Моля помогнете на майка ни Мария Please help our mother Maria

Лечение,медицина и рехабилитация 0/0
196 Дарители
12244.74 EUR дарени от 50000 EUR
Daniela Ilieva
Мария Шилигарова
Крайна дата
Край след 49 дни
Налична сума
91.79 EUR
Daniela Ilieva организира кампания за Мария Шилигарова
Край след 49 дни
Налична сума
91.79 EUR

Latest Updates/Новини Latest Updates

7-ми януари 2025

(Read in English below) Призив за Помощ/A Plea for Help🙏!


Здравейте мили хора-добродетели. За много години и нека новата 2025 донесе крепко здраве на всички🙏!

Eто и малко новини от нас:

Майка ни благополучно пристигна в Истанбул миналия петък (3-ти януари) за дългоочаквания нов скенер. Въпреки че прогресът не е както се надявахме - всичко да се е изчистило на 100%, лекарите ще направят необходимите промени в плана на лечение. Както в много други случаи, финалната права е най-трудната, но с правилните подкрепа, стриктни процедури и борбен дух ние вярваме, че всичко може да се преодолее🥹🙏. 


Във всички случаи обаче ни очаква ново тримесечие на лечение, с нова проформа за заплащане, за което се молим да можем да продължим, защото още дължим 10,000 Eвро за декември. Прогресът и залогът са прекалено големи, но финансовите грижи надделяват - продължаваме със заеми и от близки, и от банки, но пак не стигат и ще е пагубно, ако се откажем заради липсата на средства.


Изключително много сме благодарни за благотворителните базари, инициативи и дарения от близки и непознати - от родния град Петрич до останалата част на родината, от Европа до Америка 🙏! За съжаление, обаче, сумите за лечение са само частично покрити, затова ни трябва по-голяма гласност на кампанията на майка ни Мария. Молим ви, споделяйте и помагайте кой както може, пишете пак за идеи към кого още да се обърнем или контакти за връзка - било то с известни личности, фирми или фондации и т.н.


Благодарим ви от сърце за невероятната подкрепа и молитвите за здраве🙏🥹❤️! Без всички вас, нашето чудо е невъзможно 🙏🫶🏻🙏.


~ Илия, Даниела и Марио - 6-годишното й внуче, което се надява да има още много прекрасни моменти, споделени заедно с баба си Мария 


Hello, dear kind people. Happy New Year and may it bring good health to all🙏! Here are some news from us:


Our mom has arrived safely in Istanbul last Friday (January 3rd) for the long-awaited new scan. Though the progress was not as what we hoped for - all clear at 100%, the doctors are making the necessary adjustments in our mom’s treatment plan. Like in many other cases, sometimes the final stretch is the hardest  but we do believe that with a great support, strict treatment protocol and strong and positive mindset anything could be overcome.


Nevertheless, we’re for sure expecting a new 3-months treatment plan, with a new pro-forma for payments which we’re not sure if we could afford as we still owe 10,000 EUROs for December. It would be heartbreaking, considering all the progress our mom has had so far, if we’re unable to go on for financial reasons - we’ve taken loans from banks and family, but the financial burden is still too heavy.


We’re beyond grateful to all the charity bazaars and initiatives and all the donations: from friends and family to complete strangers, from our amazing native city Petrich to the entire country, from Europe to the US. And still, with all these efforts, we could only partially cover the treatment costs so we really need an increased visibility for our mom’s campaign. Please share and help in any way you can, and feel free to send us any ideas as to who else we could turn to - a supportive celebrity, an organization, a charity, etc.


Once again, thank you all for your continued prayers and great support. We couldn’t have come this far without you all🙏🫶🏻🙏!


Iliya, Daniela and Mario - her 6yo grandson who hopes to spend more precious time with his beloved grandma.

(Read in English below) Plea for Help🙏!

Hello dear people of good virtue. For many years and may the new 2025 bring good health to all🙏!

Here's some news from us:

Our mother arrived safely in Istanbul last Friday (Jan 3rd) for her long awaited new scan. Although the progress is not as we had hoped - everything has cleared 100%, the doctors will make the necessary changes to the treatment plan. As in many other cases, the home stretch is the hardest, but with the right support, rigorous treatments and fighting spirit, we believe anything can be overcome🥹🙏.

In any case, however, a new quarter of treatment awaits us, with a new proforma to pay for which we pray we can continue because we still owe 10,000 Euros for December. The progress and the stakes are too high, but the financial worries prevail - we continue with loans from both relatives and banks, but they are still not enough and it would be disastrous if we gave up for lack of funds.

We are extremely grateful for the charity bazaars, initiatives and donations from relatives and strangers - from our hometown Petrich to the rest of the country, from Europe to America 🙏! Unfortunately, however, the amounts for treatment are only partially covered, so we need more publicity for our mother Maria's campaign. Please, share and help who you can, write again for ideas who else we can approach or contacts to contact - be it celebrities, companies or foundations etc.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your incredible support and prayers for health🙏🥹❤️! Without all of you, our miracle is impossible 🙏🫶🏻🙏.

~ Elijah, Daniela and Mario - her 6-year-old grandson who hopes to have many more wonderful moments shared with his grandmother Maria

Hello, dear kind people. Happy New Year and may it bring good health to all🙏! Here are some news from us:

Our mom has arrived safely in Istanbul last Friday (January 3rd) for the long-awaited new scan. Though the progress was not as what we hoped for - all clear at 100%, the doctors are making the necessary adjustments in our mom's treatment plan. Like in many other cases, sometimes the final stretch is the hardest but we do believe that with a great support, strict treatment protocol and strong and positive mindset anything could be overcome.

Nevertheless, we're for sure expecting a new 3-months treatment plan, with a new pro-forma for payments which we're not sure if we could afford as we still owe 10,000 EUROs for December. It would be heartbreaking, considering all the progress our mom has had so far, if we're unable to go on for financial reasons - we've taken loans from banks and family, but the financial burden is still too heavy.

We're beyond grateful to all the charity bazaars and initiatives and all the donations: from friends and family to complete strangers, from our amazing native city Petrich to the entire country, from Europe to the US. And still, with all these efforts, we could only partially cover the treatment costs so we really need an increased visibility for our mom's campaign. Please share and help in any way you can, and feel free to send us any ideas as to who else we could turn to - a supportive celebrity, an organization, a charity, etc.

Once again, thank you all for your continued prayers and great support. We couldn't have come this far without you all🙏🫶🏻🙏!

Iliya, Daniela and Mario - her 6yo grandson who hopes to spend more precious time with his beloved grandma.

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