Changing orphanage life in Uganda Changing orphanage life in Uganda

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1 Darczyńcy
19.27 EUR ofiarowane od 40000 EUR
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Data zakończenia
Dostępna kwota
19.27 EUR
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Dostępna kwota
19.27 EUR

Changing orphanage life Changing orphanage life

31. lipca 2024

Hello ladies and gentlemen together we can do this as the bible say when r in me and am in u ask anything and it will be done to u (John 15:7) and Do unto u would have them do unto u(Luke 6:31). I call up my brothers and sisters please the little u have and donate can change one child's life forever so let's donate for the life of childer u will be blessed and more doors and deliverance it will happen in all u do and as well as u donate.

Hello ladies and gentlemen together we can do this as the bible say when r in me and am in u ask anything and it will be done to u (John 15:7) and Do unto u would have them do unto u(Luke 6:31). I call up my brothers and sisters please the little u have and donate can change one child's life forever so let's donate for the life of childer u will be blessed and more doors and deliverance it will happen in all u do and as well as u donate.

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