Заедно за Силвия Together for Sylvia

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Заедно за Силвия Together for Sylvia

650 Donantes
15409.71 EUR donated from 76694 EUR
Esta campaña se ha llevado a cabo. Siga la sección de Noticias para estar al corriente de las novedades sobre la misma y de las transacciones (si faltan, quiere decir que la campaña aún no ha sido pagada).
Силвия Чан
Силвия Чинх Чан
Fecha límite
Llevada a cabo
Cantidad disponible
265.27 EUR
Силвия Чан organiza una campaña para Силвия Чинх Чан
Llevada a cabo
Cantidad disponible
265.27 EUR

Здравейте мили хора!

Казвам се Силвия. Имам поставена диагноза- Рак с множество разсейки на белият дроб и разсейки в областта на корема и панкреас.

Боря се с тази болест от 5години. 2019 г. ми поставиха диагнозата злокачествен рак на яйчника, бях оперирана и минах 6 курса химиотерапия и  всичко беше наред .

Мислех , че съм преборила тази страшна и коварна болест но за съжаление се върна отново ! 

От 5 годинине не знам какво е да имам нормален ден, като на всички хора. Всички мои мечти се сринаха и изпепелиха, единствено ми остана да се боря с нокти и зъби за живота си, но вече и за това не ми останаха сили. 

Единствената надежда ми остана лечение в чужбина, но за жалост нямам необходимите средства. Предстоят ми редица скъпи лабораторни изследвания, с който лекарите могат да определят, кое лечение е точно за мен, но са  непосилни за мен без вашата помощ ! 

Много се изморих да се боря сама, нямам си никого на когото да мога да се опра, сама се боря с всичко! 

Не мога повече, на ръба на силите съм  си. Никога не съм искала да притеснявам някого с моите здравословни проблеми, неудобно ми е, срамувам се, но знам, че сега от това ми зависи живота.

За това се обръщам към вас, мили хора, моля ви за помощ. Помогнете ми да остана жива!!! Знам, че доброто съществува у вас, знам, че цените човешкият живот !Моля ,помогнете ми да оздравея, за да имам нормален начин на живот. 

Благодаря от сърце и душа на всички вас , които ще се отзовете на молбата ми!  Благодаря ви мили и добри хора!Вярвам , че с помоща на Бог и с вашата подкрепа ще успея !

Бъдете благословени ! 

My name is Silviya. I have been diagnosed with Malignant Cancer with multiple lung metastases and metastases in the abdomen and pancreas.

I have been fighting this disease for 5 years. In 2019, I was diagnosed with malignant ovarian cancer, I was operated on and underwent 6 courses of chemotherapy and everything was fine.

I thought I had overcome this terrible and insidious disease, but unfortunately it came back again!
Since I was 5 years old, I don't know what it's like to have a normal day, like everyone else. All my dreams collapsed and burned to ashes, all that was left for me was to fight tooth and nail for my life, but I no longer had the strength left for that either.

My only hope is treatment abroad, but unfortunately I don't have the necessary funds. I have a number of expensive laboratory tests ahead of me, with which the doctors can determine which treatment is right for me, but they are too much for me without your help!

I am very tired of fighting alone, I have no one to lean on, I fight everything alone!

I can't do it anymore, I'm at the edge of my strength. I never wanted to bother anyone with my health problems, it's embarrassing, I'm ashamed, but I know that now my life depends on it.

That's why I'm turning to you, dear people, asking for your help. Help me stay alive!!! I know that goodness exists in you, I know that you value human life! Please help me to get well so that I can have a normal way of life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul to all of you who will respond to my request! Thank you kind and good people!

Hello dear people!

My name is Silvia. I have been diagnosed with cancer with multiple lung and abdominal and pancreatic lesions.

I have been fighting this disease for 5years. 2019 I was diagnosed with malignant ovarian cancer, I had surgery and went through 6 courses of chemotherapy and everything was fine .

I thought , I had beaten this scary and insidious disease but unfortunately it came back again !

For 5 yearsI don't know what it's like to have a normal day like all people. All my dreams collapsed and burned, the only thing left is to fight tooth and nail for my life, but I have no strength left for that either.

The only hope I have left is treatment abroad, but unfortunately I don't have the necessary funds. I have a number of expensive lab tests ahead of me, with which the doctors can determine which treatment is right for me, but they are unaffordable for me without your help !

I'm very tired of struggling on my own, I have no one I can lean on, I'm struggling with everything on my own !

I can't take it anymore, I'm at the edge of my strength. I never wanted to bother anyone with my health problems, I am embarrassed, ashamed, but I know my life depends on it now.

For this I turn to you, dear people, I ask for your help. Help me to stay alive!!! I know that goodness exists in you, I know that you value human life !Please help me to get well, to have a normal life.

Thank you from my heart and soul to all of you who will respond to my plea! Thank you kind and good people !

Be blessed !

My name is Silviya. I have been diagnosed with Malignant Cancer with multiple lung metastases and metastases in the abdomen and pancreas.

I have been fighting this disease for 5 years. In 2019, I was diagnosed with malignant ovarian cancer, I was operated on and underwent 6 courses of chemotherapy and everything was fine.

I thought I had overcome this terrible and insidious disease, but unfortunately it came back again!
Since I was 5 years old, I don't know what it's like to have a normal day, like everyone else. All my dreams collapsed and burned to ashes, all that was left for me was to fight tooth and nail for my life, but I no longer had the strength left for that either.

My only hope is treatment abroad, but unfortunately I don't have the necessary funds. I have a number of expensive laboratory tests ahead of me, with which the doctors can determine which treatment is right for me, but they are too much for me without your help!

I am very tired of fighting alone, I have no one to lean on, I fight everything alone!

I can't do it anymore, I'm at the edge of my strength. I never wanted to bother anyone with my health problems, it's embarrassing, I'm ashamed, but I know that now my life depends on it.

That's why I'm turning to you, dear people, asking for your help. Help me stay alive!!! I know that goodness exists in you, I know that you value human life! Please help me to get well so that I can have a normal way of life.

Thank you kind and good people!

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Силвия Чан organiza una campaña para Силвия Чинх Чан
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Проформа за лекарства Proforma for medicines
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7º junio 2024
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Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Проформа за медикаменти за лечение Proforma for medication for treatment
2306 EUR Pago mediante factura
20.46 EUR Comsión de transacción
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Оферта за лечение Offer for treatment
Здравейте ,скъпи приятели искам първо да изкажа огромната си благодарност , към всеки който ме е подкрепил и продължава да го прави , без вашата подк... Hello , dear friends I would first like to express my immense gratitude , to everyone who has supported me and continues to do so , without your suppo...
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Laplataforma PavelAndreev.ORG tiene reglas claramente definidas para el pago de fondos donados para las campañas médicas. Ellos garantizan que todos los fondos se utilizarán para la consecución del objetivo - para el tratamiento y los gastos acompañantes. Todos los documentos en los que se ha efectuado un pago están visibles en la sección de Noticias.


6 maneras fáciles de hacer su donación - tarjeta, PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay, Revolut, IBAN.

Informe de revisión

En la sección de Noticias encontrará información de los promotores (iniciadores) de las campañas.


PavelAndreev.ORG es la plataforma más segura para organizar su próxima campaña.