Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
1922 Donors
53381.27 EUR donated from 76694 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Илиана Димитрова
Борил Османов
End date
Available amount
31035.8 EUR
Илиана Димитрова organizes a campaign for Борил Османов
Available amount
31035.8 EUR

Борил стана на 1месец Boril became 1 month old

7th January 2024
Нашите мъничета днес стават на един месец! Не усетихме как мина - радост, тревога, болници, операции... Но...всичко ще бъде наред! Аделина расте, Борил все още е в болницата в реанимация, но и той расте и се бори за живота и здравето си. Надяваме се утре да го изведат от реанимация. Кака Мелани помага усърдно и се грижи за тях.
Благодарим на всички, които са съпричастни с нас, на всички, които отделиха от скромните си средства и дариха в полза на Бори! Благодарим ви скъпи дарители! Всички Вие ни вдъхнахте кураж и надежда! Коледният дух е сред всички Вас, а аз повярвах отново в чудеса!
Благодарим и на лекарите, сестрите, акушерките от болница " Майчин дом" и болница " Пирогов"!
Бъдете здрави и Бог да ви закриля!
Our babies are one month old today! We didn't feel how it went - joy, anxiety, hospitals, surgeries... But... everything will be fine! Adelina is growing up, Boril is still in the hospital in intensive care, but he is also growing up and fighting for his life and health. Hopefully tomorrow they will bring him out of intensive care. Kaka Melanie is helping diligently and taking care of them.
Thank you to everyone who has empathized with us, to everyone who has given of their modest means and donated to Bori! Thank you dear donors! All of you have given us courage and hope! Christmas spirit is among all of you, and I believed in miracles again!
Thank you also to the doctors, nurses, midwives from the hospital "Maichin Dom" and the hospital "Pirogov"!
Be healthy and God protect you!
Thank you!

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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