Моля помогнете на майка ни Мария Please help our mother Maria

Лечение,медицина и рехабилитация 0/0
196 Дарители
12244.74 EUR дарени от 50000 EUR
Daniela Ilieva
Мария Шилигарова
Крайна дата
Край след 49 дни
Налична сума
91.79 EUR
Daniela Ilieva организира кампания за Мария Шилигарова
Край след 49 дни
Налична сума
91.79 EUR

Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

21-ви октомври 2024
(Read in English below) Eто как изгледжа едно чудо от 3-месечно лечение в КимоТермия/Турция - от правене само на няколко стъпки за няколко минути до 1 час ходене из стадиона или родния град. Молим ви, помогнете да успеем да продължим с невероятното лечение на майка ни Мария🙏❤️🙏! Непосилно е сами да съберем нужните 51,000 евро и ще цитирам Ники Кънчев пак: “не е важно да даваме хиляди, а да сме хиляди”🙏🙏😔🙏. Благодарим ви, бъдете здрави и благословени 🥹❤️🙏! ~ Илия, Даниела и Марио (6-годишното й внуче, което я чака с нетърпение да му дойде на гости отвъд океана). This is what a 3-month treatment miracle looks like - from just a few steps and a couple of minutes of walking to being able to walk for an hour, across a stadium or the city 🥹🙏👏. Please help us to continue with the amazing treatments of our mom Maria in ChemoThermia/Turkey🙏❤️🙏! We can’t afford to pay the necessary 51,000 Euro by ourselves, and to quote Niki Kunchev, “we don’t need to give thousands but to be thousands”🙏😟🙏. Thank you and may you be healthy and blessed 🥹❤️🙏! Iliya, Daniela and Mario - her 6yo grandson who’s patiently waiting for his beloved grandma to come visit him. (Read in English below) Here is how I look at a miracle of a 3-month treatment in KimoThermia/Turkey - from taking just a few steps in a few minutes to 1 hour walking around the stadium or my hometown. Please help us to be able to continue with our mother Maria's amazing treatment🙏❤️🙏! It's impossible to raise the 51,000 euros needed on our own and I'll quote Niki Kanchev again, "it's not important to give thousands, it's important to be thousands"🙏🙏😔🙏. Thank you, be healthy and blessed 🥹❤️🙏!!! ~ Elijah, Daniela and Mario (her 6 year old grandson who is waiting anxiously for her to come visit him from across the ocean). This is what a 3-month treatment miracle looks like - from just a few steps and a couple of minutes of walking to being able to walk for an hour, across a stadium or the city 🥹🙏👏. Please help us to continue with the amazing treatments of our mom Maria in ChemoThermia/Turkey🙏❤️🙏! We can't afford to pay the necessary 51,000 Euro by ourselves, and to quote Niki Kunchev, "we don't need to give thousands but to be thousands"🙏😟🙏. Thank you and may you be healthy and blessed 🥹❤️🙏! Iliya, Daniela and Mario - her 6yo grandson who's patiently waiting for his beloved grandma to come visit him.
651.32 EUR Плащане по фактура
20 EUR Транзакционна такса

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