Help Feed The Needy Family Help Feed The Needy Family

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Help Feed The Needy Family Help Feed The Needy Family

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Needy Elders Sironko Association
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Крај после 21 дена
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Needy Elders Sironko Association е организатор на кампањата
Крај после 21 дена
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In Uganda, we have a number of needy people who cannot afford to buy food due to inadequate funds to buy food . The percentage of people has increased rapidly and many are poor who cannot help themselves and struggle to get food which leaves them hungry increasing death rates. As a result, this has affected poor and needy Ugandan families and their children with lots of living with stigma because they have lost their beloved ones.
According to research, we have found out that most of our Ugandan people are being oppressed in one way or the other whereby there is difficulty in sustaining themselves with adequate food as mentioned above. Therefore, the Needy Elders Sironko Association has come up with a proposal to curb the arising problems of bacteria and diseases from inadequate food which tends to let people eat dirty food among the needy people in Buyobo Sub County.
We as Needy Elders Sironko Association came up with this Non-profit organization to help them get the basic needs as mentioned above. We are working to help various communities which are poor and cannot afford to buy food and they are on infertile land which doesn’t favour farming. Therefore, Needy Elders Sironko Association came up with this idea of raising this food distribution campaign such that needy people live a better life and save them from deadly diseases from dirty food after receiving funds and have supported us in buying and supplying food into various communities.
The association will be entitled to look after needy families by engaging them in the listed activities, as follows;
Engage in that will include
1.Food Distribution
2.Bore hole drilling
3. Emergency response
4. Qurban
5. Masjid (Mosque) construction
6. Iftar feeding
7. Zakat
8. Education
9. Agriculture
10. Livelihood
11. Women empowerment
“To Select Elders in transformed in the Buyobo Sub County with sustainable development in terms of Social, Economic and Financial outcomes”.
“To eradicate social, economic and financial problems affecting elders in Buyobo Sub County”.
This project will be carried out in collaboration with the rules and Regulations from Supporters / Funders and the Needs of the Elders. The Needy Elders are staying in Sironko district in Eastern Uganda.
* To unite all needy families in the Buyobo Sub County.
* To encourage a saving culture among needy families.
* To members to initiate and adopt affordable income-generating activities.
* Enhance on funding based, geared to accomplishing Needy Elders Sironko Association Aspirations.
* To promote positive attitudes towards development amongst members.
* To support members, and develop professionally through upgrading to higher financial levels.
* To encourage members, and promote good hygiene and sanitation.
* To encourage vulnerable members such as Orphans, widows, and girl children to live positively.


In Uganda, we have a number of needy people who cannot afford to buy food due to inadequate funds to buy food . The percentage of people has increased rapidly and many are poor who cannot help themselves and struggle to get food which leaves them hungry increasing death rates. As a result, this has affected poor and needy Ugandan families and their children with lots of living with stigma because they have lost their beloved ones.
According to research, we have found out that most of our Ugandan people are being oppressed in one way or the other whereby there is difficulty in sustaining themselves with adequate food as mentioned above. Therefore, the Needy Elders Sironko Association has come up with a proposal to curb the arising problems of bacteria and diseases from inadequate food which tends to let people eat dirty food among the needy people in Buyobo Sub County.
We as Needy Elders Sironko Association came up with this Non-profit organization to help them get the basic needs as mentioned above. We are working to help various communities which are poor and cannot afford to buy food and they are on infertile land which doesn’t favour farming. Therefore, Needy Elders Sironko Association came up with this idea of raising this food distribution campaign such that needy people live a better life and save them from deadly diseases from dirty food after receiving funds and have supported us in buying and supplying food into various communities.
The association will be entitled to look after needy families by engaging them in the listed activities, as follows;
Engage in that will include
1.Food Distribution
2.Bore hole drilling
3. Emergency response
4. Qurban
5. Masjid (Mosque) construction
6. Iftar feeding
7. Zakat
8. Education
9. Agriculture
10. Livelihood
11. Women empowerment
“To Select Elders in transformed in the Buyobo Sub County with sustainable development in terms of Social, Economic and Financial outcomes”.
“To eradicate social, economic and financial problems affecting elders in Buyobo Sub County”.
This project will be carried out in collaboration with the rules and Regulations from Supporters / Funders and the Needs of the Elders. The Needy Elders are staying in Sironko district in Eastern Uganda.
* To unite all needy families in the Buyobo Sub County.
* To encourage a saving culture among needy families.
* To members to initiate and adopt affordable income-generating activities.
* Enhance on funding based, geared to accomplishing Needy Elders Sironko Association Aspirations.
* To promote positive attitudes towards development amongst members.
* To support members, and develop professionally through upgrading to higher financial levels.
* To encourage members, and promote good hygiene and sanitation.
* To encourage vulnerable members such as Orphans, widows, and girl children to live positively.
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