Заедно да помогнем на Слави Together to help Slavi

Лекување, медицина и рехабилитација 0/0
967 Донатори
34006.85 EUR донирани од 200000 EUR
Ивета Ценева
Светослав Валентинов Ценев
Краен датум
Крај после 78 дена
Расположлив износ
471.58 EUR
Ивета Ценева организира кампања за Светослав Валентинов Ценев
Крај после 78 дена
Расположлив износ
471.58 EUR


23-ти септември 2024

Здравейте, скъпи приятели.🍀 Днес искаме да споделим актуална информация ,относно случващото се около Слави и неговото лечение. От дълго време не сме споделяли ,поради липса на яснота какво се случва. 🍀Лечението на Слави показва изключително ДОБРИ резултати , състоянието му се подобрява ,образните изследвания са ДОБРИ . 😊 🙏🆘️🙏НО дотук с добрите новини. ЛЕЧЕНИЕТО ПРОДЪЛЖАВА ,А КРАЯТ Е НЕЯСЕН.🆘️СРЕДСТВАТА СВЪРШВАТ ,НО НАДЕЖДАТА НЕ УМИРА . 📣📣📣 🆘️Лечението на Слави е ПОДДЪРЖАЩО и може да продължи 2-3 ,5 години или повече. Сумата на месец около 6000€ ,която е непосилна за него и неговото семейство. 📣 🙏🙏🙏Обръщаме се с апел към Вас ,отново за ПОМОЩ. Вие бяхте до него в началото на всичко и днес той ОТНОВО разчита на Вашата подкрепа. 🙏Молим всеки ,който има възможност да помогнем на този млад мъж да ЖИВЕЕ. Всяко дарение ,макар и малко е изключително важно за него. Всяка подадена ръка е лъч надежда в неговата борба . 🙏🙏🙏 Hello, dear friends. 🍀 Today, we would like to share some updated information regarding Slavi and his treatment. We have not provided any updates for quite some time due to the lack of clarity about the situation. 🍀 Slavi's treatment is showing exceptionally GOOD results; his condition is improving, and the imaging tests are GOOD. 😊 🙏🆘️🙏 BUT that’s where the good news ends. THE TREATMENT CONTINUES, AND THE END IS UNCERTAIN. 🆘️ THE FUNDS ARE RUNNING OUT, BUT HOPE DOES NOT DIE. 📣📣📣 🆘️ Slavi's treatment is SUPPORTIVE and can continue for 2-3, 5 years, or even longer. The monthly cost is around €6000, which is unaffordable for him and his family. 📣 🙏🙏🙏 We turn to you again with a CALL for HELP. You were there for him at the beginning of everything, and today he is ONCE AGAIN counting on your support. 🙏 We kindly ask anyone who has the ability to help this young man LIVE. Every donation, no matter how small, is incredibly important to him. Every hand extended is a ray of hope in his fight. 🙏🙏🙏

Hello, dear friends.🍀 Today we want to share an update on what is happening around Slavi and his treatment. For a long time we have not shared , due to lack of clarity what is happening. Slavi's treatment is showing extremely GOOD results , his condition is improving , imaging tests are GOOD . 😊 🙏🆘️🙏No more with the good news. THE TREATMENT CONTINUES , AND THE END IS UNCLEAR.🆘️СРЕДСТВАТА ARE ENDING , BUT HOPE DOES NOT DIE . Slavi's 📣📣📣📣 🆘️Лечението is SUSTAINABLE and may last 2-3 ,5 years or more. The amount per month around 6000€ , which is unaffordable for him and his family. 📣 🙏🙏🙏We appeal to you , again for HELP. You were there for him at the beginning of it all and today he is RElying on your support. 🙏We are asking everyone who has the ability to help this young man LIVE. Every donation , even a small one is extremely important to him. Every hand given is a ray of hope in his struggle . 🙏🙏🙏 Hello, dear friends. 🍀 Today, we would like to share some updated information regarding Slavi and his treatment. We have not provided any updates for quite some time due to the lack of clarity about the situation. Slavi's treatment is showing exceptionally GOOD results; his condition is improving, and the imaging tests are GOOD. 😊 🙏🆘️🙏 BUT that's where the good news ends. THE TREATMENT CONTINUES, AND THE END IS UNCERTAIN. 🆘️ THE FUNDS ARE RUNNING OUT, BUT HOPE DOES NOT DIE. 📣📣📣 🆘️ Slavi's treatment is SUPPORTIVE and can continue for 2-3, 5 years, or even longer. The monthly cost is around €6000, which is unaffordable for him and his family. 📣 🙏🙏🙏 We turn to you again with a CALL for HELP. You are with him at the beginning of everything, and today he is ONCE AGAIN counting on your support. 🙏 We kindly ask anyone who has the ability to help this young man LIVE. Every donation, no matter how small, is incredibly important to him. Every hand extended is a ray of hope in his fight. 🙏🙏🙏

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