) Plea for Help🙏!

Hello, dear people of virtue. Please help and share the campaign for the treatment of our dear widow mother/young grandmother Maria.

In just three months in Turkey she has cleared over 70% of the cancer cells🙏. As of Monday (Oct 7th) we have another 3 months newly recruited and we pray we can raise the funds to continue with her treatment🙏. It's impossible to raise the 51,000 euros we need on our own and to quote Nikki Kanchev again, "it's not important to give thousands, it's important to be thousands"🙏🙏😔🙏.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and prayers for health🙏🥹❤️!

~ Elijah, Daniela and Mario (her 6 year old grandson who is waiting anxiously for her to come visit him overseas).

Hello, dear kind people. We're turning to you all to help and raise awareness for the donation platform of our widowed mom/ young grandma Maria 🥹.

In just three months in Turkey over 70% of her cancer cells are gone 🙏🥹. Starting this Monday (October 7), she's got setup another 3-months of therapies and we pray that we'd be able to continue with her treatment 🙏. Unfortunately we're unable to pay the necessary 51,000 Euro by ourselves, and to quote Niki Kunchev, "we don't need to give thousands but to be thousands"🙏😟🙏.

Thank you all for the prayers and for the great support.

Iliya, Daniela and Mario - her 6yo grandson who's patiently waiting for his beloved grandma to come visit him.

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