Articles - Cancer treatment in Turkey | Cancer treatment costs in Turkey
6th July 2023

Cancer treatment in Turkey | Cancer treatment costs in Turkey

When it comes to medical cancer treatment, Turkey is a world-renowned destination around the globe. The panorama is such that it provides medical tourists the opportunity to feel at ease with their treatment. This increases the chances of reaching positive results. Many international patients choose cancer treatment in Turkey due to their hospital infrastructure.

Also, Turkey has serious international connectivity. Airlines are increasing the number of tourists on flights to Turkey every year.

Advantages of cancer treatment in Turkey

Before you go for treatment, it's a good idea to research which are the best hospitals in Turkey. The price they set for cancer treatment there is usually adequate. Do your own research. Type in "Treatment in Turkey prices" and you will be able to read quite a lot of information on the subject. We at the Pavel Andreev Foundation also advise you to inform yourself about "Treatment in Turkey reviews".

Quality medical care is available. Usually in Turkish hospitals an accurate diagnosis is made. An advantage for patients and their relatives is also that there is no language barrier. Turkish hospitals are known for standardising all treatment in terms of quality, and there is no waiting list

Cancer treatment and transplantation is most commonly performed in Turkey. Da Vinci robotic surgeries are available. Surgical interventions, hormone therapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy are also performed. Homotherapy and Radiosurgery are also offered in Turkish hospitals. Some of the best hospitals in Turkey offer a specialized facility to provide a full range of radiation therapy.

Take a look at our blog articles How to fund the cost of medical treatment abroad and How to raise money for treatment abroad

What is cancer

Our body contains a huge number of cells. They divide continuously, forming new cells to replace the old ones. When a particular type of cell starts dividing continuously and without direction, cancer occurs. However, there are benign tumours. They are usually harmless. The exception is benign brain tumours. These can be life-threatening. If you or a loved one find yourself in poor health and have to resort to cancer treatment in Turkey, it is very likely that the treatment will cost the family an unaffordable amount of money. Then an option is to resort to setting up a donation campaign. You can do this by using the Pavel Andreev platform for this purpose.

Visit PavelAndreev.ORG's causes page to see more examples of how certain donation amounts can help.

Cancer diagnosis

Doctors most often use some of the following tests and methods to detect cancer:

  • Clinical or physical examination.
  • Laboratory tests.
  • Imaging tests.
  • CT scan.
  • Needle biopsy.
  • Biopsy.
  • Bone biopsy.
  • Ultrasound biopsy
  • Skin biopsy

Cancer treatment campaign in Turkey through Pavel Andreev Foundation

If the funds needed for treatment in Turkey prove prohibitive for the patient and family, you can take the opportunity to set up a donation campaign. Use our donation site PavelAndreev.ORG for this purpose. Our platform has cemented our name and we have a pool of potential donors who regularly choose a charity campaign to support.

Check out our article with tips on what to do before and after receiving a cancer treatment account.

Cancer treatment in Turkey on a case-by-case basis

When deciding exactly what treatment to undertake for a particular case, doctors need to consider the treatment goals for cancer treatment, which come in three types:

  • Primary treatment - Primary treatment aims to remove cancer cells from the body. Surgical intervention is the most common form of primary treatment. Money collected as a donation through Pavel Andreev can be used to pay for treatment in Turkey.
  • Adjuvant treatment - This usually acts as an additional therapy to destroy any residual cells that are not destroyed after primary treatment. The goal is to minimize chances of recurrence. The procedure broadly includes radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy.
  • Neoadjuvant therapy - This therapy is similar to adjuvant therapy. However, it is used before the primary treatment, and its goal is to make it more effective and easier.
  • Palliative treatment - It helps to get rid of the side effects of a treatment or symptoms due to cancer. Any treatment can be used, including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy. Palliative treatment can be used at the same time as any other treatment.

Cancer treatment successes in Turkey

Things are certainly a bit relative here, but it is still a good idea to set up an online donation campaign and get treated at one of the best hospitals in Turkey if you need it. Overall cancer survival rates depend on a number of factors. Of course, the type of cancer is of great importance. The location of the cancer cells also has a very serious impact on the success of the treatment. It is important at which stage the cancer will be detected and its treatment undertaken. This has an impact in terms of the size of the tumour and the extent to which it has spread. The extent of the cancer cells is examined, specifically the extent of abnormality in the cancer cells. The age of the patient is also relevant, as well as their medical history. The response to treatment is particularly important, as we should not overlook the fact that every organism is different.

Cancer treatment costs in Turkey

It is impossible to determine in advance how much cancer treatment or transplantation would cost in Turkey. The final cost depends on a number of factors. However, it's important to consider all of them if you are going to set up a charity fundraising campaign.

Factors that contribute to determining the exact cost of cancer treatment include the following:

  • The complexity of the case

Patients whose case is complex or even critical may be charged higher amounts than others. This is because in these cases, any mistake or even the slightest delay can lead to fatal consequences.

  • The hospital's reputation

Some hospitals that have an established name and proven track record usually charge higher fees than other hospitals. This applies to all patients who decide to use their services.

  • Doctor's Fees- Doctors with more experience who are known in their fields often charge more fees compared to others.
  • Cost of living- The price you will have to pay for accommodation and travelling from one place to another also adds to the final cost of the treatment. Also, some cities are significantly more expensive compared to others.

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