Моля помогнете на майка ни Мария Please help our mother Maria

Terapia, medicina e riabilitazione 0/0
196 Donatori
12244.74 EUR donati da 50000 euro
Daniela Ilieva
Мария Шилигарова
Data di scadenza
Fine fra 50 giorni
Somma disponibile
91.79 EUR
Daniela Ilieva organizza una campagna per Мария Шилигарова
Fine fra 50 giorni
Somma disponibile
91.79 EUR

Обновена и заредена от родното място Renewed and recharged from the birthplace

17º agosto 2024

(Read in English below) Няма по-драго и по-зареждащо от родното място, Божия храм и любовта и подкрепата на всички около нас ❤️! Майка ми е още по-окрилена и готова за дългия път обратно към Истанбул и престоящите нови лечебни процедури другата седмица. Молим се само на чудо, за да съберем необходимите средства и да продължаваме все така с прогрес и занапред 🙏! Благодарим ви най-сърдечно на всички! Бъдете благословени и най-вече - здрави 🙏❤️


! There is no place like home - your “roots”, the temple, the love and support all around you have extra power and my mom is more recharged than ever❤️! She’s ready for the long journey back to Istanbul and the upcoming treatments next week. We just hope for a miracle to raise the necessary funds to be able to continue with her progress towards complete healing. Thank you all so very much for everything and many blessings for good health 🙏!

(Read in English below) There is nothing more draining and recharging than our birthplace, God's temple and the love and support of everyone around us ❤️! My mother is even more covered and ready for the long drive back to Istanbul and the pending new medical treatments next week. We are just praying for a miracle to raise the necessary funds and to keep making progress in the future 🙏! Thank you all most sincerely! Be blessed and most of all - be healthy 🙏❤️

! There is no place like home - your "roots", the temple, the love and support all around you have extra power and my mom is more recharged than ever❤️! She's ready for the long journey back to Istanbul and the upcoming treatments next week. We just hope for a miracle to raise the necessary funds to be able to continue with her progress towards complete healing. Thank you all so very much for everything and many blessings for good health 🙏!

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