Articles - How to plan an adoption fundraising campaign
5th October 2023

How to plan an adoption fundraising campaign

Children are the ones who make our lives special and unique. Every parent knows this and has experienced it personally. But do you know how many people in the world are deprived of the opportunity to be biological parents? It is to support them that we have created this article, and it will give you answers to questions like.

Here you will find useful tips and guidance on how you can start your own adoption fundraisingcampaign or plan one to support your family and friends.

With the help and courtesy of the Pavel Andreev Foundation, let's take a peek into the depths of the profession: parenting and how to launch a fundraising adoption campaign.


  1. Getting started in planning and creating a fundraising campaign for child adoption;
  2. What increases the success of a child adoption crowdfunding campaign;
  3. A timeline for planning an adoption fundraising campaign.

1.Getting started in planning and creating a child adoption crowdfunding campaign

Setting up a crowdfunding campaign to adopt a child for the first time can seem a little daunting, but with the right planning, preparation and launch, you can set yourself up for success. So, let's get started:

The options to start such an adoptionfundraising campaign can work in two ways. One is to help parents you know want to adopt but don't have the financial ability. The other way is to use the funds you raise to help a child find a foster family. Whichever group you refer to, these guidelines may be helpful to get you started.

Planning and creating a child adoptionfundraiser is an important step in supporting children without parents. If you're committed to helping these children find loving and caring families, here are a few things to do:

  1. Identify your purpose and mission:

Determine exactly how you want to help parentless children through adoption. Focus on building a safe and loving environment for them. A place where they can grow and feel loved.

  1. Build a team:

Create a team of committed people who share your mission and are willing to help make it happen. This can include volunteers, financial advisors, marketers and others who will help you plan and execute a successful campaign.

  1. Research and analyze:

Conduct detailed research on existing child adoptiondonation campaigns. You can find many on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform. It's international, which opens up unlimited opportunities for anyone running a fundraising campaign to be supported, heard and seen. For this purpose check out the current campaigns. Analyze their methods and successful practices to get inspiration and guidance for your own cause. And this is the place to add that there is nothing wrong with getting informed and guided on similar charity campaigns. If you need any advice, recommendation or any other form of assistance the Pavel Andreev Foundation will gladly give you the assistance you need. The platform was created not only to raise funds but to support people in need of all kinds. So, it's time:

  1. Create a unique and appealing brand:

You can develop an interesting name and look with appealing images. You could add a video. You might even consider some kind of logo or other form of fundraising campaign identity that will be recognizable and eye-catching to potential donors. Build a strong story that will impact people emotionally and motivate them to get involved.

  1. Create an online presence:

Make no mistake that in the world we live in, with so much technology and access to anywhere in the world just a stone's throw away, an online presence is vital. Build a presence for your child adoption fundraising campaign on websites and social media. With their help, you can share information about your cause and draw attention to potential donors. Develop an online marketing and communication strategy that will help you reach a wider range of people.

  1. Plan events and campaigns:

Organize charity events, campaigns and raise funds from donors in any way possible. Develop well-structured and attractive initiatives that will attract people's support and engage with the charity.

  1. Keep in touch with donors:

Maintain constant contact with your donors. Thank them for their support and keep them updated on the progress of the campaign and the achievements you have made.

Always keep in mind that creating a child adoption donation campaign takes time, effort and commitment. Follow these first steps and work with heart. This way you can help parentless children find a new home or support a family where a parentless child would feel loved and protected. We at the Pavel Andreev Foundation support every endeavor and will assist with everything we know and can below we will give you some fundraising tips.

And, to be even more convincing in our words, namely that anyone can start an adoption crowdfunding campaign on their own, see the next point:

2.What increases the success of an adoption crowdfunding campaign

Already mentioned, you start from the PavelAndreev.ORG website. Here you will find a large number of charity campaigns with a variety of focus. However, the Pavel Andreev Foundation has been in existence for several years.

  • Create a great looking campaign:

You need to make your campaign aesthetically appealing. This is the only way to attract potential donors. Choosing the right website will play a crucial role in this. One such is PavelAndreev. It will allow you to customize your campaign. The platform has 6 different payment methods. They are: IBAN account, card, PayPal, GooglePay, ApplePay, Revolut. Don't forget to opt for an impressive header as well.

  • A solid group of friends, family, colleagues, business partners or community who will support you:

It's nice to have a group of people you can ask for donations. After all, most crowdfunding campaigns are done with people you know who will be your donors.

Remember: Strangers will have a hard time donating to a campaign that isn't well presented, established, and building trust. If you want to reach strangers, you will need to do the work of asking everyone you know to share your relationship with the campaign to get the word out. It is very likely that the contacts of your acquaintances will be the ones to donate.

