Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
276 Donors
28025.33 EUR donated from 35785 EUR
Снежина Дамянова
Пламен Бранимиров Кулов
End date
Ends in 64 days
Available amount
6566.18 EUR
Снежина Дамянова organizes a campaign for Пламен Бранимиров Кулов
Ends in 64 days
Available amount
6566.18 EUR

Надежда за Плами🙏❤️😇 Hope for Plame🙏❤️😇

7th February 2025

Днес...Плами има нужда от надежда❤️🙏😇

Днес той има нужда от нашата подкрепа🙏🙏🙏

Днес той се бори за живота си😇❤️🙏

Обръщаме се към вас с огромна молба-Да помогнем на Пламен "днес" за да може да сбъднем най-съкровеното му желание-да има "утре"🙏❤️😇

Сроковете между отделните манипулации са кратки,а сумите са огромни и напълно непосилни за Плами и близките му🙏🙏🙏

За всички нас "утре"е денят ,който може да почака,тогава ще свършим всичко необходимо,тогава ще се погрижим за себе си и близките си,...за него този ден е "днес"😇❤️🙏

Today...Plamey needs надежда❤️🙏😇

Today he needs our support🙏🙏🙏

Today he is fighting for his life😇❤️🙏

We are turning to you with a huge request-To help Plamen today so that we can make his deepest wish come true-to have a "tomorrow" 🙏❤️😇

The periods between the different manipulations are short, and the amounts are huge and completely unaffordable for Plami and his relatives🙏🙏🙏

For all of us "tomorrow" is the day that can wait,then we will do everything we need,then we will take care of ourselves and our loved ones,...for him this day is "today" 😇❤️🙏

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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