Заедно с ВИЛИ в борбата с рака Together with VILI in the fight against cancer

Traitement, médecine et réhabilitation 0/0
593 Donateurs
28176.11 EUR donnés de 160000 EUR
Rosica Marinkova
Величка Иванова Маринкова
Date de clôture
Fin après 19 jours
Montant disponible
6745.28 EUR
Rosica Marinkova orgqnise une campagne pour Величка Иванова Маринкова
Fin après 19 jours
Montant disponible
6745.28 EUR

Актуализация / Update: Actualization / Update:

29 janvier 2025


Честита нова година! Надявам се всички да са имали прекрасен празничен сезон и да започнат новата година, изпълнена с благословии, любов и вълнение. Не мога да ви благодаря достатъчно за цялата подкрепа. Ние сме и продължаваме да бъдем затрупани от много хора, които искат да помогнат, искат да се молят и да споделят тяхната любов. Това означава света за нашето семейство и Вили!

Вили вече е на единадесети месец лечение в Турция. Лечението дава резултати

Тя има 2 различни химиотерапевтични лечения, откакто започна лечението си в Турция (март 2024 г.). Имаше няколко контролни PET сканeра и ЯМР. Резултатите показват, че се движим в правилната посока.

Както всички знаете, Вили е била и все още е на химиотерапия, в допълнение към това след последното PET сканиране тя се подлага на лъчетерапия, която е целенасочено лечение за нейния специфичен тип рак. Тя има някои добри дни и някои трудни дни на лекарства, но продължава да работи и да се грижи за семейството си, тъй като това я държи здраво стъпила на земята, запазва идентичността около нещата, които са важни за нея. Тя все още се учи да отделя повече време за себе си (нещо, в което никога не е била добра ха-ха, винаги се е грижила първо за другите)!

Лечението, необходимо за борба с това заболяване, създава емоционални и финансови трудности в и без това труден момент. Всяка помощ, малка или голяма, ще бъде много оценена.

Искам само да благодаря на всеки един човек, който сподели, дари и предложи помощ по всякакъв начин. Това означава света за Вили, нейния син и нашето семейство!

Общият размер на събраните от всички вас дарения е 227 050 лв. Те частично заплатиха химиотерапията от различните етапи и споменатите тестове. 



Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and is starting out the new year filled with blessings, love, and excitement. I cannot thank you all enough for all the support. We are and continue to be overwhelmed with the amount of people who want to help, want to pray, want to share in their love. It means the world to our family and Villi!

Villi is now eleventh month into treatment in Turkey. The treatment gives results.

She has 2 different types of chemotherapy treatments since she has started her treatment in Turkey (March 2024). She had several control PET scans & MRIs. The results are showing we are moving in the right direction.

As you all know, Villi was and still on a chemotherapy, in addition to this after the last PET scan she is having radiotherapy, which is a targeted treatment for her specific type of cancer. She has some good days and some hard days on the meds but she has been continuing to work and care for her family as that keeps her grounded, keeps identity around the things that are important to her. She is still learning to carve out more time for myself (something she was never good at ha ha, she has always care about others first)!

The treatments required to fight this illness created emotional and financial hardships during an already difficult time. Any help, little or large would be greatly appreciated. 

I would just like to thank every single person who has shared, donated and offered help in every other way. This means the world to Villi, her son and our family!

The total amount of donations collected by all of you is BGN 227,050. They partially paid for the chemotherapy from the different stages and the mentioned tests. 


Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and started the new year filled with blessings, love and excitement. I can't thank you enough for all the support. We have been and continue to be overwhelmed by many people wanting to help, wanting to pray and wanting to share their love. It means the world to our family and to Willie!

Vili is now in her eleventh month of treatment in Turkey. The treatment is yielding results

She has had 2 different chemotherapy treatments since she started her treatment in Turkey (March 2024). She has had several control PET scansand MRIs. The results show that we are moving in the right direction.

As you all know, Vili has been and still is on chemotherapy, in addition to that since the last PET scan she is undergoing radiation therapy which is a targeted treatment for her specific type of cancer. She has had some good days and some tough days on medication, but continues to work and care for her family as this keeps her feet firmly on the ground, maintaining an identity around the things that are important to her. She's still learning to take more time for herself (something she was never good at ha ha, always took care of others first)!

The treatment needed to combat this disease is creating emotional and financial hardships at an already difficult time. Any help, big or small, would be greatly appreciated.

I just want to thank each and every person who shared, donated and offered to help in any way. It means the world to Willy, her son and our family!

The total donations raised by all of you is £227,050. They partially paid for the chemotherapy from the various stages and the tests mentioned.


Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and is starting out the new year filled with blessings, love, and excitement. I cannot thank you all enough for all the support. We are and continue to be overwhelmed with the amount of people who want to help, want to pray, want to share in their love. It means the world to our family and Villi!

Villi is now eleventh month into treatment in Turkey. The treatment gives results.

She has 2 different types of chemotherapy treatments since she has started her treatment in Turkey (March 2024). She had several control PET scans & MRIs. The results are showing we are moving in the right direction.

As you all know, Villi was and still on a chemotherapy, in addition to this after the last PET scan she is having radiotherapy, which is a targeted treatment for her specific type of cancer. She has some good days and some hard days on the meds but she has been continuing to work and care for her family as that keeps her grounded, keeps identity around the things that are important to her. She is still learning to carve out more time for herself (something she was never good at ha ha, she has always cared about others first)!

The treatments required to fight this illness created emotional and financial hardships during an already difficult time. Any help, little or large would be greatly appreciated.

I would just like to thank every single person who has shared, donated and offered help in every other way. This means the world to Villi, her son and our family!

The total amount of donations collected by all of you is BGN 227,050. They partially paid for the chemotherapy from the different stages and the mentioned tests.

Règles strictes pour le versement des fonds donnés

La plate-forme PavelAndreev.ORG a défini des règles claires pour le versement des fonds donnés dans le cadre de campagnes médicales. Elles garantissent que tous les fonds seront utilisés aux fins prévues du traitement et des coûts associés. Tous les documents sur la base desquels un paiement a été effectué sont visibles dans la section "Actualités".

C'est facile de faire un don

6 façons faciles de faire un don - carte, PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay, Revolut, IBAN.

Rapport sur la révision

Dans la section "Actualités", vous trouverez des informations provenant des initiateurs des campagnes.

Plate-forme de confiance

PavelAndreev.ORG est la plate-forme la plus sûre pour organiser votre prochaine campagne.