Да помогнем на Били Let's help Billy

Terapia, medicina e riabilitazione 1/7

Да помогнем на Били Let's help Billy

632 Donatori
23119.92 EUR donati da 100000 euro
Биляна Койчева
Data di scadenza
Fine fra 77 giorni
Somma disponibile
137.45 EUR
Теодорина Павлова Койчева organizza una campagna per Биляна Койчева
Fine fra 77 giorni
Somma disponibile
137.45 EUR

Здравейте, скъпи Дарители!

Казвам се Теодорина и ще ви разкажа историята на майка ми Биляна и ще поискам вашата помощ. Мама е решена да се бори с коварната диагноза рак на бял дроб. Тя се лекува в Турция,  болница Анадолу. 

През месец Октомври, мама бе диагностицирана с рак на белия дроб след като една сутрин тя получи повръщане, високо кръвно и изтръпване на дясната част на тялото. Личен лекар я насочи за преглед при невролог. От ЯМР на мозък стана ясно, че има лезии(разсейки) в мозъка. След това бе назначен пет скенер, с цел да се открие огнището(първичният тумор) . След резултати стана ясно, че то се намира в белият дроб. Бе направена бронхоскопия(взет материал от тумора) , с цел изследване на тумора. Стана ясно, че заболяването е в напреднал стадий и трябва да се започне незабавно лечение. Цял ноември месец мина в очакване на резултати. Изпратихме материала за тестване и в Германска лаборатория.

През месец декември на мама и бяха направени десет облъчвания на мозъка. След това и бе поставен порт за химеотерапия. За съжаление докторите в българската болница извършиха интервенцията със усложнения поради което тя получи пневмоторекс (наличие на течност около белия дроб). След това отказаха планираното лечение поради понижени тромбоцити. Поради това решихме да лекуваме майка ми в Турция, където нормализираха състоянието и й дават шанс.  От 18 дни тя се намира там и вече мина първа вливка химеотерапия. Предстоят още седем.

Обръщам се със зов за помощ, тъй като сумата е непосилна за нас. Искам да спася мама, но имам нужда от Вас.

Благодарим от все сърце,

Семейство Койчеви

Hello, dear Donors!

We are Teodorina & Sylvia and we will tell you the story of our mother Bilyana who is determined to fight the horrible diagnosis of Lung cancer. She is currently hospitalised at Anadolu Hospital in Turkey.

Back in October, my mum had to go to the hospital after she experienced vomiting, high blood pressure, numbness on the right side of the body and a loss of balance. She was referred to a neurologist where they performed an MRI scan of the brain that revealed multiple brain lesions. A PET scan was then assigned in order to find the primary cause of the lesions. 

It became clear that there was a tumour in the lung. Following that they had to perform a bronchoscopy (material taken from the tumor) in order to examine the tumor which revealed that the disease was in an advanced stage and treatment should be started urgently. 

However, things in Bulgaria took longer than expected and the whole month of November was spent in waiting for the results and the decision for the next steps. 
Finally she was able to start a radiotherapy in December and went through 10 brain radiations. The next recommended step was to have a port placed to make the chemotherapy infusions. Unfortunately, due to doctor’s mistake the precedure led to complications and she had to be hospitalised and undergo another surgery to treat a pneumothorax (collapsed lung). Couple of weeks after, the doctors ultimately refused to admit her for the planned chemotherapy treatment because of the low platelets in the blood. 

Therefore, we decided to take another route and seek treatment in Turkey. We chose Anadolu Hospital as it was recommended to us and she has been there since 23rd January. The doctors at Anadolu offered her a comprehensive plan of treatment and she just underwent the first infusion. There are seven more to come. 
Unfortunately high quality medical treatment translates in high cost which is beyond our means. Therefore, we are asking for your help.

Best wishes,
Koychev family

¡Hola, queridos donantes!

Somos Teodorina y Sylvia y os vamos a contar la historia de nuestra madre Bilyana, que está decidida a luchar contra el horrible diagnóstico de cáncer de pulmón. Actualmente está ingresada en el Hospital Anadolu de Turquía.

En octubre, mi madre tuvo que ir al hospital tras sufrir vómitos, hipertensión, entumecimiento en el lado derecho del cuerpo y pérdida de equilibrio. La remitieron a un neurólogo, que le realizó una resonancia magnética del cerebro que reveló múltiples lesiones cerebrales. A continuación se le asignó un escáner PET para encontrar la causa primaria de las lesiones. 

Resultó evidente que había un tumor en el pulmón. A continuación tuvieron que realizar una broncoscopia (material extraído del tumor) para examinar el tumor, que reveló que la enfermedad estaba en una fase avanzada y que había que iniciar el tratamiento urgentemente. 

Sin embargo, en Bulgaria las cosas se demoraron más de lo previsto y se pasó todo el mes de noviembre esperando los resultados y la decisión de los siguientes pasos. 
Por fin pudo empezar la radioterapia en diciembre y recibió 10 radiaciones cerebrales. El siguiente paso recomendado era la colocación de un puerto para realizar las infusiones de quimioterapia. Desgraciadamente, por un error médico, el procedimiento se complicó y tuvo que ser hospitalizada y operada de nuevo para tratar un neumotórax (atelectasia pulmonar). Un par de semanas después, los médicos se negaron a ingresarla para el tratamiento de quimioterapia previsto debido al bajo nivel de plaquetas en la sangre. 

