This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
Одобрено изплащане към ASM ANADOLU SAGLIK MERKEZI A.S.Approved repayment to ASM ANADOLU SAGLIK MERKEZI A.S.
Здравейте,мили хора!❤️
Лечението за премахване на тумора от гръбначния стълб продължава! Отново следват прегледи,скенери и т.н..
Борбата продължава!🙏
Благодаря на Бог,на семейството си!
Благодаря на всички Вас,мили хора!Бъдете здрави и благословени!🙏Hello,dear people!❤️ The treatment to remove the tumor from my spine continues! Again, the checkups, scans, etc. follow. The fight continues!🙏 Thank God, thank your family! Thank you all, dear people!Be healthy and blessed!🙏
748.08 EUR
Payment of invoice
20 EUR
Transaction fee
8th October 2024
Светла Моллова
Заедно за Светла в борбата с ракаTogether for Svetla in the fight against cancer
Здравейте,мили хора!
Пиша Ви,за да споделя,че операцията,която ми беше направена на 25.06.2024 г.е успешна!!!
Премахнати са ми два големи тумора и няколко органа!
На 3.09. проведах контролните прегледи,изследвания,ЯМР
Оказа се,че при премахване на тумора от корема ,е останала част от него между...Hello, dear people!
I am writing to you to share that the surgery I had on 25.06.2024 was successful!!!
I had two large tumors and several organs removed!
On 3.09. I had the control examinations, tests, MRI
It turned out that when removing the tumor from the abdomen , a part of it was left betwe...
18th June 2024
Светла Моллова
Одобрено изплащанеApproved repayment
Здравейте,ДОБРИ ХОРА!❤️
Искам да споделя с ВАС,че датата за първите операции е насрочена!
На 23.06. тръгваме за Истанбул-болница ANADOLU saglic
-25.06.-постъпване в отделението за планираната операция
на всички,които се включиха!❤️
Благод...Hello,GOOD PEOPLE!❤️ I would like to share with YOU that the date for the first surgeries has been scheduled! On 23.06. we leave for Istanbul - ANADOLU saglic hospital -24.06.-examinations, tests, MRIs -25.06.- admission to the ward for the planned surgery THANK YOU SO MUCH to all who participated!❤...