Помош за Виктор - млада надеж што се бори за живот Help for Victor - a young hope fighting for life

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
4415 Donors
91102.66 EUR donated from 100000 EUR
Александра Николоска
Виктор Николоски
End date
Ends in 48 days
Available amount
45030.66 EUR
Александра Николоска organizes a campaign for Виктор Николоски
Ends in 48 days
Available amount
45030.66 EUR

Одобрена исплата на MLP SAGLIK HIZMETLERI AS Repayment to MLP SAGLIK HIZMETLERI AS approved

29th January 2025
Со Божја помош и со Вас сите добри луѓе со вашата помош Виктор со амбулантно возило заминува во болницата во Истанбул. Бог да ве благослови сите кои ни помагате и сте со сите нас посебно со Виктор. With God's help and with your help, Viktor with an ambulant car went to the hospital in Istanbul. God bless you who help us and are with us and Viktor.
4000 EUR Payment of invoice
20 EUR Transaction fee

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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