All the news about the campaign Please help our mother Maria

30th June 2024
Daniela Ilieva is an organizer for beneficiary Мария Шилигарова
Feeling better after just three days of procedures/Чувства се по-добре само след три дни процедури Feeling better after just three days of procedures

Hello again, I’m writing this update with so many emotions of gratitude and appreciation, as my mom’s been in much better physical and mental health since we’ve arrived here in Istanbul. She’s had just three days of treatments but her body is gaining more strength and her appetite is coming back. Th... Hello again, I'm writing this update with so many emotions of gratitude and appreciation, as my mom's been in much better physical and mental health since we've arrived here in Istanbul. She's had just three days of treatments but her body is gaining more strength and her appetite is coming back. Th...

25th June 2024
Daniela Ilieva is an organizer for beneficiary Мария Шилигарова
We’ve arrived and the clinic and started treatment today-June 25/В клиниката сме и започнахме лечение днес, 25 Юни We've arrived and the clinic and started treatment today-June 25/ We're at the clinic and started treatment today, June 25

Read in Bulgarian below (Прочети на български по-надолу) Hi everyone, we’ve arrived safely in Istanbul yesterday and after a full day of labs and scans we had a consultation with two of the doctors. They’ve assured us that they’ve had worse patients than my mom that got healed and are in remission f... Read in Bulgarian below Hi everyone, we've arrived safely in Istanbul yesterday and after a full day of labs and scans we had a consultation with two of the doctors. They've assured us that they've had worse patients than my mom that got healed and are in remission for few years now so we're very op...