Lions academy San Luis Potosí Lions academy San Luis Potosí

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Lions academy San Luis Potosí Lions academy San Luis Potosí

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Lions academy fútbol americano
Краен датум
Крај после 18 дена
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Lions academy fútbol americano е организатор на кампањата
Крај после 18 дена
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Soy el head coach del equipo Lions academy de la ciudad de San Luis Potosí en México.

Somos un equipo de reciente creación por motivos externos los cuales iban a dejar sin jugar en dónde anteriormente estaban por razones administrativas ahí entró yo, me deslindó de ese mismo equipo para respaldar a los niños y sacar su temporada y pues iniciamos desde cero sin nada de equipo ni balones para poder entrenar, poco a poco me he estado haciendo de balones y de material de entrenamiento así como cubrir gastos de temporada de 5 de ellos de bajos recursos ya que tienen el sueño de poder jugar en una universidad becados. Y pues mi intención es continuar apoyándolos para realizar sus sueños, deben de ser estudiantes de promedio escolar de 8. 5 para arriba. La temporada de ellos cubre uniformes, viajes a otros estados del país, renta del campo, renta de ambulancia en los partidos y si es complicado cubrir los gastos.

El propósito de la campaña es comprar materiales de entrenamiento y parte de sus gastos de temporada regular. Los entrenadores no cobramos ni un centavo y ponemos nuestra bolsa para ayudarlos económicamente.

I am the head coach of the Lions academy team in the city of San Luis Potosi in Mexico.

We are a newly created team for external reasons which were going to leave without playing where they were previously for administrative reasons then I came in, I disassociated myself from that same team to support the children and get their season and then we started from scratch without any equipment or balls to train.Little by little I have been buying balls and training material as well as covering the season expenses of 5 of them of low resources since they have the dream of being able to play in a university with a scholarship. And my intention is to continue supporting them to make their dreams come true, they must be students with a school average of 8.5 or higher. Their season covers uniforms, travel to other states in the country, field rental, ambulance rental for the games and if it is complicated to cover the expenses.

The purpose of the campaign is to buy training materials and part of their regular season expenses. We coaches don't charge a penny and we put our pocket money to help them financially.

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