Economic empowerment for vulnerable children to go to school Economic empowerment for vulnerable children to go to school

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Economic empowerment for vulnerable children to go to school Economic empowerment for vulnerable children to go to school

1 Darczyńcy
9.59 EUR ofiarowane od 1700 EUR
Data zakończenia
Koniec po 17 dni
Dostępna kwota
9.59 EUR

This NPO (NGO) is doing hardly the work of providing child protection education against any form of abuse and exploitation to children and youth. This goes together with helping the needy with materially for them to have access to formal education as majority are coming from vulnerable families.

The compain has been performped in our surrounding community several times for two years since our registration and the indiginous have shown some efforts to help these group of children and youth.

The demand is large but we begin with little to establish foundation for this service to children and youth.

We keenly to prepare the future independent community which will have power to produce products and have income in the community. 

Above all, we target to identify talents in them and develop.

We believe that special positive care delivered to children at their youngest age forms strongest foundation for them to grow positively and to become good producers in the community.

This NPO (NGO) is doing hardly the work of providing child protection education against any form of abuse and exploitation to children and youth. This goes together with helping the needy with materially for them to have access to formal education as majority are coming from vulnerable families.

The compain has been performped in our surrounding community several times for two years since our registration and the indiginous have shown some efforts to help these group of children and youth.

The demand is large but we begin with little to establish foundation for this service to children and youth.

We keenly to prepare the future independent community which will have power to produce products and have income in the community.

Above all, we target to identify talents in them and develop.

We believe that special positive care delivered to children at their youngest age forms strongest foundation for them to grow positively and to become good producers in the community.

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