#ТиКаквоДишаш Помогни на Децата на България да дишат чист въздух #HelpChildren of Bulgaria breathe clean air

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#ТиКаквоДишаш Помогни на Децата на България да дишат чист въздух #HelpChildren of Bulgaria breathe clean air

1 Donantes
48.12 EUR donated from 999 EUR
Фондация "Отворен Час"
Fecha límite
Final después de 22 días
Cantidad disponible
48.12 EUR
Фондация "Отворен Час" Es el organizador de la campaña
Final después de 22 días
Cantidad disponible
48.12 EUR

През месец октомври 2024, 721 деца на възраст от 3 до 18 години от 85 български населени места и 2 деца от българското училище в Хага, създадоха заедно 672 творби, за да попитат - #ТиКаквоДишаш.

Ние мислехме, че въздухът само при нас е тежък, тежкият мирис на газ в Бургас. Оказа се, че почти навсякъде в България се намира някой да трови децата и те го знаят, защото дишат повече от нас.

Интересен е фактът, че децата знаят имената на фирми от тежката индустрия, които са най-големите замърсители на въздуха в България. Дори има деца на 4г., които са изписали буквички по комини на заводи, осъзнавайки от къде идва замърсяването. Факт, който изглежда е непознаваем за държавните институции, натоварени с тежката задача, да контролират и осигуряват добро качество на въздух в България. Защото не го правят? Защо не се затварят предприятия, които са системни нарушители и от години се наричат неизвестен източник? Защо отговорните институции и министерства буквално спят вечер, когато цели градове се обгазяват?

Колко често имаме нужда от въздух?

  • Ние, възрастните поемаме до 21.000 пъти въздух на ден.
  • Едно новородено обаче, поема въздух до 86.000 пъти на ден.
  • Когато стане на 1 година, едно дете поема въздух до 74.000 пъти на ден.
  • Едно 2 годишно дете поема до 57.000 пъти въздух на ден.
  • Едно 4 годишно дете до 43.000 пъти въздух на ден.
  • Едно 15-годишно дете до 28.000 пъти въздух на ден. Прости факти, които всеки родител трябва да познава, защото с нашите избори им сервираме въздух постоянно.

Каним Ви най-официално на Най-голямата виртуална изложба на детски рисунки в света - #ТиКаквоДишаш, кандидат за рекордите на Гинес.

За съжаление, медиите в България, както и административните структури като МОСВ, Министерство на образованието, президент, кметове и областни управи не проявиха интерес към темата, освен областна управа Велико Търново, за което благодарим. Благодарим и на Дишай Димитровград, че споделиха нашата кампания. Темата е тежка, непопулярна, и тайното тровене на децата на България продължава неуморно.

За това Ви молим за подкрепа и да споделите нашата кауза. Не е нужно да дарявате пари, просто гледайте изложбата, споделете я с всеки, който можете, последвате ни, харесайте я. Средствата ни са необходими за популяризиране на изложбата в YouTube, за да може тази кампания да достигне колкото е възможно повече хора в България и чужбина. Нашата фондация не е приемала дарения до сега, не получаваме средства от ЕС, държавни и подобни. Не искаме и да приемаме. Благотворителността трябва да е благотворителна, да дариш най-ценното на този свят времето си. Финасираме всичко с наши лични средства, и изграждаме всяка кампания със собствени усилия, креативен труд в свободното ни време и Ви молим за подкрепа.

Входът за изложбата е безплатен, достъпен 24 часа от всяко кътче на света. Изложбата е прекрасен пример за мирна и конструктивна гражданска активност на деца от ранна възраст, родители и учители, гражданско образование в действие.

Това са линковете за изложбата:

Пълна версия 2 часа и 50 мин


Кратка версия на български 20 минути


Кратка версия на английски 20 минути


България е с най-ниската очаквана продължителност на живота в ЕС и същевременно с най-замърсения въздух. Няма да открием Америка, ако свържем тези два факта.

Децата имат много прости решения, вижте ги. Изпращат ги, за да ни дадат идеи, как да направим въздуха по-чист за всички нас. Единствения наличен за дишане въздух.

Едно е ясно: Животът за нас без въздух е невъзможен. Това е прост факт, който изглежда абсолютно забравен.

Много по-важно от това, какво пием, какво ядем, как изглеждаме, каква кола караме, колко последователи имаме в инстаграм, кой е на власт, къде живеем, колко пари печелим. Но явно светът или по-точно българите имат грешните приоритети.

