Articles - Here's how treatment in Turkey works - STEP BY STEP from admission to discharge!
19th July 2023

Here's how treatment in Turkey works - STEP BY STEP from admission to discharge!

In recent years, conducting treatment in Turkey has become extremely popular. It has gained a good reputation not only in Bulgaria, but all over the w...

Articles - Treatment of multiple sclerosis in Russia - why and how!
14th July 2023
Treatment of multiple sclerosis in Russia - why and how!

Already in 2020 on the market appeared the drug "Xemmus", created by Russian scientists. It is applied on patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. It is an open effective supportive therapy that allows multiple sclerosis patients to remain socially active. It is this drug that has prompted many poros affected by the disease to head for multiple sclerosis treatment in Russia. In cases where patients and their families are unable to fund treatme...

Articles - Treatment abroad - how, when and why! Everything you need to know
13th July 2023
Treatment abroad - how, when and why! Everything you need to know

There are many different reasons that make patients seek treatment abroad. In some cases, their choice is dictated by the need to undergo a certain treatment, which, however, cannot be carried out anywhere in Bulgaria. There are countries that have far better equipped hospitals and specialised medical teams. They have the ability to successfully perform complex operations, in some cases life-saving operations, which cure or halt the development o...

Articles - What documents are needed for treatment abroad?
12th July 2023
What documents are needed for treatment abroad?

There are some more specific diseases that are not treatable in Bulgaria. Fortunately, however, in many cases the same disease is successfully treated in other countries. For example, patients are often referred for treatment in Turkey. When treatment abroad is necessary, i.e. if it cannot be provided for you in Bulgaria, you can apply for an S 2 form for elective treatment. For this purpose, you need to choose the clinic where you intend to hav...

Articles - Why choose treatment abroad
12th July 2023

Why choose treatment abroad

Faced with a more serious diagnosis, many Bulgarians opt for treatment abroad. The affordable prices at which high quality medical services are offered make our southern neighbour Turkey a much preferred destination visited by people from all over the world for health and medical tourism. Although prices are lower than in other countries, they often prove prohibitive for the average Bulgarian family. In these cases, the patient is left with the o...

Articles - Is it possible to be granted funds from the Health Insurance Fund for treatment abroad?
12th July 2023

Is it possible to be granted funds from the Health Insurance Fund for treatment abroad?

There is a fund for the treatment of children under the Council of Ministers. It provides organizational and financial support to Bulgarian children up to the age of 18 in cases of need of treatment abroad. Take a look at our Children's Treatment Abroad Fund to see more examples of how certain donation amounts can help. But people over the age of 18 may also need urgent treatment. Often they find themselves in a situation where they simply don'...

Articles - Everything you need to know about cancer treatment in Turkey
7th July 2023

Everything you need to know about cancer treatment in Turkey

When one is faced with the diagnosis of cancer, one inevitably becomes seriously worried. However, in recent years, medicine has advanced quite a lot, so this is certainly not a verdict, and treatment is quite possible. One of the best options is cancer treatment in Turkey. Cancers that are considered incurable in other countries are successfully treated there. What may worry the patient and his family is the cost of treatment. But there is good...

Articles - Cancer treatment in Turkey | Cancer treatment costs in Turkey
6th July 2023

Cancer treatment in Turkey | Cancer treatment costs in Turkey

When it comes to medical cancer treatment, Turkey is a world-renowned destination around the globe. The panorama is such that it provides medical tourists the opportunity to feel at ease with their treatment. This increases the chances of reaching positive results. Many international patients choose cancer treatment in Turkey due to their hospital infrastructure. Also, Turkey has serious international connectivity. Airlines are increasing the nu...

Articles - This is why many choose treatment in Turkey over other countries
6th July 2023

This is why many choose treatment in Turkey over other countries

Unfortunately, cases of cancer are constantly being diagnosed all over the world. There are more and more cancer patients. However, the word 'cancer' no longer sounds like a sentence for people living in developed countries. When it comes to choosing where to have tests and manipulations, patients are increasingly turning to cancer treatment in Turkey. If the cost turns out to be higher than they can afford, people often resort to organizing a ch...

Articles - The most important things you need to know about treatment in Turkey Part 2
5th July 2023

The most important things you need to know about treatment in Turkey Part 2

Accommodation in a Turkish hospital for cancer treatment If you missed the first part of the article you can do so here : The most important things to know when undergoing treatment in Turkey Part 1 It is common practice for Turkish hospitals to have contracts with hotels and for accommodation to take place there. When treatment starts, if it does not require continuous hospitalization, people are sent to the hotel. In the mornings, there is a...

Articles - The most important things you need to know about treatment in Turkey Part 1
4th July 2023

The most important things you need to know about treatment in Turkey Part 1

When faced with the dreaded diagnosis of cancer, many people choose to seek cancer treatment in Turkey. The positives of such a choice are really many, but keep in mind that there are some important things and peculiarities when staying in the country for treatment or as a companion. It is good to know them. The information in this article will be very useful if you or a loved one is about to travel. And if the amount for the treatment proves to...

Articles - Homeless dogs and cats need us! 6 reasons to donate to homeless animal campaigns!
28th June 2023

Homeless dogs and cats need us! 6 reasons to donate to homeless animal campaigns!

Every year more and more pets end up in shelters. Unfortunately, a good number of them are euthanized for one reason or another. Animals have no voice of their own, no social safety net and very few legal rights yet. They are vulnerable and unfortunately abused more often than most of us would like to think. Stray dogs and cats really need us! If you are willing to help them, there are many ways to make it happen. Perhaps the most productive of t...