Por lo tanto, decidimos tomar otro camino y buscar tratamiento en Turquía. Elegimos el Hospital Anadolu porque nos lo habían recomendado y allí está ingresada desde el 23 de enero. Los médicos del Anadolu le ofrecieron un plan de tratamiento completo y acaba de recibir la primera infusión. Quedan siete más. 
Desgraciadamente, un tratamiento médico de alta calidad se traduce en un coste elevado que escapa a nuestras posibilidades. Por ello, solicitamos su ayuda.

Mil gracias,
Familia Koychev


Hello, dear Donors!

My name is Teodorina and I will tell you the story of my mother Biljana and ask for your help. Mom is determined to fight the insidious diagnosis of lung cancer. She is being treated in Turkey, Anadolu Hospital.

In October, Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer after one morning she experienced vomiting, high blood pressure and numbness on the right side of her body. Her GP referred her to a neurologist for an examination. An MRI scan of her brain showed that she had lesions(dissections) in her brain. A five scanner was then ordered in order to find the focus(primary tumor) . After results it was clear that it was located in the lung. Bronchoscopy was done(material taken from the tumor) , in order to examine the tumor. It became clear that the disease was advanced and treatment should be started immediately. The whole month of November passed waiting for the results. We also sent the material to a German laboratory for testing.

During the month of December, ten brain irradiations were performed on her mom. After that, a port was placed for her to receive chemotherapy. Unfortunately, the doctors at the Bulgarian hospital performed the intervention with complications due to which she got pneumothorax (presence of fluid around the lung). They then refused the planned treatment due to low platelets. Therefore we decided to treat my mother in Turkey where they normalized her condition and are giving her a chance. She has been there for 18 days and already had her first infusion of chemotherapy. Seven more are to come.

I am appealing for help as the amount is prohibitive for us. I want to save my mom, but I need you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

The Koychev Family

Hello, dear Donors!

We are Teodorina & Sylvia and we will tell you the story of our mother Bilyana who is determined to fight the horrible diagnosis of Lung cancer. She is currently hospitalised at Anadolu Hospital in Turkey.

Back in October, my mum had to go to the hospital after she experienced vomiting, high blood pressure, numbness on the right side of the body and a loss of balance. She was referred to a neurologist where they performed an MRI scan of the brain that revealed multiple brain lesions. A PET scan was then assigned in order to find the primary cause of the lesions.

It became clear that there was a tumour in the lung. Following that they had to perform a bronchoscopy (material taken from the tumour) in order to examine the tumour which revealed that the disease was in an advanced stage and treatment should be started urgently.

However, things in Bulgaria took longer than expected and the whole month of November was spent in waiting for the results and the decision for the next steps.
Finally she was able to start a radiotherapy in December and went through 10 brain radiations. The next recommended step was to have a port placed to make the chemotherapy infusions. Unfortunately, due to doctor's error the precedure led to complications and she had to be hospitalised and undergo another surgery to treat a pneumothorax (collapsed lung). Couple of weeks after, the doctors ultimately refused to admit her for the planned chemotherapy treatment because of the low platelets in the blood.

Therefore, we decided to take another route and seek treatment in Turkey. We chose Anadolu Hospital as it was recommended to us and she has been there since 23rd January. The doctors at Anadolu offered her a comprehensive plan of treatment and she just underwent the first infusion. There are seven more to come.
Unfortunately high quality medical treatment translates in high cost which is beyond our means. Therefore, we are asking for your help.

Best wishes,
Koychev family

¡Hola, queridos donantes!

Somos Teodorina y Sylvia y os vamos a contar la historia de nuestra madre Bilyana, que está decidida a luchar contra el horrible diagnóstico de cáncer de pulmón. Actualmente está ingresada en el Hospital Anadolu de Turquía.

En octubre, mi madre tuvo que ir al hospital tras sufrir vómitos, hipertensión, entumecimiento en el lado derecho del cuerpo y pérdida de equilibrio. La remitieron a un neurologo, que le realizó una resonancia magnética del cerebro que reveló múltiples lesiones cerebrales. A continuación se le asignó un escáner PET para encontrar la causa primaria de las lesiones.

Resultó evidente que había un tumor en el pulmón. A continuación tuvieron que realizar una broncoscopia (material extraído del tumor) para examinar el tumor, que reveló que la enfermedad estaba en una fase avanzada y que había que iniciar el tratamiento urgentemente.

Sin embargo, en Bulgaria las cosas se demoraron más de lo previsto y se pasó todo el mes de noviembre esperando los resultados y la decisión de los siguientes pasos.
In the end, I decided to start radiotherapy in December and I have received 10 cerebral radiaciones. El siguiente paso recomendado era la colocación de un puerto para realizar las infusiones de quimioterapia. Desgraciadamente, por un error médico, el procedimiento se complicó y tuvo que ser hospitalizada y operada de nuevo para tratar un neumotórax (atelectasia pulmonar). Un par de semanas después, los médicos se negaron a ingresarla para el tratamiento de quimioterapia previsto debido al bajo nivel de plaquetas en la sangre.

Por lo tanto, decidimos tomar otro camino y buscar tratamiento en Turquía. Elegimos el Hospital Anadolu porque nos lo habían recomendado y allí está ingresada desde el 23 de enero. Los médicos del Anadolu le ofrecieron un plan de tratamiento completo y acaba de recibir la primera infusión. Quedan siete más.
Desgraciadamente, un tratamiento médico de alta calidad se traduce en un coste elevado que escapa a nuestras posibilidades. Por ello, solicitamos su ayuda.

Mil gracias,
Familia Koychev

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