This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
Denis Lachezarov Shivachev
is an organizer for beneficiary Денис Лъчезаров Шивачев
Одобрено изплащане към ISTANBUL MEMORIAL SAGLIKApproved repayment to ISTANBUL MEMORIAL SAGLIK
Разход за лечение .. в момента правиме 10 сесии лъчетерапия и консултация с радиолог след направената вече операция преди 1 месецCost of treatment .. we are currently doing 10 sessions of radiotherapy and a consultation with a radiologist after the surgery 1 month ago.
900 EUR
Payment of invoice
20 EUR
Transaction fee
6th January 2025
Denis Lachezarov Shivachev
is an organizer for beneficiary Денис Лъчезаров Шивачев
Одобрено изплащане за настаняванеApproved payment for accommodation
Разход за преспиванеCost of overnight stay
247 EUR
Refunded costs
0.75 EUR
Transaction fee
30th December 2024
Denis Lachezarov Shivachev
is an organizer for beneficiary Денис Лъчезаров Шивачев
Одобрено изплащане за нощувкиApproved payment for accommodation
Разход за хотелExpense for hotel
357 EUR
Refunded costs
0.75 EUR
Transaction fee
27th December 2024
Denis Lachezarov Shivachev
is an organizer for beneficiary Денис Лъчезаров Шивачев
Одобрено изплащане към ISTANBUL MEMORIAL SAGLIKApproved repayment to ISTANBUL MEMORIAL SAGLIK
Здравеите , прикачвам проформа от старата болница в турция тъй като се налага спешна операция и куп изследвания престой в болница а после и лъчетерапия.. парите в сметката свършиха и ние продаваме и малкото което остава но сумата ще надвиши 40 000 €..Hi , I attach a proforma from the old hospital in Turkey as we need emergency surgery and a bunch of tests hospital stay and then radiotherapy.. the money in the account ran out and we are selling the little that is left but the amount will exceed 40 000 €..
11200 EUR
Payment of invoice
21.2 EUR
Transaction fee
27th December 2024
Denis Lachezarov Shivachev
is an organizer for beneficiary Денис Лъчезаров Шивачев
Одобрено изплащане към ISTANBUL MEMORIAL SAGLIKApproved repayment to ISTANBUL MEMORIAL SAGLIK
Върнахме се в турция за спешна операцияWe returned to Turkey for emergency surgery
6680 EUR
Payment of invoice
20 EUR
Transaction fee
3rd December 2024
Denis Lachezarov Shivachev
is an organizer for beneficiary Денис Лъчезаров Шивачев
Одобрено изплащане за настаняванеApproved payment for accommodation
Разход за престой остава ни още 1 2 седмици и се надявам да няма разходи повече за престойWe have 1 2 weeks to go and hopefully no more costs for the stay
719 EUR
Refunded costs
0.75 EUR
Transaction fee
25th November 2024
Denis Lachezarov Shivachev
is an organizer for beneficiary Денис Лъчезаров Шивачев
Одобрено изплащанеApproved repayment
Разход за наемRent expense
1945.91 EUR
Refunded costs
0.75 EUR
Transaction fee
22nd November 2024
Denis Lachezarov Shivachev
is an organizer for beneficiary Денис Лъчезаров Шивачев
Днес бяхме в спешнотоToday we were in the ER
Поради главоболие и повръщане отидохме в спешното и цял ден бях на системи.. назначен ми е контролен скенер
Имам моменти в които съм напълно здрав и моменти в които имам чувството че ще умра .. въпреки всичко продължаваме битката без крачка назад и каквото господ е решил, пия много зелени сокове и...Due to headache and vomiting we went to the ER and I was on systems all day.. I was assigned a control scanner
I have moments when I am perfectly healthy and moments when I feel like I am going to die .. despite everything we continue the battle without a step back and whatever the lord has decided...
6th November 2024
Denis Lachezarov Shivachev
is an organizer for beneficiary Денис Лъчезаров Шивачев
Denis Lachezarov Shivachev
is an organizer for beneficiary Денис Лъчезаров Шивачев
Пет скенер подобрениеPet scenery
Здравеите мили хора не сме качвали новини от известно време, малко в повече ни идва всичко но сме сигурни че сме в правилната посока! След пристигането в Мадрид и направеното там лечение и скенери все още имаше разсеики в дробовете и мозъка , но след следващият скенер мозъка беше чист в дробовете съ...Hi dear people we haven't uploaded news for a while, a bit over coming everything but we are sure we are in the right direction! After arriving in Madrid and the treatment and scans done there , there were still scatterings in the lungs and brain , but after the next scanner the brain was clear in t...
27th September 2024
Denis Lachezarov Shivachev
is an organizer for beneficiary Денис Лъчезаров Шивачев