Грях и слънце (Sin & Sun) Sin & Sun

Art, culture et société 1/3

Грях и слънце (Sin & Sun) Sin & Sun

2 Donateurs
6.27 EUR donnés de 2400 EUR
Date de clôture
Fin après 31 jours
Montant disponible
6.27 EUR
Явор Алипиев est l'organisateur de la campagne
Fin après 31 jours
Montant disponible
6.27 EUR


Hello, I am Yavor Alipiev.

"Sin & Sun" is a brand that aims to support independent artists (both children and adults) in the fields of theater and cinema to achieve their dreams and never give up on them.

We are currently working on two open projects:

  1. A theatrical production based on an original script, with the idea of offering free entry but with an option for donations. The donations will go toward sponsoring a specific project in our country related to children and art, which requires such funding. This, in turn, will help young people develop their talent with even more confidence and enjoyment.

The production is called "Platform of Time", and in the attached file, you can see the detailed expenses that "Sin & Sun" is unable to cover on its own. Everything else will be covered by me without seeking any financial gain from the project.

  1. A contest for the best monologue on the theme of "Christmas," for which I've allocated approximately 700 BGN in prizes. The goal is to encourage people to create, and to promote those whose talent hasn't yet been seen through "Sin & Sun."

Earlier this summer, "Sin & Sun" announced a Facebook contest for the best monologue on the theme of "Summer Love." The basic rules were that the monologue had to be based on an original script and shot in a single take. Many people participated, from children to quite elderly individuals. The three best-shot, acted, and written monologues received their awards. From my personal budget, I set aside approximately 700 BGN in prizes, which were distributed to the winners. Everyone was super happy, and you can see the monologues here on my Facebook page: https://tinyurl.com/bdffatmy

Additionally, through the brand, I am also promoting a film called "Brothers" (2024) by independent actor Martin Dimiev, which we are currently submitting to independent short film festivals.

Once again, I'd like to share that the amount isn't large, and I will set aside a similar sum from my personal funds for the creation and promotion of the theatrical production, as well as the Christmas monologues.

I would love to collaborate with people who love art and, for one reason or another, haven't had the opportunity to showcase their talent. I want to provide this opportunity to them, as well as to myself—especially to the young ones!


Здравейте, аз съм Явор Алипиев.

"Sin & Sun" е бранд, който цели да съдейства на независими артисти (деца и възрастни) от сферата на театъра и киното да постигнат своите мечти и никога да не се предават от тях.

В момента работим по два отворени проекта:

1. Театрална постановка по оригинален сценарий, чиято идея е да бъде с вход свободен, но с опция за дарения, а с даренията да се спонсорира конкретен проект в страната ни, свързан с деца и изкуство, който има нужда от такова финансиране. Това от своя страна ще бъде полезно за младите да развият таланта си с още повече самочувствие и удоволствие.

Постановката се казва "Перон на времето" и в приложения файл може да се видят подробно разходите, за които "Sin & Sun" няма възможност да поеме лично. Всичко останало ще бъде поето от мен без да търся никаква финансова изгода от проекта.

2. Най-добър монолог на тема "Коледа", за който съм предвидил около 700,00 лв. награди с цел да подбутна хората да творят и тези, чийто талант не е видян досега, да бъде промотиран през "Sin & Sun".

"Sin & Sun" обяви конкурс във ФЕЙСБУК за най-добър монолог на тема "Summer Love" по-рано това лято. Базовите правила бяха монологът да е с оригинален сценарий и заснет в един кадър. Много хора се включиха - от деца до доста възрастни. Трите монолози, които бяха най-добре заснети, изиграни и написани, получават своите награди. От личен бюджет отделих сума около 700,00 лв. награди, които да бъдат раздадени на победителите. Всички бяха супер щастливи, може да видите монолозите тук в моята ФЕЙСБУК страница: https://tinyurl.com/bdffatmy

Отделно през бранда промотирам и филм на име "Brothers" (2024) на независимия актьор Мартин Димиев, с който кандидатстваме по фестивали за независимо късометражно кино в момента.

