Събиране на средства за ученически проект Fundraising for a student project

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Събиране на средства за ученически проект Fundraising for a student project

1 Spender:innen
255.65 EUR gespendet aus 614 EUR
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Тодор Мицин
Disponible Summe
Тодор Мицин ist der/die Organisator:in der Kampagne
Disponible Summe

Здравейте, ние сме ученици от 11 клас. Участваме в програмата Teenovator. (https://www.teenovator.bg) Това е програма за тинвйджъри, в която ние, заедно с ментори, развиваме наши бизнес идеи.

Нашата идея, по която вече работим от над половин година е на прага на стартирането. Проектът ни е свързван със създаването на единствената на българския пазар веган протеинова напитка. Искаме да създадем наистина качествен продукт без добавена захар, без лактоза и без глутен.

Причината за създаването на кампанията е, че единственото, което ни спира от финализирането на идеята, е липсата на пари. Вече се свързахме, с компания, която би произвеждала нашия продукт, но нямаме средствата това да се случи.

Ще ни трябват:

500 лв. за формулиране и тестване на продукта

250 лв. за откриване на фирма

300 лв. за суровини

Останалите средства ще ни трябват за адвокат, счетоводител, както и други разходи.

Благодарни сме на всеки, който реши да ни покрепи. Всяко дарение е от значение.

Ако имате някакви въпроси можете да се свържете с нас на: [email protected]

Hello, we are a team of high school students who are currently participating in a start-up program called Teenovator. (https://www.teenovator.bg) This is a program for teenagers in which we, together with mentors, develop our business ideas.

Our idea, which we have been working on for over half a year, is on the threshold of launch. Our project is connected with the creation of the only vegan protein drink on the Bulgarian market. We want to create a truly quality product with no added sugar, no lactose and no gluten.

The reason for creating the campaign is that the only thing stopping us from finalizing the idea is the lack of money. We have already contacted a company that would manufacture our product, but we do not have the funds to make this happen.

We will need:

BGN 500 for product formulation and testing

BGN 250 for opening a company

BGN 300 for raw materials

We will need the remaining funds for a lawyer, an accountant, and other expenses.

We are grateful to everyone who decided to support us. Every donation counts.

If you have any questions you can contact us at: [email protected]

Hi, we are students of 11th grade.(https://www.teenovator.bg) This is a program for teenagers in which we, together with mentors, develop our business ideas.

Our idea, which we have been working on for over half a year, is on the verge of launching. Our project is associated with the creation of the only vegan protein drink on the Bulgarian market. We want to create a truly quality product without added sugar, lactose and gluten.

The reason for creating the campaign is that the only thing stopping us from finalizing the idea is the lack of money. We have already been contacted, by a company that would produce our product, but we don't have the funds to make it happen.

We will need it:

500 BGN to formulate and test the product

250 BGN to open a company

300 BGN for raw materials

The remaining funds we will need for a lawyer, accountant, and other expenses.

We are grateful to everyone who decides to support us. Every donation makes a difference.

If you have any questions you can contact us at: [email protected]

Hello,we are a team of high school students who are currently participating in a start-up program called Teenovator. (https://www.teenovator.bg) This is a program for teenagers in which we, together with mentors, develop our business ideas.

Our idea, which we have been working on for over half a year, is on the threshold of launch. Our project is connected with the creation of the only vegan protein drink on the Bulgarian market. We want to create a truly quality product with no added sugar, no lactose and no gluten.

The reason for creating the campaign is that the only thing stopping us from finalizing the idea is the lack of money. We have already contacted a company that would manufacture our product, but we do not have the funds to make this happen.

We will need:

BGN 500 for product formulation and testing

BGN 250 for opening a company

BGN 300 for raw materials

We will need the remaining funds for a lawyer, an accountant, and other expenses.

We are grateful to everyone who decided to support us. Every donation counts.

If you have any questions you can contact us at: [email protected]

Mehr sehen
13. Juni 2023
Тодор Мицин
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Екипът напредва с идеята. Събраната до сега сума ще бъде използване за създаване и подръжка на сайт и тестване на продукта. The team is moving forward with the idea. The amount raised so far will be used to create and maintain a website and test the product.
498.8 BGN Ausgezahlte Summe an den Benefizienten
1.2 BGN Transaktionsgebühr
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