Mass Wedding for Differently-Abled People Mass Wedding for Differently-Abled People

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Mass Wedding for Differently-Abled People Mass Wedding for Differently-Abled People

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Mass Wedding for Differently-Abled People
Narayan Seva Sansthan
Disponible Summe
Mass Wedding for Differently-Abled People organisiert Kampagne für Narayan Seva Sansthan
Disponible Summe

Join the Celebration of Love and Inclusion! This August 31- September 01, we invite you to be a part of something truly special – our Mass Wedding for Differently-Abled Couples in Udaipur. At Narayan Sewa Sansthan, we believe in fostering social inclusion, creating an accessible atmosphere, and ensuring accountability for every differently-abled person. Our Mass Wedding program aims to enable them to lead normal lives and seamlessly integrate into mainstream society. So far, with the kindness of people like you, 2,357 couples have shared vows and begun their journey of togetherness in our Mass Wedding initiative.

Each ceremony is a testament to the power of love and the transformative impact it has on the lives of those with unique abilities. Now, as we gear up for our upcoming Mass Wedding in Udaipur, we are reaching out to you for support. Your donation can make a significant difference by allowing more couples to experience the joy of marriage and the warmth of inclusion. Every contribution counts, and together, we can create a world where love knows no boundaries. Your support will not only help us organize this celebration of unity but also contribute to the lifelong happiness of these couples. 

Join the Celebration of Love and Inclusion! This August 31- September 01, we invite you to be a part of something truly special – our Mass Wedding for Differently-Abled Couples in Udaipur. At Narayan Sewa Sansthan, we believe in fostering social inclusion, creating an accessible atmosphere, and ensuring accountability for every differently-abled person. Our Mass Wedding program aims to enable them to lead normal lives and seamlessly integrate into mainstream society. So far, with the kindness of people like you, 2,357 couples have shared vows and begun their journey of togetherness in our Mass Wedding initiative.

Each ceremony is a testament to the power of love and the transformative impact it has on the lives of those with unique abilities. Now, as we gear up for our upcoming Mass Wedding in Udaipur, we are reaching out to you for support. Your donation can make a significant difference by allowing more couples to experience the joy of marriage and the warmth of inclusion. Every contribution counts, and together, we can create a world where love knows no boundaries. Your support will not only help us organize this celebration of unity but also contribute to the lifelong happiness of these couples.

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