Бъди ангел-спасител за малкия Теди Be a rescuing angel for little Teddy

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
723 Donors
17919.39 EUR donated from 17895 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Гергана Ивова Димитрова
Теодор Димитров Борисов
End date
Available amount
4460.92 EUR
Гергана Ивова Димитрова organizes a campaign for Теодор Димитров Борисов
Available amount
4460.92 EUR

Одобрено изплащане към АДАПТ БГ ООД Approved payment to ADAPT BG Ltd.

17th February 2025
Здравейте приятели. За последната една година Теди много порасна на височина. Този скок в растежа му налагаше закупуването на нова количка ,защото старата му е от бебе и вече му е доста малка. Справих се със закупуването чрез различни фондове и организации, сега остава само допълненията към нея да осигуря. Искам да ви благодаря, че винаги сте до нас и подкрепяте моето дете. То има нужда от вас и вашата подкрепа. Благодаря ви. Hello friends. Teddy has grown a lot in height in the last year. This growth spurt necessitated the purchase of a new stroller , because his old one is from a baby and is now quite small. I managed the purchase through various funds and organizations, now all that is left is to provide the additions to it. I want to thank you for always being there and supporting my child. He needs you and your support. Thank you.
194.32 EUR Payment of invoice
0.75 EUR Transaction fee

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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