Ако храната, която ни сервират е развалена, едва ли ще я ядем. Най-вероятно ще я върнем или хвърлим. Същото е с почти всичко, което консумираме. Само с въздуха не е така. Там нямаме избор дали да дишаме или не, ако искаме да оцелеем.

Нека сервираме чист въздух на децата ни.

Всеки от нас има известна власт, наречена лична отговорност, нека всеки българин да я използва. Надяваме се, тази изложба да докосне много хора положително. Нека да разберем като народ, че да обичаш децата си, да обичаш родината си, означава да ги пазиш. Да се стараем да бъдем по-добри хора, по-задружни, по-уважаващи. Да пазим и съхраняваме България и природата за децата си.

Благодарим Ви предварително за подкрепата! Пожелаваме Ви Весели празници и здраве на Вас и Вашите семейства! За една по-чиста и добра България за всички нас!

С уважение,

Ивелина Ливингстън

Фондация "Отворен Час"


We invite you to The World’s largest virtual exhibition of children’s drawings #WhatDoYouBreatheIn?. It’s so grand that we’ve even reached out to the Guinness World Records to have our category recognized.

We, along with 714 children, their parents, and teachers, would be grateful if you could cover our exhibition and help us make it popular, so we have at least a little hope for a change.

The admission to our exhibition is free! Watch it on our YouTube channel.

Short English Version 19 minutes https://youtu.be/mwxO5w5QHck

Full Exhibition in Bulgarian 2 hours and 50 minutes https://youtu.be/ffxmo1M4hXI

In October 2024, 714 children aged 3 to 18 from 85 Bulgarian cities and villages, along with 2 children from the Bulgarian school in The Hague, created a total of 667 artworks to ask an important question: #WhatDoYouBreatheIn?

Bulgaria has the lowest life expectancy in the EU and, at the same time, the most polluted air. Connecting these two facts is not exactly groundbreaking.

Unfortunately, the media in Bulgaria is not interested in covering the topic. Neither are governmental institutions interested. Air pollution from factories in Bulgaria is widely accepted, and corruption makes sure that polluting businesses continue to operate with no questions asked.

It’s striking that children know the names of heavy industry companies that are among the biggest air polluters in Bulgaria. Some children as young as four have even written letters on factory chimneys, recognizing where the pollution originates. This is a fact that seems unknown to the government institutions responsible for controlling and ensuring good air quality in Bulgaria. Why Aren’t They Acting?

  • Why aren’t companies that systematically violate regulations are not fined or being shut down?
  • Why are these polluters often referred to as “unknown sources”?
  • Why do responsible institutions and ministries literally sleep at night while cities are being poisoned?

Thank you so much in advance for your time and support!

Kind regards,

I. Livingston

Open Learning Foundation (Otvoren Chas Fondacia)

In October 2024, 721 children aged 3 to 18 from 85 Bulgarian localities and 2 children from the Bulgarian school in The Hague, created 672 works together to ask - #WhatYouDo.

We thought the air was only heavy with us, the heavy smell of gas in Burgas. It turned out that almost everywhere in Bulgaria there is someone poisoning children and they know it because they breathe more than us.

It is interesting that children know the names of companies in heavy industry, which are the biggest air polluters in Bulgaria. There are even children as young as 4 who have written letters on the chimneys of factories, realising where the pollution comes from. A fact that seems to be unknown to the state institutions charged with the difficult task of controlling and ensuring good air quality in Bulgaria. Because they don't? Why do they not close down plants that are systematic violators and have been called an unknown source for years? Why do the responsible institutions and ministries literally sleep at night when entire cities are being gassed?

How often do we need air?

  • We adults take in up to 21.000 times of air per day.
  • A newborn, however, takes in air up to 86.000 times a day.
  • When it becomes 1 year old, a child takes a breath up to 74.000 times a day.
  • A 2-year-old child takes in up to 57.000 breaths per day.
  • A 4-year-old child takes up to 43.000 breaths per day.
  • A 15-year-old child takes up to 28.000 breaths per day. Simple facts that every parent should know, because with our choices we serve them air constantly.

We most formally invite you to the World's Largest Virtual Exhibition of Children's Drawings - #WhatYouDo, a candidate for Guinness World Records.

