This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
Надя Спасова
is an organizer for beneficiary Кристин Еленкова
Здравейте, добри хора!Hello, good people!
Кристин продължава своето лечение в Германия.Получихме добри отзиви от клиниката в гр. Майнц и се насочихме натам. В момента продължава вливането на химиотерапията. Тя се държи и бори смело. Скоро ще качим и снимки. Благодарение на вашите добри сърца тя има шанс за пълноценен живот.БЛАГОДАРИМ ВИ! Christine is continuing her treatment in Germany.We have received good feedback from the clinic in the town of. Currently the chemotherapy infusion continues. She is holding on and fighting bravely. We will upload pictures soon. Thanks to your kind hearts she has a chance for a full life.THANK YOU!
21st February 2025
Надя Спасова
is an organizer for beneficiary Кристин Еленкова
Одобрено изплащанеApproved repayment
Здравейте, добри хора. Благодарение на вас преминаваме към следващ етап от лечението на Криси. На 25.02.2015 г. летим за Германия, за да я настаним в клиниката във Франкфурт. Парите са необходими за последващо лечение, заплащане на транспортни разходи, настаняване, изследвания и всякакви съпътстващи...Hello, good people. Thanks to you we are moving on to the next stage of Chrissy's treatment. On 25.02.2015 we are flying to Germany to place her in the clinic in Frankfurt. The money is needed for further treatment, payment of transport costs, accommodation, tests and any incidental costs concerning...
80000 EUR
Paid amount to the beneficiary
0.75 EUR
Transaction fee
13th February 2025
Надя Спасова
is an organizer for beneficiary Кристин Еленкова
Одобрено изплащанеApproved repayment
Сумата е необходима за първоначални изследвания, лечение, квартира и придружаване в Германия.The amount is needed for initial examinations, treatment, accommodation and accompaniment in Germany.
10227.56 EUR
Paid amount to the beneficiary
0.75 EUR
Transaction fee
7th February 2025
Надя Спасова
is an organizer for beneficiary Кристин Еленкова
Сърдечни благодарностиHeartfelt thanks
Прекрасни хора с големи сърца, думите не ми стигат да опиша колко съм ви благодарна и дори не вярвах, че ще съберем и половината.Вие сте велики хора с огромни сърца.
Благодарение на Вас имаме шанс и по милоста на Бог:)
Нека сте благисловени и здрави.
прегръщаме Ви!Wonderful people with big hearts, words are not enough to describe how grateful I am and I didn't even believe that we could get half of it together.
Thanks to you we have a chance and by the grace of God:)
May you be blessed and healthy.
We hug you!