Articles - How can we make the campaign to raise funds for treatment more effective?
28th May 2023

How can we make the campaign to raise funds for treatment more effective?

Theaim of thefundraisingcampaigns for cancertreatment, surgeries, transplants, rehabilitation and medicines, is to raise the necessary amount as qui...

Articles - Myths about cancer fundraising campaigns to avoid
28th May 2023
Myths about cancer fundraising campaigns to avoid

When it comes to a cause related to cancer treatment or another non-profit, you can take advantage of the opportunities offered bydonation platforms. They can be your loyal ally and help you multiply donations to your campaign. So don't waste any more time (which is very important in such situations), but start a donation campaign to raise funds on PavelAndreev.ORG. In today's article, we will pay particular attention to some of the so-called "...

Articles - Raising funds for treatment? 5 challenges to tackle
28th May 2023
Raising funds for treatment? 5 challenges to tackle

It is quite normal to encounter difficulties when starting a charity campaign. These can include many aspects - from setting it up to organising it and raising the funds. The most common difficulties faced by charity campaign creators are related to how to raise the required amount. Perhaps someone else's fundraising campaign is going better than yours in the meantime ? It's important to analyse your campaign and know what you're getting into to...

Articles - How to help a cancer patient manage their mental health
28th May 2023
How to help a cancer patient manage their mental health

Caring for a sick person is a real challenge that is not everyone's cup of tea. It can affect the physical and mental health of the person caring for them. Caring is time-consuming and at the same time can be extremely tiring. The high cost of medical treatment and the medication used further exacerbates the situation, increasing the strain and reducing the possibility of employing carers. For this reason, financial support is particularly import...

Fund for treatment of children abroad - Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the Life for Baby Christine campaign
26th May 2023

Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the Life for Baby Christine campaign

Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the Life for Baby Christine campaign. 9450BGN.

Articles - Effective tips on how to raise donations for cancer treatment faster
19th May 2023

Effective tips on how to raise donations for cancer treatment faster

Unfortunately, there are people suffering from serious and even life-threatening diseases such as cancer. Their treatment is very expensive and most of them do not have the financial means to pay for it. In such cases,collecting donations can help. The internet is an indispensable tool when organising donation campaigns. It enables those in need to quickly contact associates they have never even met before and ask them for donations for cance...

Articles - Myths about cancer crowdfunding campaigns to avoid
19th May 2023

Myths about cancer crowdfunding campaigns to avoid

As a concept, crowdfunding is a free method of raising money for start-ups, individual causes or local causes. However, it is wrongly assum ed thatcrowdfunding does not require significant financial investment. If you intend to organize different causes or campaigns, or one but larger, then you will need a team that will cost you some money needed to promote your campaign; salaries of employees and other expenses. Of great importance, however, i...

Articles - Socialism and Donations
15th May 2023

Socialism and Donations

Did donation campaigns exist during socialism? In Bulgaria there have been traditions of philanthropy since the Renaissance. During the years of socialism in the country, however, the individual's self-perception of doing good became somewhat vitiated, as many of the initiatives became obligatory. Charity, in fact, to a large extent speaks for the maturity of the country and the society within it. Unfortunately, shortly after the advent of soci...

Articles - What do we need to know when we want to create a campaign for treatment and rehabilitation?
11th May 2023

What do we need to know when we want to create a campaign for treatment and rehabilitation?

Thanks to the power of social networks and the internet, foundations like Pavel Andreev can provide a reliable environment for creating donation campaigns to quickly and securely raise funds to help those in need of emergency treatment, rehabilitation and more. There are many reasons why an online campaign can be set up: you can help a friend or an entire community. You can do anything with donations, even pay for surgery, make the dream of a st...

Articles - What do we need to know when we want to create a campaign to help animals and shelters?
11th May 2023

What do we need to know when we want to create a campaign to help animals and shelters?

It's hard to believe that there are people who don't love animals. Sadly,we are witnessing more and more horrible acts of aggression and cruelty towards homeless animals. Even now we have active campaigns on the Pavel Andreev platform to help animals who have suffered aggression and need a significant amount of money to have surgery and restore them to a normal lifestyle. Recently, more and more people claim to have a great love for animals, b...

Articles - What do we need to know when we want to donate to orphanages?
11th May 2023

What do we need to know when we want to donate to orphanages?

Every child deserves the best start in life: a happy home, a safe place to play and access to quality education, medical care and healthy nutrition. Yet many children in Bulgaria, and around the world, live in extreme poverty. For them, many simple daily needs and rights are out of reach. Their lives are incredibly difficult, they are often illiterate and face many risks, such as disease, child labour, persistent poverty and even death. Organisin...

Articles - What do we need to know when we want to create a campaign to help victims of natural disasters?
9th May 2023

What do we need to know when we want to create a campaign to help victims of natural disasters?

Unfortunately,not a year goes by globally that does not record an apocalyptic natural disaster such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, fires, etc. It is argued that the increase in these phenomena is a direct consequence of climate change and other factors for which we, as 'inhabitants' of this planet, are largely to blame. It is no secret to anyone that you cannot fight nature and in such situations you rely on God's help and your luck. What is...