Шанс за малкия Ивко A chance for little Ivko

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
6581 Donors
30391.38 EUR donated from 552195 EUR
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Ивайло Христов Йорданов
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Нели Ненова organizes a campaign for Ивайло Христов Йорданов
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СПЕШНО, бебе Ивко има нужда от лечение URGENT, baby Ivko needs treatment

12th April 2024

От името на цялото ни семейство, благодарим безкрайно на всички дарители, които са отделили от собствените си средства и са ги дарили на Ивко! Благодаря ви всяка минута, но не успявам да пиша, защото търся...търся постоянно изход от патовата ситуация, в която живота ни постави....

Сигурна съм, че Ивко иска да живее и да се бори с коварното заболяване, което никой не знае от къде дойде и то при толкова малко, крехко и невенно детенце...Виждам в очите му, че иска да живее...особено в моментите, когато погледът му и усмивката му са на детето ни от преди болестта...В моментите, в които не настъпват кризите, в които вика продължително и пронизително ...но не може да каже дали е от болка, дали е от тягостните усещания, дали е от това, че опустошителната болест не му позволява да се забавлява както преди и не може да тича и скача и вече не пляска така с ръчички...

Сега се радваме на всяка малка крачка, която той успява да направи с наша помощ и само защото е силен и има воля за живот....радваме се, че Ивко е боец...!

И тук идва неудобният въпрос.... относно средствата, които се надяваме да успеем с общи усилия да съберем за тази безмилостно жестока борба....

За съжаление крайната цена е висока и непосилна за нас... ще разчитаме много на трансплантацията на стволови клетки (която предлагат в Германия) или на тази на костен мозък (която прилагат в Турция) и на химиотерапията, която ще направят след като се установи дали туморът е класически медулобластом или не.... Днес по-рано описах моментната ситуация по-подробно в Новини в тази кампания... писах за невъзможността да се възползваме от иновативната протон терапия в случая на Ивко, но ние на губим надежда и ще се борим до край...с помощта на всеки дарител...


-------------------- On behalf of our entire family, we want to express our endless gratitude to each and every one of you, who has made a donation for Ivko! My gratitude is constant, but I just can’t get around to writing, because I am looking for a way out… a way out of this stalemate, that life trust upon us… I am certain that Ivko wants to live and fight this terrible sickness. Nobody knows where it came from, especially in such a small, fragile and innocent child… I can see it in his eyes, that he wants to live… especially in the moments when I catch a glimpse of the smile and eyes I now, from before the sickness came… The moments, without the attacks when he screams endlessly… but he can’t tell us what is wrong... Is it from the pain, is it some dreadful feeling, is it because the devastating disease doesn’t allow him to have fun like he used to. To run, to jump and to clap his hands in joy... Now we are joyful for every little step he takes, with our help and with his own strength and will to live… We are joyful that Ivko is a fighter! But ultimately we reach the elephant in the room… the money we hope to raise together for this difficult battle… Unfortunately, the amount needed is beyond our means… we put our hopes in either a stem cell transplantation (available in Germany) or a bone marrow transplantation (available in Turkey) in combination with chemotherapy, which will be administered after we know whether we are dealing with a classical medulloblastoma or not… Earlier today I posted a detailed description of our current situation, in the “News” section… There I wrote about the fact that the innovative Proton Therapy cannot be used in Ivko’s case, but we do not lose hope and we will fight all the way… with the help of each and every one of you willing to help us

On behalf of our entire family, we are eternally grateful to all the donors who have given of their own money and donated to Ivko! Thank you every minute, but I am unable to write because I am searching...constantly searching for a way out of the stalemate life has put us in....

I'm sure Ivko wants to live and fight this insidious disease that no one knows where it came from and with such a small, fragile and innocent child...I can see in his eyes that he wants to live...especially in the moments when his look and smile are of our child from before the disease...In the moments when the crises don't come, when he cries out long and shrill ...but he can't tell if it's from the pain, if it's from the distressing sensations, if it's because the devastating illness doesn't allow him to have fun like he used to and he can't run and jump and clap his hands like that anymore...


We are happy for every little step he manages to take with our help and just because he is strong and has the will to live.... we are glad that Ivko is a fighter...!

And here comes the awkward question.... about the funds we hope to be able to raise together for this relentlessly cruel fight....

Unfortunately, the ultimate cost is high and prohibitive for us... we will be relying heavily on stem cell transplant (which they offer in Germany) or bone marrow transplant (which they do in Turkey) and the chemotherapy they will do once it is determined if the tumor is a classic medulloblastoma or not.... Earlier today I described the current situation in more detail in the News in this campaign... I wrote about the impossibility to benefit from the innovative proton therapy in Ivko's case, but we are not losing hope and will fight to the end... with the help of every donor...


-------------------- On behalf of our entire family, we want to express our endless gratitude to each and every one of you, who has made a donation for Ivko! My gratitude is constant, but I just can’t get around to writing, because I am looking for a way out… a way out of this stalemate, that life trust upon us… I am certain that Ivko wants to live and fight this terrible sickness. Nobody knows where it came from, especially in such a small, fragile and innocent child… I can see it in his eyes, that he wants to live… especially in the moments when I catch a glimpse of the smile and eyes I now, from before the sickness came… The moments, without the attacks when he screams endlessly… but he can’t tell us what is wrong... Is it from the pain, is it some dreadful feeling, is it because the devastating disease doesn’t allow him to have fun like he used to. To run, to jump and to clap his hands in joy... Now we are joyful for every little step he takes, with our help and with his own strength and will to live… We are joyful that Ivko is a fighter! But ultimately we reach the elephant in the room… the money we hope to raise together for this difficult battle… Unfortunately, the amount needed is beyond our means… we put our hopes in either a stem cell transplantation (available in Germany) or a bone marrow transplantation (available in Turkey) in combination with chemotherapy, which will be administered after we know whether we are dealing with a classical medulloblastoma or not… Earlier today I posted a detailed description of our current situation, in the “News” section… There I wrote about the fact that the innovative Proton Therapy cannot be used in Ivko’s case, but we do not lose hope and we will fight all the way… with the help of each and every one of you willing to help us

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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