Help and support homeless animals in Cyprus Help and support homeless animals in Cyprus

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Help and support homeless animals in Cyprus Help and support homeless animals in Cyprus

46 Darczyńcy
998.7 EUR ofiarowane od 1000 EUR
Ta kampania została zakończona. Śledź sekcję Aktualności, aby być na bieżąco z wiadomościami na jej temat i transakcjami (jeśli ich brakuje, oznacza to, że kampania nie została jeszcze opłacona).
Michail Georgiadis
Data zakończenia
Dostępna kwota
665.63 EUR
Michail Georgiadis jest organizatorem kampanii
Dostępna kwota
665.63 EUR
My name is Michail ,and I'm living with my wife and son in Cyprus Island,
1 year I'm trying with my wife help homeless animals here in Cyprus much, We look for animals, take them away and take them to us, we try to cure them point out help, put them in order, and then we look for a house and a new family for them. whoever could take them in, until then we care about them as much as we can, but we don't have enough finances because a lot of money goes to take them to the winder various vaccinations, food and stuff.
My name is Michail ,and I'm living with my wife and son in Cyprus Island,
1 year I'm trying with my wife help homeless animals here in Cyprus much, We look for animals, take them away and take them to us, we try to cure them point out help, put them in order, and then we look for a house and a new family for them. whoever could take them in, until then we care about them as much as we can, but we don't have enough finances because a lot of money goes to take them to the winder various vaccinations, food and stuff.
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6. marca 2025
Michail Georgiadis
Approved repayment Approved repayment
Hello,please approve payout to my bank,thank you! Hello,please approve payout to my bank,thank you!
229.2 EUR Kwota wypłacona beneficjentowi
0.75 EUR Opłata transakcyjna
5. marca 2025
Michail Georgiadis
Approved repayment Approved repayment
Please approve payout to my iban Please approve payout to my iban
59.38 EUR Kwota wypłacona beneficjentowi
0.75 EUR Opłata transakcyjna
4. marca 2025
Michail Georgiadis
Approved repayment Approved repayment
Please give me payout to my iban Please give me payout to my iban
42.24 EUR Kwota wypłacona beneficjentowi
0.75 EUR Opłata transakcyjna
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