
What is transfer of funds and how does it work?

Every initiator of a campaign on the platform can transfer an amount from their campaign to another one or to the Fund for the Treatment of Children Abroad. This option is used in the following cases:

  • after a successfully completed campaign when there is a residual unspent amount that is not needed 
  • in case of death of the beneficiary

How does the transfer of funds work (illustrated with an example)?

Each user of the platform can see two amounts in the campaign:

  • total donated amount for the campaign (for example, EUR 100 donated out of the needed EUR 300) - this is the total donated amount for the campaign
  • available amount (for example, EUR 70) - this is the amount that is available in the campaign and is not spent

If the initiator of the campaign wishes to donate EUR 20 to another campaign, EUR 20 will appear with a minus (-) in the Donors section and:

  • the total amount donated for the campaign will change as follows - from " EUR 100 donated out of the needed EUR 300" to " EUR 80 donated out of the needed EUR 300"
  • available amount will change - from "70 EUR " to "50 EUR"
  • regarding the campaign the above EUR 20 was transferred to, that amount will be available in the Donors section as a donation, in both the total donated amount and in the available amount