Гласове с мисия – музикално студио Voices with a Mission - Music Studio

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Гласове с мисия – музикално студио Voices with a Mission - Music Studio

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Георги Пеев
Bitiş tarihi
49 Gün sonra sona erecek
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Георги Пеев Kampanyanın organizatörüdür
49 Gün sonra sona erecek
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Здравейте, приятели!

Казвам се Георги Пеев и като човек с дългогодишен опит в музиката и образованието, винаги съм вярвал в силата на музиката да вдъхновява, да изгражда и да обединява. В сърцето си нося стремежа да дам възможност на деца и възрастни да открият своя глас и да намерят подкрепа в трудни моменти чрез музикалното изкуство.

Идеята за проекта "Гласове с мисия" се роди от желанието ми да създам пространство, където всеки, независимо от своите обстоятелства, да може да изрази себе си чрез музика. За мен музиката е не само изкуство, но и средство за социална промяна, за изграждане на увереност и за подкрепа на онези, които често остават на заден план в обществото.

Целите на проекта:

- Да създам музикално студио за уроци по пеене и леки записи, достъпно за всички възрастови групи.

- Да осигуря безплатни уроци за деца в неравностойно положение и такива със специални образователни потребности (СОП).

- Да предложа уроци на възрастни от уязвими групи на половин такса.

- Да осигуря стандартни платени уроци за останалите желаещи, с цел постигане на финансова устойчивост на проекта.

- Да популяризирам идеята чрез образователни концерти в училища и други обществени институции, като работя в партньорство с МОН, РУО и други организации.

Дейности и етапи на изпълнение:

- Създаване на студиото - ремонт, оборудване и озвучаване.

- Обучение на преподавателския екип и доброволци за работа с уязвими групи.

- Провеждане на безплатни и платени уроци по пеене и записи.

- Организиране на образователни концерти в училища и обществени места.

- Популяризиране на проекта чрез социални мрежи и медии.

Очаквани резултати:

- Обхващане на минимум 100 деца и 50 възрастни през първата година.

- Провеждане на минимум 10 образователни концерта.

- Създаване на общност от хора, които чрез музиката намират подкрепа и вдъхновение.

Финансова устойчивост:

Финансирането ще покрие първоначалните разходи за оборудване и стартиране на дейността. Дългосрочната устойчивост ще се постигне чрез платени уроци и дарения. Проектът ще продължи да се самоиздържа чрез комбиниране на приходи и партньорства.

Лична мотивация

Аз съм част от образователната система и вярвам, че този проект ще създаде трайна промяна в живота на много хора. Музиката е моето призвание, а споделянето й с другите е мисията ми. Убеден съм, че с подкрепата на финансирането ще можем да изградим среда на творчество и подкрепа, където всеки глас има значение.


Hello, friends!

My name is Georgi Peev, and as a person with many years of experience in music and education, I have always believed in the power of music to inspire, build, and unite. In my heart, I carry the desire to give children and adults the opportunity to discover their voices and find support in difficult moments through musical art.

The idea for the project “Voices with a Mission” was born from my wish to create a space where everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can express themselves through music. For me, music is not only an art but also a means of social change, building confidence, and supporting those who are often left behind in society.

Project Goals:

- To create a music studio for singing lessons and light recordings, accessible to all age groups.

- To provide free lessons for children in disadvantaged situations and those with special educational needs (SEN).

- To offer lessons to adults from vulnerable groups at half price.

- To provide standard paid lessons for other interested individuals to ensure the financial sustainability of the project.

- To promote the idea through educational concerts in schools and other public institutions, working in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Regional Educational Offices, and other organizations.

Activities and Implementation Stages:

- Setting up the studio - renovations, equipment, and sound system.

- Training the teaching team and volunteers to work with vulnerable groups.

- Conducting free and paid singing and recording lessons.

- Organizing educational concerts in schools and public places.

- Promoting the project through social networks and media.

Expected Results:

- Involvement of at least 100 children and 50 adults in the first year.

