Salvati viata animalutelor Saved viata animalutelor

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Salvati viata animalutelor Saved viata animalutelor

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Daniela Soporeanu
Ende in 10 Tagen
Disponible Summe
Daniela Soporeanu ist der/die Organisator:in der Kampagne
Ende in 10 Tagen
Disponible Summe

Am mare nevoie de ajutor intrucat am multe pisici si caini si nu mai dovedesc sa le cumpar mancare, nisip si medicamente.La pisici le cumpar pliculete, bobite si le mai fierb si varfuri de aripi si le dau si la caini saci cu boabe, conserve si cateau are o tumoare mastocitara si necesita tratament.Animalutele sunt viata mea si nu as putea sa ma despart de ele si mi se rupe sufletul cand nu am bani sa le cumpar mancare.

Va rog din suflet sa ma ajutati.

I need a lot of help because I have many cats and dogs and I can no longer prove to buy them food, litter and medicines.La pisici le cumpar sachets, bobite and boil them and boil wing tips and give them and dogs bags of grain, canned dog has a mastocytic tumor and needs treatment.Animalutele has a mastocytic tumor and needs treatment.Animalutele are my life and I could not part from them and it breaks my heart when I have no money to buy them food.

Please help me.

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