Articles - Are we prepared to respond to disasters and emergencies?
14th September 2023

Are we prepared to respond to disasters and emergencies?

Natural disasters catch us unprepared. They can happen most unexpectedly, at any moment. A natural disaster can be a fire, an earthquake, a hurricane,...

Articles - How to help the victims of natural disasters
14th September 2023
How to help the victims of natural disasters

Natural disasters are something unpredictable. Unfortunately, they are not only difficult to predict, but also difficult to counter. Be it strong earthquakes, floods or fires - chances are that nature will be kind and the damage will be minimal. In some cases, however, we are not so lucky and tragedies occur that take hundreds of lives and cause serious material damage. In such situations, we need to stand together, and when we stand together i...

Articles - Ideas on how we can support our favorite art form
14th September 2023
Ideas on how we can support our favorite art form

Art is a set of different activities, in different branches of culture. It represents the creativity of authors, in the fields of music, literature, fine arts, cinema, etc. Many of them need to be supported in order to be able to develop their talent and reach as many people as possible through it. Here are some ideas on how we can support our favourite art. Art as part of culture Art is that part of culture that brings together the different e...

Articles - What is the procedure for adopting a dog from a shelter?
13th September 2023
What is the procedure for adopting a dog from a shelter?

The home becomes complete and truly wholesome only when a pet joins as a member. And when it comes to a pet, the most common choice is a dog. Although the responsibility of taking care of a pet is undeniably huge, surely the love and emotions you will get in return are worth it. However, if by chance you are unable to keep a pet at home, but you love animals and want to help them, you can choose a donation campaign from PavelAndreev.ORG and choos...

Articles - How to raise money if our pet needs expensive treatment?
13th September 2023

How to raise money if our pet needs expensive treatment?

For every owner, pets are an important part of the family. They are a member of it! We live with them and care for them, and when they need emergency care, it's only natural to want to do everything we can to help them recover. When a family is financially strapped, the way to help your pet is to organize a fundraiser. For this, you can use the Pavel Andreev platform, through which dozens of campaigns have already been run to raise funds for a pe...

Articles - Why we need to donate to art, sport and culture
13th September 2023

Why we need to donate to art, sport and culture

Art is that part of culture through which various ideas and values inherent in any society are transmitted. The main difference between the different types of art is that there is no "right" and "wrong", "true" and "false". In the field of art, each artist or his admirers have their own opinion and their own point of view about what they see in a painting, in a sculpture or in another kind of work. This is the reason why they may appeal to someon...

Articles - Raising money to build a shelter for stray dogs
11th September 2023

Raising money to build a shelter for stray dogs

The amount of money needed to build a shelter for stray dogs is really serious and frankly not within the means of most organizations trying to help animals in need. For this reason, you can often find fundraising campaigns to raise money to build a shelter for homeless animals - whether it is just for dogs; cats or other abandoned animals. Unfortunately, good intentions alone are not enough to build a shelter. As we have already said - it takes...

Articles - How much money is needed to build a shelter for homeless animals and how to attract donors
11th September 2023

How much money is needed to build a shelter for homeless animals and how to attract donors

Stray animals often become a big problem, especially in big cities. Responsibility for solving this problem usually lies with the municipalities, but this is not an easy task, which is more and more often being taken on by very enterprising and socially active people. Setting up private animal shelters is a common practice to give homeless dogs and cats a chance to get shelter and the care and attention they need. But how much money does it take...

Articles - What are the differences between a private dog shelter and a public one?
8th September 2023

What are the differences between a private dog shelter and a public one?

Dog shelters are organizations that house animals that have nowhere else to live. The reasons for this are different. Some of them are taken to a shelter because they are homeless or lost, but there are also those who have been abandoned by their owners due to behavioural or health problems. Shelters are places where they get shelter for a certain amount of time. Some of them are funded by the state, but most are privately owned, and the funds to...

Articles - How can we help parents with financial difficulties?
29th August 2023

How can we help parents with financial difficulties?

Raising a child by a single parent is a real challenge. The danger of a single parent facing financial difficulties is huge. You can help one in many ways, but frankly one of the best options is to organise a charity fundraising campaign. Of course, in such a situation, you have to tread delicately so as not to affect the honour and self-esteem of the single parent who, even if he is experiencing financial difficulties, can refuse any help as he...

Articles - Fundraising for the treatment of homeless animals
25th August 2023

Fundraising for the treatment of homeless animals

Your pet gives you his devotion and company constantly. In return, you also reciprocate with lots of love and care. Why not give some of your love for animals to the homeless as well? They need it too! One way you can help as many animals as possible to live better lives is to set up fundraising campaigns to help them - depending on the need, it could be food, better living conditions or medical care. Helping needy and homeless animals is invalu...

Articles - How can we help with natural disasters - floods, fires, earthquakes?
25th August 2023

How can we help with natural disasters - floods, fires, earthquakes?

Natural disasters, or more generally, violent weather events, can lead to entire communities having to be displaced, in need of assistance and even, in the worst case scenario, destroyed. All of us have heard of the devastating effects of floods, fires and earthquakes. We at PavelAndreev.ORG are well aware that victims need all kinds of help. Of course, moral support is very important, but in such cases it is not enough. People also need financia...