For the Women and Girls Living in Uganda’s Streets For the Women and Girls Living in Uganda’s Streets

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Ali Kabugo
Data zakończenia
Koniec po 95 dni
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Ali Kabugo jest organizatorem kampanii
Koniec po 95 dni
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In Kampala, street children and teen mothers were evacuated which indirectly placed a pressure in other cities within the country. In Kampala, street children and teen mothers were evacuated which indirectly placed a pressure in other cities within the country.

21. marca 2025

Uganda being boadering DRC and South Sudan has  forced many refugees  to flee from their homes from conflict in the DRC and South Sudan, leaving families stranded in camps and other majority on the streets within the cities where they live a hand to mouth lifestyle. Beacaue of current war in DRC, many refugees have crossed in Uganda. In Kampala, street children and teen mothers were evacuated which indirectly placed a pressure in other cities within the country. There are thousands of street-connected children who are supporting their families by working on the streets. 


Uganda being boadering DRC and South Sudan has forced many refugees to flee from their homes from conflict in the DRC and South Sudan, leaving families stranded in camps and other majority on the streets within the cities where they live a hand to mouth lifestyle. Beacaue of current war in DRC, many refugees have crossed in Uganda. In Kampala, street children and teen mothers were evacuated which indirectly placed a pressure in other cities within the country. There are thousands of street-connected children who are supporting their families by working on the streets.

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