Articles - Narcistic Psychotic Disorder: Symptoms, Treatment and How We Can Help You
5th July 2024

Narcistic Psychotic Disorder: Symptoms, Treatment and How We Can Help You

Mental health is increasingly important in society, and interest in this topic is growing significantly. Mental illness affects a huge number of people worldwide. One of the lesser known illnesses affecting mental health is narcissistic personality disorder.

Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition that often goes undiagnosed, and this leads to even greater suffering for those affected. People with this mental condition have great difficulty in building normal relationships with others, as their high demands and lack of empathy often lead to conflict and frustration. It is good to know that those affected are not just selfish or self-absorbed, but suffer from deep-seated psychological problems that require professional help.

What is narcissistic mental disorder

Narcissistic mental disorder is a mental condition in which the individual exhibits an excessive need for self-expression and a lack of empathy for others. Narcissistic people feel that they are superior to others and expect special treatment and recognition from others regardless of their achievements. This disorder can lead to significant difficulties in interpersonal relationships and professional life.

The term 'narcissism' derives from Greek mythology. Narcissus was a handsome youth who fell in love with his own image reflected in water and eventually perished, captivated by his own image. This legend is the epitome of excessive self-love and lack of empathy for others.

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, was the first to use the term "narcissism" in a scientific context. Freud viewed narcissism as a natural stage of personality development in which the child directs his love and attention to himself.

Heinz Kohut, an American psychoanalyst, made significant contributions to the understanding of narcissism. He viewed narcissistic mental disorder as the result of disturbed childhood relationships that lead to deficits in self-esteem and emotional stability.

Today, the understanding of narcissistic mental disorder continues to evolve. Current research highlights the importance of various factors that can influence the condition. These include genetic, biological and social factors.

It is important to distinguish between natural and pathological narcissism. Natural narcissism is the positive aspect of personality that involves self-esteem and ambition. It is a natural part of every person's self-esteem. Pathological narcissism, on the other hand, is dysfunctional and leads to egocentric behavior and an inability to empathize and understand others. People with NPD cannot accept criticism and often behave manipulatively to achieve their goals.

Types of narcissistic mental disorder

Narcissistic mental disorder can manifest in a variety of ways that can be classified into two main types: grandiose and vulnerable narcissism.

  • Grandiose narcissism: People with grandiose narcissism demonstrate an excessive sense of their own importance and superiority. These people are self-confident but can be arrogant and manipulative. They need to be praised and do not take criticism easily. An example of grandiose narcissism might be a successful businessman who constantly touts his accomplishments and demands special treatment from others.

  • Vulnerable Narcissism: Unlike grandiose narcissism, vulnerable narcissism is characterized by insecurity and sensitivity to the opinions of others. These people are introverted and experience insecurity. Although they may have high ambitions and expectations, they feel unsure of themselves and tend to react harshly to criticism. An example of vulnerable narcissism might be a person who outwardly appears modest and quiet but inwardly feels a strong need for approval and recognition.

These examples highlight how different the manifestations of narcissism can be and the importance of distinguishing its nuances so that appropriate treatment can be undertaken.

Narcissistic mental disorder: symptoms

The disorder is characterised by a range of symptoms that significantly impact on the daily lives and relationships of those affected with others.

  • An excessive sense of importance

  • Need for admiration

  • Lack of empathy

  • Fantasies of success and power

  • Belief in own superiority

  • Constant search for special treatment

  • Manipulative relationships

  • Envy

  • Arrogant behaviour

How these symptoms manifest in everyday life:

Narcissists are often obsessed with their own successes and seek to get the attention of others. They may ignore the feelings and needs of those close to them, leading to problems in their personal relationships. In the work environment, these people may exhibit dominating and manipulative behaviour, making it difficult to cooperate with colleagues.

How to behave with a person suffering from narcissistic mental disorder?

Communicating with people suffering from narcissistic mental disorder can be challenging. It is important to put boundaries in communication to protect oneself from manipulative behaviour.

Helpful communication strategies:

  • Have patience: People with NPD often need more time to accept and process information, especially if it does not meet their expectations.

  • Avoid confrontation: Confrontation can trigger a defensive reaction and aggressive behaviour. Try to keep conversations calm and constructive.

  • Be clear about your personal boundaries and stand firmly behind them.

  • Don't allow manipulation: Be alert for signs of manipulative behaviour and don't give in to attempts at control or abuse.

Narcissistic mental disorder: treatment

Treatment for this personality disorder requires a multilayered approach that includes psychotherapy, medication treatment, and supportive therapy. The aim of treatment is to help sufferers of narcissism develop healthier relationships and improve their self-esteem and emotional well-being.

  • Psychodynamic therapy: this approach focuses on understanding the unconscious processes and emotions that influence behavior. The goal is to explore early childhood experiences and work on resolving internal conflicts.

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): It helps those affected to recognise and change negative thought patterns and behaviours. This approach is useful for developing more realistic perceptions of self and others.

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): This therapy is particularly effective for managing emotional instability and improving interpersonal skills. It combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices.

In addition to psychotherapy, medication therapy can be used to manage co-occurring symptoms such as depression and anxiety, but is not the primary method of treating the problem. Supportive therapy, including regular sessions with a therapist, participation in support groups, and developing healthy habits.

How can we help someone suffering from narcissistic mental disorder through PavelAndreev.ORG's campaign?

The fundraising platform PavelAndreev.ORG offers an excellent opportunity to organize campaigns aimed at helping people suffering from narcissistic mental disorder.

Explore all campaigns to help someone with this problem or start your own fundraising campaign on PavelAndreev.ORG.

The platform allows organizers to create and manage fundraising campaigns for various causes related to narcissistic mental disorder. Among the possibilities are:

  • Consultations with psychologists and therapists.

  • Webinars and educational programs: Organizing online events led by experts who will provide valuable information and strategies for coping with the mental disorder.

  • Support Groups and Forums: Create online self-help platforms where people can share experiences and receive support from others struggling with NPD.

  • Educational materials and resources: Develop and distribute brochures, books and online materials that inform about NPD and ways to cope with the condition.

How you can contribute to the process:

Readers can get involved in PavelAndreev.ORG's campaigns in several ways:

  • Start your own fundraising campaign on the platform. Describe the goals of the campaign and how the funds raised will be used.

  • Make a donation to an existing campaign that supports people with narcissistic mental disorder. Any donation, regardless of size, will help provide the help needed.

  • Share the campaign: Spread the word about the campaign on social media and to your friends and colleagues. The more people know about the initiative, the more support will be generated.

  • Volunteer: Get involved as a volunteer in organising and promoting the campaign. Your time and effort can help make this a successful fundraiser for someone who has a strong need for support.

With your help, we can make a difference in the lives of people suffering from narcissistic disorder. Join PavelAndreev.ORG and be part of the change.

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