Or, to sum it up: to run your campaign, you need a community of people you know well. They will be the foundation of your successful child adoption fundraising campaign.

  • Pledge to a cause that is worth every moment:

Your fundraising campaign should be something that your group of supportive people can relate to. Your cause should be something that they will feel a commitment to, a responsibility to, a passion for, and it will become a necessity for them to share with their audiences.

  • Set achievable goals:

To reap success in crowdfunding, your fundraising goal must be achievable and realistic.

  • Create a timeframe for your child adoption fundraiser:

Allow yourself enough time, set a time frame for yourself to raise the amount of money you need. If you are not confident about yourself, the goals or the timelines, it is better to take more time, but let everything be worked out to the smallest detail.

Organize an easy charity campaign on PavelAndreev.ORG.

This way, by following the steps mentioned above you can start a fundraising campaign for children. Now you know, how do you plan and maintain interest in the campaign to achieve success?

3.Schedule for planning an adoption fundraising campaign

Sharing your campaign effectively is essential to successful fundraising. By following a ready-made template, you'll notice for yourself that donations start coming in.

  • Before the launch:

Start with a focus, on family and friends. Inform them when you launch your campaign and ask if they would be willing to donate, in the first 2 weeks, to help kick-start your Adopt-a-Child fundraising campaign. Encourage them to share it when it is already active.

At this stage, it's a good idea to make a checklist or make notes of the necessary actions to take before launch. This will be helpful to stay organized, even in the times when you have many tasks.

Include details such as:

- What you want to have in the crowdfunding campaign story;

- What photos and videos you want to take for the campaign;

- What kind of acknowledgements you will offer and when;

- Details of any fundraising you are planning;

- How you will set up your crowdfunding campaign 's native page;

- Who you want to share your campaign with from friends and family;

- Which social media platforms you will use to post and other such details.

Remember: The more prepared you are, the smoother your charitable cause will run.

  • The first 4 weeks:

During the first four weeks of the campaign, the main focus should be on family and friends, as well as social media contacts. Use email, social media, and word-of-mouth communication to spread the word about your campaign. As a guide, it's also a good idea to regularly tweet your campaign several times a week because tweets can easily be missed.

Also, announce direct rewards, via Facebook and other social media platforms. You can do this, about 4-5 times, throughout the campaign period. Another thing that is very important is to balance between promoting the crowdfunding campaign regularly and not "spamming" people with too many posts. All of this is to get the attention of more people and motivate them to get involved in your cause.

  • The period in weeks 4 - 8:

It's important to focus on everything mentioned above, but you should also use your business contacts, get involved in relevant online forums and connect with relevant bloggers. You may need to start commenting and critiquing media such as magazines, newspapers and radio stations.

At this stage it is also important to provide regular updates. It is good to do this in a range, about one every week or two.

Remember: Once someone has made a donation, they are emotionally invested in your story. That's why it's important to share your progress. Post these updates on your crowdfunding campaign page as well as on social media.

  • Time it in the 9 - 12 week period (and beyond):

You continue to focus, on everything above. Remember, you're on the right track to success with your fundraising adoption campaign. So, to keep the attention of your donors and attract new ones, this is where it's important to update and refresh your campaign news.

One of the first things you can do is add new photos or videos to your fundraising campaign. Visuals are very important because they help people connect emotionally with your cause. You can take new photos or videos that show the latest achievements or developments of your cause.

Along with this, add new rewards for your donors. This could include exclusive products or services, special events, or thank you notes. New rewards will give donors extra incentive and keep them engaged in your project.

Don't forget about a great photo update. For example, this could be a monthly newsletter to update your donors on the progress of your crowdfunding. Add new photos and talk about the achievements you have made thanks to their support.

If your crowdfunding campaign goes big and you can't manage the responsibilities and commitments alone, consider the idea of adding a new member to the team. This person could be someone you know who understands marketing, events or publicity. Such a person will have a fresh perspective and can offer new ideas for gifts and strategies to help you attract the attention of new donors.

Remember that crowdfunding is rewarding but requires effort. For this reason, we recommend spending a minimum of 3-5 hours per week working on your campaign. This should, of course, happen from the moment you set up your adoption fundraising campaign, throughout its duration, and right up to the finish line. Keep in mind that this also involves updating materials, communicating with donors, and promoting your crowdfunding campaign.

With fresh photos, new rewards and updates, and the support of a new team member, you'll have a better chance of keeping the attention of your donors and attracting new ones. Be sure to take the time to work on your charity and be aware that your efforts will be rewarded.

Well, having said all that already, why not start your fundraising right now from PavelAndreev.ORG.

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