Заедно да помогнем на Слави Together to help Slavi

Ärztliche Behandlung, Medizin und Rehabilitation 0/0
971 Spender:innen
33535.27 EUR gespendet aus 200000 EUR
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Ивета Ценева
Светослав Валентинов Ценев
Disponible Summe
Ивета Ценева organisiert Kampagne für Светослав Валентинов Ценев
Disponible Summe


18. Mai 2024

📣Здравейте, приятели.🍀 ‼️Споделяме с вас актуална информация за състоянието на Слави. Спрямо породените странични ефекти и по думите на лекуващия го лекар, лечението върви МНОГО ДОБРЕ.😊 Отоци по краката вече няма ,благодарение на антибиотичния предписан крем от дерматолога. 😥НО сега се наблюдават пъпки и на очите ,които водят до подуване , постоянни и НЕТЪРПИМИ сърбежи, което му причинява изключителен дискомфорт. ‼️🆘️‼️Поради тази причина бе необходимо ,Слави да посети очен лекар ,за предотвратяване и на този НЕПРИЯТЕН симптом. След направен обстоен преглед ,стана ясно ,че в очите има наличие на рани и запушване на канали ,породени от лечението. По думите на очния лекар ,НЕПРИЯТНИТЕ сърбежи и дискомфорта ще приключи, когато свърши назначенето лечение. Поради тази причина ,на Слави бе изписани два вида капки и шампоан ,които да успокояват симптома до поносимост.📣 ‼️🆘️‼️📣Назначеното лечение с "умно лекарство" и приема на лекарство (химиотерапия) се оказа изключително упорито на странични реакции ,които водят до НЕПРИЯТНИ симптоми, 🙏НО с вашата подкрепа сме сигурни ,че Слави ще се справи и ще УСПЕЕ да се излекува от тази коварна болест. 🙏🙏🙏Благодарим за това ,че сте до него и му дават сили в този ДЪЛЪГ и ТРУДЕН ПЪТ ,обсипан с адски прегледи и изпитания. ДОБРОТО Е ЗАРАЗНО!!! ЗАЕДНО СМЕ ПО-СИЛНИ!!!‼️🆘️‼️🍀 📣

Hello, friends.🍀 ‼️We are sharing with you the latest information about Slavi's condition. According to the side effects caused by the treatment and the words of his treating doctor, the treatment is going VERY WELL.😊 The swelling in his legs is now gone, thanks to the antibiotic cream prescribed by the dermatologist. 😥BUT now, there are pimples on his eyes leading to swelling, constant and INTOLERABLE itching, which is causing him extreme discomfort. ‼️🆘️‼️Due to this reason, Slavi had to visit an eye doctor to prevent this UNPLEASANT symptom. After a thorough examination, it became clear that there are wounds and blockages in the eyes caused by the treatment. According to the eye doctor, the UNCOMFORTABLE itching and discomfort will end when the prescribed treatment is finished. For this reason, Slavi was prescribed two types of eye drops and shampoo to soothe the symptoms to a tolerable level.📣 ‼️🆘️‼️📣The prescribed treatment with "smart medication" and taking medication (chemotherapy) has proven to be extremely stubborn with side effects leading to UNPLEASANT symptoms. 🙏BUT with your support, we are confident that Slavi will manage and will SUCCEED in recovering from this cunning disease. 🙏🙏🙏Thank you for being there for him and giving him strength on this LONG and DIFFICULT journey, filled with hellish tests and trials. KINDNESS IS CONTAGIOUS!!! TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!!!‼️🆘️‼️🍀

📣Hello, friends.🍀 ‼️Споделяме with you an update on Slavi's condition. In spite of the side effects and according to the doctor who treated him, the treatment is going VERY WELL.😊 The swelling on the legs is gone now, thanks to the antibiotic cream prescribed by the dermatologist. 😥BUT now there are also pimples on his eyes , which lead to swelling , constant and UNBEARABLE itching which causes him extreme discomfort. ‼️🆘️‼️Поради this reason it was necessary for Slavi to visit an eye doctor , to prevent this INCREDIBLE symptom as well. After a thorough examination, it became clear that there were wounds and canal blockages in the eyes caused by the treatment. According to the ophthalmologist, the INCREDIBLE itching and discomfort will end when the prescribed treatment is over. For this reason, Slavi was prescribed two types of drops and shampoo to soothe the symptom to tolerance.📣 ‼️🆘️‼️📣The "smart medicine" treatment and the medication (chemotherapy) has proved to be extremely persistent with side effects that lead to REAL symptoms, 🙏BUT with your support we are sure that Slavi will cope and SUCCEED in healing this insidious disease. 🙏🙏🙏Thank you for being by his side and giving him strength in this LONG and HARD PATH, covered with hellish examinations and trials. GOOD IS CONTAGIOUS!!! TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!!!‼️🆘️‼️🍀 📣

Hello, friends.🍀 ‼️We are sharing with you the latest information about Slavi's condition. According to the side effects caused by the treatment and the words of his treating doctor, the treatment is going VERY WELL.😊 The swelling in his legs is now gone, thanks to the antibiotic cream prescribed by the dermatologist. 😥BUT now, there are pimples on his eyes leading to swelling, constant and INTOLERABLE itching, which is causing him extreme discomfort. ‼️🆘️‼️Due to this reason, Slavi had to visit an eye doctor to prevent this UNPLEASANT symptom. After a thorough examination, it became clear that there are wounds and blockages in the eyes caused by the treatment. According to the eye doctor, the UNCOMFORTABLE itching and discomfort will end when the prescribed treatment is finished. For this reason, Slavi was prescribed two types of eye drops and shampoo to soothe the symptoms to a tolerable level.📣 ‼️🆘️‼️📣The prescribed treatment with "smart medication" and taking medication (chemotherapy) has proven to be extremely stubborn with side effects leading to UNPLEASANT symptoms. 🙏BUT with your support, we are confident that Slavi will manage and will SUCCEED in recovering from this cunning disease. 🙏🙏🙏Thank you for being there for him and giving him strength on this LONG and DIFFICULT journey, filled with hellish tests and trials. KINDNESS IS CONTAGIOUS!!! TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!!!‼️🆘️‼️🍀

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