Заедно да помогнем на Слави Together to help Slavi

Traitement, médecine et réhabilitation 0/0
967 Donateurs
34006.85 EUR donnés de 200000 EUR
Светослав Валентинов Ценев
Date de clôture
Fin après 78 jours
Montant disponible
471.58 EUR
Ивета Ценева orgqnise une campagne pour Светослав Валентинов Ценев
Fin après 78 jours
Montant disponible
471.58 EUR

Информация относно образни изследвания . Следващ етап от лечението Information on imaging . Next stage of treatment

14 juin 2024

Здравейте ,добри хора. 🍀

‼️На Слави бяха направени ЯМР и компютърна томография на белите дробове . Днес излезнаха резултатите ,които бяха обсъдени ,заедно с кръвните изследвания с онколожката. 😊Слави няма никакви нови туморни образования, не се наблюдават и рецидивни тумори, белите дробове са чисти. Спрямо образните и кръвните изследвания се наблюдава драстичен спад в туморните маркери ,което означава, че лечението помага.🙏 📣 Добрите новини ,които Слави чу го обнадеждиха още повече и той ЗНАЕ ,че ще се отърве от тази коварна болест. 🆘️Биологичното лечение и химиотерапията ще продължат още 4 месеца ,като след това отново ще бъдат направени образни изследвания. Това значи ,че пътят на Слави все още не е приключил и сега повече от всичко ,той се нуждае от вашата подкрепа. Всички вие бяхте до него в началото на този труден път и той успя да се справи с операцията и първите етапи от лечението. Средствата ,които до момента са събрани са недостатъчни за всичките процедури, за предстоящите 4 месеца и понататъшното лечение.

🙏🆘️🙏🆘️Молим всеки,който има възможност да подаде ръка на Слави да се излекува и да води пълноценен живот, заедно с неговото семейство.

📣‼️📣‼️ Hello, good people. 🍀 ‼️Slavi had MRI and computed tomography scans of his lungs. Today, the results came out and were discussed with the oncologist. 😊Slavi does not have any new tumor formations, there are no recurrent tumors, and his lungs are clear. Based on the imaging and blood tests, there is a drastic decrease in tumor markers, which means that the treatment is working.🙏 📣The good news has given Slavi even more hope, and he KNOWS that he will overcome this insidious disease. 🆘️Biological treatment and chemotherapy will continue for another 4 months, after which imaging scans will be done again. This means that Slavi's journey is not over yet, and now more than ever, he needs your support. All of you were there for him at the beginning of this difficult journey, and he managed to handle the surgery and the initial stages of treatment. The funds raised so far are insufficient for all the procedures, the upcoming 4 months, and the ongoing treatment. 🙏🆘️🙏🆘️We kindly ask anyone who is able to lend a hand to Slavi in his journey to recovery and to lead a full life, together with his family. 📣‼️📣‼️

Hello , good people. 🍀

‼️На Slavi had an MRI and CT scan of his lungs . Today the results came out , which were discussed , along with the blood tests with the oncologist. 😊Slavi does not have any new tumors, no recurrent tumors, lungs are clear. Compared to imaging and blood tests, there is a drastic drop in tumor markers, which means that the treatment is helping.🙏 📣 The good news that Slavi heard made him even more hopeful and he KNOWS that he will get rid of this insidious disease. 🆘️Биологичното treatment and chemotherapy will continue for another 4 months , after which imaging tests will be done again. This means that Slavi's journey is not over yet and now more than anything he needs your support. All of you were there for him at the beginning of this difficult journey and he managed to cope with the surgery and the first stages of treatment. The funds raised so far are insufficient for all the procedures, the upcoming 4 months and further treatment.

🙏🆘️🙏🆘️Молим everyone,who has the opportunity to give a hand to Slavi to heal and lead a full life, together with his family.

📣‼️📣‼️ Hello, good people. 🍀 ‼️Slavi had MRI and computed tomography scans of his lungs. Today, the results came out and were discussed with the oncologist. 😊Slavi does not have any new tumor formations, there are no recurrent tumors, and his lungs are clear. Based on the imaging and blood tests, there is a drastic decrease in tumor markers, which means that the treatment is working.🙏 📣The good news has given Slavi even more hope, and he KNOWS that he will overcome this insidious disease. 🆘️Biological treatment and chemotherapy will continue for another 4 months, after which imaging scans will be done again. This means that Slavi's journey is not over yet, and now more than ever, he needs your support. All of you were there for him at the beginning of this difficult journey, and he managed to handle the surgery and the initial stages of treatment. The funds raised so far are insufficient for all the procedures, the upcoming 4 months, and the ongoing treatment. 🙏🆘️🙏🆘️We kindly ask anyone who is able to lend a hand to Slavi in his journey to recovery and to lead a full life, together with his family. 📣‼️📣‼️

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