Шанс за Павел A chance for Paul

Traitement, médecine et réhabilitation 0/0
1398 Donateurs
50379.13 EUR donnés de 102258 EUR
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Лидия Трайкова
Павел Георгиев Благоев
Date de clôture
Montant disponible
0.01 EUR
Лидия Трайкова orgqnise une campagne pour Павел Георгиев Благоев
Montant disponible
0.01 EUR


8 mars 2024

Пиша това писмо с натежало сърце и надежда за съпричастност. Павел е от хората, които винаги са позитивни, усмихнати и искат да помагат на околните. Днес обаче трябва да се изправи пред най-голямото предизвикателство в живота си: тумор на меката тъкан на коляното.                            

След лъчетерапията предстои операцията на Павел по отстраняване на тумора. 

За наше голямо съжаление, се оказа че след операцията ще трябва да се направят четири химиотерапии, които са изключително тежки поради вида на рака и онкологът предписа терапиите да се проведат четири пъти за четири дни всяка, за да не се претовари организма на Павел. Това ще включва четиридневен престой в болницата в Истанбул всеки път.

Цената на всяка терапия е непосилна за семейството на Павел, по първоначални данни всяко посещение ще възлезе на 7300 Евро.

Това са почти 60 000 лева. Моля Ви за вашето съдействие и помощ. Стигнахме до тук благодарение на Вас, и силно вярвам че ще успеем и до края, че ще се преборим и ще дарим едно семейство с пълноценен живот, сплотеност, щастие и любов.

Предварително благодаря на всеки един от Вас отделил от времето си да прочете поста до край и благославям всеки, който ще отдели от залъка си, за да помогне и се включи в тази велика кауза на човечност, състрадание и благотворителност.

Споделете поста, за да достигнем до повече хора, които биха помогнали.

БлагоДаря Ви!!!


I write this letter with a heavy heart and hope for sympathy. Pavel is one of those people who are always positive, smiling and want to help others. Today, however, he has to face the biggest challenge of his life: a cancer located in the inner part of his thigh, extremely aggressive and fast growing, reaching a size of 167mm in a month. After radiotherapy, Pavel will undergo surgery to remove the tumor.

To our great regret, it turned out that after the operation, four chemotherapies will have to be done, which are extremely severe due to the type of cancer, and the oncologist prescribed the treatments to be carried out four times for four days each, in order not to overload Pavel's body. This will involve a four-day hospital stay in Istanbul each time.

The price of each therapy is prohibitive for Pavel's family, according to initial data, each visit will amount to 7300 Euros.

This is almost BGN 60,000. I am asking for your cooperation and help. We got here thanks to you, and I strongly believe that we will succeed until the end, that we will fight and give a family with a full life, togetherness, happiness and love.

I thank each and every one of you in advance for taking the time to read the post to the end and I bless everyone who will spare a bite to help and join this great cause of humanity, compassion and charity.

Share the post so we can reach more people who would help.

Thank you!!!

I write this letter with a heavy heart and a hope for empathy. Paul is the kind of person who is always positive, smiling and willing to help others. Today, however, he has to face the biggest challenge of his life: a soft tissue tumor on his knee.

After radiotherapy, Paul will have surgery to remove the tumor.

Much to our dismay, it turned out that after the surgery we would have to have four chemotherapy treatments, which are extremely difficult due to the type of cancer, and the oncologist prescribed that the treatments be done four times for four days each so as not to overload Paul's system. This would involve a four-day stay in hospital in Istanbul each time.

The cost of each therapy is prohibitive for Paul's family, with initial estimates putting each visit at 7,300 Euros.

That's almost 60,000 euros. I ask for your help and assistance. We have come this far thanks to you, and I strongly believe that we will make it to the end, that we will fight through and give a family a full life, togetherness, happiness and love.

I thank each of you in advance for taking the time to read this post to the end, and I bless each of you who will spare some of your time to help and join in this great cause of humanity, compassion and charity.

Share the fast so we can reach more people who would help.


I write this letter with a heavy heart and hope for sympathy. Pavel is one of those people who are always positive, smiling and want to help others. Today, however, he has to face the biggest challenge of his life: a cancer located in the inner part of his thigh, extremely aggressive and fast growing, reaching a size of 167mm in a month. After radiotherapy, Pavel will undergo surgery to remove the tumour.

To our great regret, it turned out that after the operation, four chemotherapies will have to be done, which are extremely severe due to the type of cancer, and the oncologist prescribed the treatments to be carried out four times for four days each, in order not to overload Pavel's body. This will involve a four-day hospital stay in Istanbul each time.

The price of each therapy is prohibitive for Pavel's family, according to initial data, each visit will amount to 7300 Euros.

This is almost BGN 60,000. I am asking for your cooperation and help. We got here thanks to you, and I strongly believe that we will succeed until the end, that we will fight and give a family with a full life, togetherness, happiness and love.

I thank each and every one of you in advance for taking the time to read the post to the end and I bless everyone who will spare a bite to help and join this great cause of humanity, compassion and charity.

Share the post so we can reach more people who would help.

Thank you!!!

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