Unfortunately, the media in Bulgaria, as well as administrative structures such as the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Education, the President, mayors and regional governments have not shown interest in the topic, except for the Veliko Tarnovo Regional Government, for which we are grateful. We also thank Dishay Dimitrovgrad for sharing our campaign. The issue is difficult, unpopular, and the secret poisoning of Bulgaria's children continues unabated.

For this we ask for your support and to share our cause. You don't have to donate money, just watch the exhibition, share it with everyone you can, follow us, like it. We need funds to promote the exhibition on YouTube so that this campaign can reach as many people as possible in Bulgaria and abroad. Our foundation has not accepted any donations until now, we do not receive any EU, government or similar funds. We don't want to accept. Charity should be charitable, to give the most precious thing in this world your time. We fund everything with our personal funds, and build each campaign with our own efforts, creative work in our spare time and ask for your support.

Admission to the exhibition is free, accessible 24 hours from any corner of the world. The exhibition is a wonderful example of peaceful and constructive civic engagement by young children, parents and teachers, civic education in action.

Here are the links for the exhibition:

Full version 2 hours and 50 min


Short version in English 20 minutes


Short version in English 20 minutes


Bulgaria has the lowest life expectancy in the EU and also the most polluted air. We will not find America if we link these two facts.

Children have very simple solutions, look them up. Send them to give us ideas on how to make the air cleaner for all of us. The only air available to breathe.

One thing is clear: Life for us without air is impossible. It's a simple fact that seems to be absolutely forgotten.

Much more important than what we drink, what we eat, what we look like, what car we drive, how many followers we have on Instagram, who is in power, where we live, how much money we make. But apparently the world, or rather the Bulgarians, have the wrong priorities.

If the food we are served is spoiled, we will hardly eat it. Most likely we will return it or throw it away. It is the same with almost everything we consume. It's just not the case with air. There we have no choice whether to breathe or not if we want to survive.

Let us serve clean air to our children.

Each of us has a certain power called personal responsibility, let every Bulgarian use it. We hope this exhibition will touch many people positively. Let us understand as a nation that to love our children, to love our country, means to protect them. Let us try to be better people, more cooperative, more respectful. To protect and preserve Bulgaria and nature for our children.

Thank you in advance for your support! We wish you Happy Holidays and good health to you and your families! For a cleaner and better Bulgaria for all of us!


Ivelina Livingston

Open Chas Foundation


We invite you to The World's largest virtual exhibition of children's drawings #WhatDoYouBreatheIn?. It's so grand that we've even reached out to the Guinness World Records to have our category recognized.

We, along with 714 children, their parents, and teachers, would be grateful if you could cover our exhibition and help us make it popular, so we have at least a little hope for a change.

The admission to our exhibition is free! Watch it on our YouTube channel.

Short English Version 19 minutes https://youtu.be/ mwxO5w5QHck

Full Exhibition in Bulgarian 2 hours and 50 minutes https://youtu.be/ ffxmo1M4hXI

In October 2024, 714 children aged 3 to 18 from 85 Bulgarian cities and villages, along with 2 children from the Bulgarian school in The Hague, created a total of 667 artworks to ask an important question: #WhatDoYouBreatheIn?

Bulgaria has the lowest life expectancy in the EU and, at the same time, the most polluted air. Connecting these two facts is not exactly groundbreaking.

Unfortunately, the media in Bulgaria is not interested in covering the topic. Neither are governmental institutions interested. Air pollution from factories in Bulgaria is widely accepted, and corruption makes sure that polluting businesses continue to operate with no questions asked.

It's striking that children know the names of heavy industry companies that are among the biggest air polluters in Bulgaria. Some children as young as four have even written letters on factory chimneys, recognising where the pollution originates. This is a fact that seems unknown to the government institutions responsible for controlling and ensuring good air quality in Bulgaria. Why Aren't They Acting?

  • Why aren't companies that systematically violate regulations are not fined or being shut down?
  • Why are these polluters often referred to as "unknown sources"?
  • Why do responsible institutions and ministries literally sleep at night while cities are being poisoned?

Thank you so much in advance for your time and support!

Kind regards,

I. Livingston

Open Learning Foundation (Open Chas Fondacia)

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Informe de revisión

En la sección de Noticias encontrará información de los promotores (iniciadores) de las campañas.

Plataforma de confianza

PavelAndreev.ORG es la plataforma más segura para organizar su próxima campaña.