Щастливо бъдеще за Ивон A happy future for Yvonne

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
179 Donors
4835.73 EUR donated from 22282 EUR
Пенка Кондузова
Ивон Павлова Иванова
End date
Ends in 20 days
Available amount
1427.78 EUR
Пенка Кондузова organizes a campaign for Ивон Павлова Иванова
Ends in 20 days
Available amount
1427.78 EUR

Успешна операция 19.03.24г Successful surgery on 03/19/24.

19th March 2024

Добро утро! Ние сме във Виена и операцията на Ивон беше извършена на 12.03.2024. Д-р Кребс и екипът му направиха чудеса и всичко мина по план и успешно! Ивон се чувства добре, болките в крачетата които я измъчваха толкова много време изчезнаха! Шест седмици ще бъде с гипс, след като го премахнат се прибираме в България да боядисваме яйца😀🎨💐Всичко това се случва благодарение на вашата подкрепа!

Благодарим ви, че сте с нас , за помощта невъзможното да стане възможно!❤️

Good morning! We are in Vienna and Yvonne's surgery was performed on 12.03.2024. Dr. Krebs and his team did wonders and everything went as planned and successfully! Yvonne is feeling well, the pain in her feet that tortured her for so long is gone! She will be in a cast for six weeks, once it is removed we are going home to Bulgaria to dye eggs😀🎨💐This is all happening because of your support!

Thank you for being with us , for helping make the impossible possible!❤️

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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