- Organization of at least 10 educational concerts.

- Building a community of people who find support and inspiration through music.

Financial Sustainability:

The funding will cover initial expenses for equipment and launching activities. Long-term sustainability will be achieved through paid lessons and donations. The project will continue to be self-sustaining through a combination of revenue and partnerships.

Personal Motivation:

As part of the educational system, I believe this project will bring lasting change to the lives of many people. Music is my calling, and sharing it with others is my mission. I am convinced that with the support of funding, we can build a creative and supportive environment where every voice matters.

Hello, friends!

My name is Georgi Peev and as a person with many years of experience in music and education, I have always believed in the power of music to inspire, to build and to unite. I carry in my heart the desire to empower children and adults to find their voice and find support in difficult times through the art of music.

The idea for the Voices with a Mission project was born out of my desire to create a space where everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can express themselves through music. For me, music is not only an art, but also a tool for social change, to build confidence and to support those who are often left behind in society.

The aims of the project:

- To create a music studio for singing lessons and light recording, accessible to all age groups.

- To provide free lessons for disadvantaged children and those with special educational needs (SEN).

- To offer lessons to vulnerable adults at half fee.

- To provide standard fee-paying lessons for others who wish to do so, in order to make the project financially sustainable.

- To promote the idea through educational concerts in schools and other community institutions, working in partnership with the Ministry of Education, PTA and other organisations.

Activities and implementation stages:

- Setting up the studio - renovation, equipment and sound system.

- Training of teaching staff and volunteers to work with vulnerable groups.

- Conducting free and paid singing lessons and recordings.

- Organising educational concerts in schools and community venues.

- Promoting the project through social media and networking.

Expected outcomes:

- Reaching a minimum of 100 children and 50 adults in the first year.

- A minimum of 10 educational concerts.

- Create a community of people who find support and inspiration through music.

Financial sustainability:

Funding will cover initial equipment and start-up costs. Long-term sustainability will be achieved through paid lessons and donations. The project will continue to be self-sustaining through a combination of income and partnerships.

Personal motivation

I am part of the education system and believe this project will create lasting change in the lives of many. Music is my calling and sharing it with others is my mission. I am confident that with the support of funding we will be able to build an environment of creativity and support where every voice matters.


Hello, friends!

My name is Georgi Peev, and as a person with many years of experience in music and education, I have always believed in the power of music to inspire, build, and unite. In my heart, I carry the desire to give children and adults the opportunity to discover their voices and find support in difficult moments through musical art.

The idea for the project "Voices with a Mission" was born from my wish to create a space where everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can express themselves through music. For me, music is not only an art but also a means of social change, building confidence, and supporting those who are often left behind in society.

Project Goals:

- To create a music studio for singing lessons and light recordings, accessible to all age groups.

- To provide free lessons for children in disadvantaged situations and those with special educational needs (SEN).

- To offer lessons to adults from vulnerable groups at half price.

- To provide standard paid lessons for other interested individuals to ensure the financial sustainability of the project.

- To promote the idea through educational concerts in schools and other public institutions, working in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Regional Educational Offices, and other organizations.

Activities and Implementation Stages:

- Setting up the studio - renovations, equipment, and sound system.

- Training the teaching team and volunteers to work with vulnerable groups.

- Conducting free and paid singing and recording lessons.

- Organizing educational concerts in schools and public places.

- Promoting the project through social networks and media.

Expected Results:

- Involvement of at least 100 children and 50 adults in the first year.

- Organisation of at least 10 educational concerts.

- Building a community of people who find support and inspiration through music.

Financial Sustainability:

The funding will cover initial expenses for equipment and launching activities. Long-term sustainability will be achieved through paid lessons and donations. The project will continue to be self-sustaining through a combination of revenue and partnerships.

Personal Motivation:

As part of the educational system, I believe this project will bring lasting change to the lives of many people. Music is my calling, and sharing it with others is my mission. I am convinced that with the support of funding, we can build a creative and supportive environment where every voice matters.

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