Отново споделям - сумата не е голяма, още толкова някъде ще отделя от лични средства за направата на театралната постановка и рекламата ѝ, както и тази за Коледните монолози.

Иска ми се да си съдействам с хора, които обичат изкуството и поради една или друга причина не са имали възможност да се проявят. Искам да дам тази възможност както на тях, така и на себе си - особено на младите!


Hello, I am Yavor Alipiev.

"Sin & Sun" is a brand that aims to support independent artists (both children and adults) in the fields of theater and cinema to achieve their dreams and never give up on them.

We are currently working on two open projects:

  1. A theatrical production based on an original script, with the idea of offering free entry but with an option for donations. The donations will go towards sponsoring a specific project in our country related to children and art, which requires such funding. This, in turn, will help young people develop their talent with even more confidence and enjoyment.

The production is called "Platform of Time", and in the attached file, you can see the detailed expenses that "Sin & Sun" is unable to cover on its own. Everything else will be covered by me without seeking any financial gain from the project.

  1. A contest for the best monologue on the theme of "Christmas," for which I've allocated approximately 700 BGN in prizes. The goal is to encourage people to create, and to promote those whose talent hasn't yet been seen through "Sin & Sun."

Earlier this summer, "Sin & Sun" announced a Facebook contest for the best monologue on the theme of "Summer Love." The basic rules were that the monologue had to be based on an original script and shot in a single take. Many people participated, from children to quite elderly individuals. The three best-shot, acted, and written monologues received their awards. From my personal budget, I set aside approximately 700 BGN in prizes, which were distributed to the winners. Everyone was super happy, and you can see the monologues here on my Facebook page: https://tinyurl.com/bdffatmy

Additionally, through the brand, I am also promoting a film called "Brothers" (2024) by independent actor Martin Dimiev, which we are currently submitting to independent short film festivals.

Once again, I'd like to share that the amount isn't large, and I will set aside a similar sum from my personal funds for the creation and promotion of the theatrical production, as well as the Christmas monologues.

I would love to collaborate with people who love art and, for one reason or another, haven't had the opportunity to showcase their talent. I want to provide this opportunity to them, as well as to myself-especially to the young ones!


Hello, I am Yavor Alipiev.

Sin & Sun is a brand that aims to help independent artists (children and adults) from theatre and cinema to achieve their dreams and never give up on them.

We are currently working on two open projects:

1. A theatre production based on an original script, the idea of which is to be free entry but with the option of donations, and the donations to sponsor a specific project in our country related to children and art that needs such funding. This in turn will be helpful for the youth to develop their talent with even more confidence and enjoyment.

The production is called "Feather of Time" and in the attached file you can see the detailed costs that "Sin & Sun" is not able to bear personally. Everything else will be underwritten by me without seeking any financial gain from the project.

2. The best monologue on the theme of "Christmas", for which I have provided about 700,00 £ prizes in order to nudge people to create and those whose talent has not been seen before, to be promoted through "Sin & Sun".

'Sin & Sun' launched a Facebook competition for the best monologue on the theme of 'Summer Love' earlier this summer. The basic rules were that the monologue had to be originally scripted and shot in one take. Lots of people entered, from children to quite a few adults. The three monologues that were best filmed, acted and written received their prizes. From my personal budget I allocated a sum of about £700.00 prizes to be given to the winners. Everyone was super happy, you can see the monologues here on my Facebook page: https://tinyurl.com/bdffatmy

Separately, through the brand I am promoting a film called "Brothers" (2024) by the independent actor Martin Dimiev, which we are applying to festivals for independent short films at the moment.

Again I share - the amount is not big, I'll spend that much more somewhere from personal funds to make the theatrical production and advertise it, as well as the one for the Christmas Monologues.

I'd like to collaborate with people who love the arts and for one reason or another haven't had a chance to express themselves. I want to give that opportunity to them as well as to myself - especially the young!

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