Articles - Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the activity of PavelAndreev.ORG
7th May 2023

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the activity of PavelAndreev.ORG

When you see a person in trouble, what is the most natural reaction in your opinion in that situation? To help him? Have you been involved in campaign...

Articles - Where and how can we raise funds for our cause?
7th May 2023
Where and how can we raise funds for our cause?

Fundraising may not be the only goal of nonprofits, but it is undeniably essential to their accomplishment. The first thing that many people worry about when considering starting a nonprofit or simply a fundraiser for their cause is how to raise money for charity. At the Pavel Andreev Foundation, we know how to do that! So, if you need funds but don't have them or know someone who needs financial support - feel free to set up your campaign throu...

Articles - What are the most common methods for raising money for a donation campaign?
6th May 2023
What are the most common methods for raising money for a donation campaign?

The PavelAndreevFoundation will introduce you tothe specifics of nonprofit fundraising, the different ways to raise money, and how to build a simple strategy that makes it much easier to reach your goals. We'll introduce you to some of the most common methods for raising money for a donation campaign. Fundraising for charity Nonprofit fundraising is exciting. Charity campaigns have become increasinglycommon in recent years. It is increasingly p...

Articles - What are the requirements for starting a campaign on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform?
6th May 2023
What are the requirements for starting a campaign on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform?

If you need money that you don't have, or you are supporting someone in need or a good cause - there is a great solution that could help you quickly raise the money you need. Nowadays, with the opportunities that the internet gives us, it's really easy. And we atPavelAndreev.ORG are here to help youraise donations online. If you have a mission you need financial help for, post the story on our site. There are standard requirements for launching...

Articles - What are the tax benefits for companies (businesses) and individuals who donate?
6th May 2023

What are the tax benefits for companies (businesses) and individuals who donate?

When it comes to charity campaigns and giving, surely what drives people is a kind heart, compassion and the desire to be of help to others. We at the Pavel Andreev Platform firmly and unwaveringly believe in human kindness. What could be more normal than wanting to help a person in need? Our way of helping as many people as possible is through our platform. This is how we enable anyone in need to create adonation campaign to raise the funds the...

Articles - Some recommendations from Pavel Andreev on how to make a successful campaign
27th April 2023

Some recommendations from Pavel Andreev on how to make a successful campaign

When you are planning a fundraising campaign, there are many details to think about. We at thePavel Andreev Foundation understand this feeling well, so we do everything we can to help you avoid it. We offer you a few recommendations in the form of a short plan that will help you start a successful fundraising campaign. What is fundraising? Fundraising is the process of collecting voluntary donations from individuals or businesses to help your...

Articles - The problems you may face when organizing a donation campaign
27th April 2023

The problems you may face when organizing a donation campaign

Few people are lucky enough not to face financial problems in their lifetime. Unfortunately, achieving financial stability and peace of mind in our country is a task that is not within everyone's reach. In recent years, people are facing dire economic tasks for many reasons. A fresh example - the rising inflation globally, which we are yet to feel the negative effects on our quality of life. Some have lost their jobs and others are facing unfores...

Articles - Ask yourself these questions before you start a donation campaign
25th April 2023

Ask yourself these questions before you start a donation campaign

Creating a charity campaign is something very responsible. The quality of life of a person or a group of people can depend on it. Even sometimes setting up a charity campaign can be life-saving. We at thePavel Andreev Foundation are aware of this, which is why we approach each case with full responsibility and empathy. If you are considering the possibility ofsetting up a donation campaign at PavelAndreev.ORG, then first of all you should know...

Articles - The most important things you need to know about organizing a donation campaign
25th April 2023

The most important things you need to know about organizing a donation campaign

While it's extremely easy to start a donation campaignnowadays, you should know that things are not as simple as they may seem. Many charitywebsites and foundations make it possible to start your own campaign with just a few clicks. However, we need to emphasize the word "launch". And then? For acharity campaign tobe successful , it doesn't have to be just creating a Facebook page or posting to a few groups. It takes serious and responsible wor...

Articles - How to use social media to run a successful charity campaign
25th April 2023

How to use social media to run a successful charity campaign

Now that you've created your own charitycampaign, it's time to let people know about it. Now comes the tricky part, some people would say, and they wouldn't be far from the truth. Many charity campaigns are doomed to fail in their infancy because their creators don't know how to run them and don't know how to present them to people. Over-expectation and lack of quick results prove to be a stumbling block for many. Initial enthusiasm gradually ev...

Articles - Do you have a PavelAndreevBG campaign? Here are some tips on how to make it more successful
25th April 2023

Do you have a PavelAndreevBG campaign? Here are some tips on how to make it more successful

The success of a donation campaign depends on many factors. One of them is the right choice of partner. In the face of thePavel Andreev Foundation, you should be sure that you have an extremely serious and responsible partner by your side, who will give you full support in every situation. You can turn for help or assistance to the team behind the platform at any time. Don't be embarrassed by anything and ask about anything that interests you. T...

Fund for treatment of children abroad - Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the Save Marty from this insidious disease campaign!
24th April 2023

Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the Save Marty from this insidious disease campaign!

Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the Save Marty from this insidious disease campaign !. 8200BGN.