Заедно с ВИЛИ в борбата с рака Together with VILI in the fight against cancer

Traitement, médecine et réhabilitation 0/0
593 Donateurs
28176.11 EUR donnés de 160000 EUR
Rosica Marinkova
Величка Иванова Маринкова
Date de clôture
Fin après 19 jours
Montant disponible
6745.28 EUR
Rosica Marinkova orgqnise une campagne pour Величка Иванова Маринкова
Fin après 19 jours
Montant disponible
6745.28 EUR

Благотворителен концерт да помогнем на ВИЛИ Charity concert to help VILLI Charity concert to help VILLI Charity concert to help VILLI

30 octobre 2024


Промяна на датата за благотворителният концерт в подкрепа на Вили: 14ти НОЕМВРИ

Концерта ще бъде грандиозен! Отидете и му се насладете!

Вече можете да закупите билети на цена 20 лв за присъствени и 10 лв неприсъствени. 

Ще имате възможност, да си закупите и ръчно изработени Коледни подаръчета от благотворителният базар, който ще се състой преди и след концерта пред залата! 

Нека да подкрепим Вили в борбата и с Рака!

Билети можете да закупите от:

-Драматичен театър "Никола Вапцаров" Благоевград

-Информационният център до зала “22ри Септември” 

-Община Благоевград Кабинета на Омбудсмана 410

-В магазина на Гери и Тони в Покровник

-В магазина на майката на Мария Митрева в “Струмско”


Благодаря на всички мои приятели които ще отидат и на тези от Вас които споделихте събитието с приятели и познати!🙏💞



Change of date for the charity concert in support of Villi: 14th NOVEMBER

The concert will be spectacular! Go and enjoy it!

You can now buy tickets at a price of BGN 20 for attendance and BGN 10 for non-attendance. 

You will also have the opportunity to buy handmade Christmas gifts from the charity bazaar, which will take place before and after the concert in front of the hall! 

Let's support Villi in her fight against Cancer!

Tickets can be purchased from:

- Drama Theater "Nikola Vaptsarov" Blagoevgrad

- The Information Center next to the 22nd of September Hall 

-Blagoevgrad Municipality Ombudsman's Office 410

-At Gerry and Tony's store in Pokrovnik

-In the store of Maria Mitreva's mother in Strumsko


Thank you to all my friends who will go and to those of you who shared the event with friends and acquaintances! 🙏💞


Change of date for the charity concert in support of Vili: 14th NOVEMBER

The concert will be spectacular! Go and enjoy it!

You can now buy tickets at 20 BGN for attendees and 10 BGN for non-attendees.

You will also be able to buy handmade Christmas presents from the charity bazaar that will take place before and after the concert in front of the hall!

Let's support Willy in her fight against Cancer!

Tickets can be purchased from:

-Nikola Vaptsarov Drama Theatre Blagoevgrad

-Information Center next to "22ri Septemvri" Hall

-Blagoevgrad Municipality Ombudsman's Office 410

-Gerry and Tony's shop in Pokrovnik

-In the shop of Maria Mitreva's mother in Strumsko

Thank you to all my friends who will go and to those of you who shared the event with friends and acquaintances 🙏💞


Change of date for the charity concert in support of Villi.

The concert will be spectacular! Go and enjoy it!

You can now buy tickets at a price of BGN 20 for attendance and BGN 10 for non-attendance.

You will also have the opportunity to buy handmade Christmas gifts from the charity bazaar, which will take place before and after the concert in front of the hall!

Let's support Villi in her fight against Cancer!

Tickets can be purchased from:

- Drama Theater "Nikola Vaptsarov" Blagoevgrad

- The Information Center next to the 22nd of September Hall

-Blagoevgrad Municipality Ombudsman's Office 410

-At Gerry and Tony's store in Pokrovnik

-In the store of Maria Mitreva's mother in Strumsko

Thank you to all my friends who will go and to those of you who shared the event with friends and acquaintances! 🙏💞

Règles strictes pour le versement des fonds donnés

La plate-forme PavelAndreev.ORG a défini des règles claires pour le versement des fonds donnés dans le cadre de campagnes médicales. Elles garantissent que tous les fonds seront utilisés aux fins prévues du traitement et des coûts associés. Tous les documents sur la base desquels un paiement a été effectué sont visibles dans la section "Actualités".

C'est facile de faire un don

6 façons faciles de faire un don - carte, PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay, Revolut, IBAN.

Rapport sur la révision

Dans la section "Actualités", vous trouverez des informations provenant des initiateurs des campagnes.

Plate-forme de confiance

PavelAndreev.ORG est la plate-forme la plus sûre pour organiser votre prochaine campagne.